back at work

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after telling my sister the whole story she was shocked: ‚omg mel, you and michael jackson??' she asked. ‚yeah' i said still with tears in my eyes. ‚omg, i had no idea. i'm so sorry sis, you sound so broken..' i nodded. now my parents came in. my sister told them the story and they hugged me. i sat there in the middle of my caring family and felt a bit better now. ‚we were about to kiss. and it felt so good... but he wanted to protect me..' i said. ‚he seems so loving.' my dad said. ‚well he is. he's the most loving person i know. it feels like i've know him for years already. i simply can't explain' my parents smiled. ‚would you feel better if we listen to his music all together? you can tell us more about him.' i smiled: ‚yes, that sounds good.' my mum wiped my tears away and we started to listen to my michael vinyls. we sang and danced together. but that made my heart hurt more. i didn't say anything tho.
the next day i went to work again. it was crazy to be here again. i mean - this company gave me the chance to went to america and to meet michael. i went in my office and sat down. at that point i did check the interview with michael for the first time. the newspaper got sold so many times. it was doing so good. i never expected that... but i didn't care too. someone knocked at the door - my boss came in. ‚oh my god mel, you're back! your interview is doing so good!!' i tried to smile. ‚yeah, i'm very happy about it' i said. she sad down. ‚how did you do that? i never had something like that before... i mean: michael jackson??? simply the biggest star in the world' she laughed. ‚uhm. yeah. so..' i said. ‚anyway, i'm very proud of you. you did well!' she left the room. after that i read the interview for the first time. i smiled at the newspaper and it brought tears to my eyes again... i missed him so much. is he also feeling like that? did he forget me already? no. i felt it. he was thinking of me too right now. we had an incredible connection. it was crazy - it still is. i hugged the newspaper with the photo of him on the cover. i felt so close to him...

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now