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‚i'm gonna take you to michael.' tom said and smiled. ‚oh.. uhm yes!! that's why i'm here.' i said and laughed. ‚but, does he want to see me too?' tom looked at me and smiled: ‚mel, you're all he was thinking about in the last weeks. i'm sure he'd love to see you again.' i smiled and i was so faciliated. when we arrived at the room he smiled at me again: ‚enjoy your time' he said and left. i took a deep breath and knocked at the door. my heart was beating so fast. michael opened the door. his eyes got big and he looked so confused. i laughed and he pulled me to him and hugged me. i enjoyed this beautiful hug and i felt so safe in michaels arms. he moved a step backward: ‚oh my god mel. what are you doing here? i'm so happy to see you!' he said. ‚i had to see you again michael.' i said and smiled. he smiled at me too. we just stood there for a moment. i looked into his beautiful eyes. then he put his hand on my cheek. was he doing it now? he came closer. i closed my eyes and then our lips touched. this kiss was the most beautiful kiss i had in my entire life. it was very romantic and we both enjoyed it. i put my hand on his shoulder. after the kiss i looked at him and hugged him. he pulled my head to his chest. then he began to sing quietly and we danced a bit. it was so romantic and beautiful. til that moment we didn't say anything. we just enjoyed the moment.
after a few minutes i freed myself from his arms. we smiled at each other and were about to kiss again- but then i felt a flash right in my face. michael frantically looked to the window... he forgot to close the curtains. thousands of people with cameras were standing in front of the window.. michael ran to the window and closed the curtains, but we both knew it was too late... michael called for guards: ‚how did they get there?? how did they get on the property???' he asked a little angry. i just stood there. i didn't move and i didn't know what to do. the guards tried to calm him down and they said they're gonna take care of it. when they left the room michael came to me and took my hands: ‚look mel. this is what i meant. you're gonna be everywhere on tv now... and it's my fault.. we can't do that.. it's all my fault.. my fault..' he said and quickly left the room.

how i met the love of my life. ( michael jackson fanfiction )Where stories live. Discover now