Going to the Emerald City

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This is the first chapter of the story. I have nothing to do rn I'm in the car. So uh here you go. This was edited on 12/30/21
Dorothy and her friends were traveling down the Yellow Brick Road to The Emerald City. At the moment, it was pretty quiet as they walk, for everyone was lost in their own thoughts. Dorothy was thinking about the Emerald City, "Gosh, I wonder what the Emerald City looks like. It must truly be grand and beautiful for a Wizard to live there." The Lion was thinking about how to say he wants courage from the Wizard. "How am I gonna tell the Wizard I want courage, if I don't have any to tell him?" The Tin Man was busy worrying about where the Witch is and if she's going to come to get them. "Where are you witch? I know you are here somewhere, and once I find you I will kill you. I don't care if you keep claiming that you did nothing, but I know the truth." And the Scarecrow. He's far different than everybody else. He was thinking about how to get to his girlfriend, Elphaba. Or as everyone else calls her The Wicked Witch of the West.  "Oz, I hope Elphaba listened to me. She better go to Kiama Ko. It's much safer there for her. I don't want her getting hurt, especially with Boq as the Tin Man hunting her to kill her."

As the four friends made their way through the Emerald City, to the Emerald Palace, a thought had occurred to Dorothy, "What was the Witch like before she became the witch? Hm, maybe I should say this to my friends." Dorothy stopped walking and so did everyone. She turned to them and asked, "Guys do you ever wonder what the Witch was like before she became the Witch?" The Scarecrow chuckled "Ha all the time Dorothy. In fact, I think about all three of the Witches. Ya know Glinda, the Wicked Witches of the East and West." The Tin Man scoffed. "Ya, I could care less about the Wicked Witches. They're evil there's nothing more to it."

Dorothy looked a little disappointed at the tin man. "Oh Tin Man, they must have been something before they were witches. And what about Glinda what was she like?" The Scarecrow gets lost in his thoughts again "Dorothy you have no idea what these girls were like once. I mean Glinda was Galinda and Elphaba was a huge bookworm and Nessa was a caring sister to Elphaba and very sweet." His thoughts were interrupted by Dorothy exclaiming they reached the Emerald Palace. "Great, back to the once place where this crap all started. Hopefully, Horrible Morrible doesn't recognize me....or my captain of the Gale Force uniform; because if she did.........I would be in huge trouble and thrown in the southstairs. I really don't want to go down there. I've worked there and it is not pleasant. Besides Elphaba told me what it's like. I don't want to experience that."

As they walk in they were greeted by a Gard and he showed them to the throne room. When they walked in of course Madame Morrible was there and they told the Wizard what they wanted. Glinda had come in, with a fake smile, after their appointment and had them settle in their rooms before they head out towards the witch's castle, to kill her, which was a long journey from there.

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