Galinda Upland of the Upper Uplands arrives

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A/N: I don't feel sorry for posing all this at the same time today. I'm doing this while I'm motivated. I hope you are enjoying the story. Not that I'm going to know you people don't say anything or give me feedback so I'm only hoping for the best. We get to see Galinda in this chapter and human Boq. yay.

Elphaba was sitting on her bed when the door was flung open by an obnoxious blond. When she caught sight of Elphaba, she had a look of confusion on her face. "Who are you?" Elphaba responds with "Elphaba Thropp. Your roommate." "Ew, I have to room with the artichoke!" Elphaba rolled her eyes "Nice to meet you too. I'm assuming your Galinda Upland?" Galinda humphed. "Of the Upper Uplands if you please." Elphaba sighs. "Well if you don't mind blondie, I'm going to the library." "Okay, whatever not like I care anyway!" she said as Elphaba leaves.

Glinda sighed and shook her head. "OH YES YOU DO AND YOU KNOW IT!" the other three (except Boq) raised their eyebrows at Glinda. "Oh ha oops." she giggled.

Galinda went about to unpack her side of the room. She then left her room to go find her friends. 

"Oh my, that's a lot of pink in that room." said Dorothy. Glinda looks around between her best friend's side and her side. "Yeah," she laughs nervously "that's....a lot of pink ha. ha" 

Later Elphaba walks into a half pink filled room. her eyes widen "Oh my unnamed god. how much pink does this blond need?"


A few months go by of Elphaba and Galinda fighting with each other. Like for instance the one time Elphaba called out Galinda for caring too much about her name when no one cared. Or the time Galinda yelled at Elphaba for reading too loud. Or the time Galinda and her equally annoying friends spread terrible rumors about her. Eventually, Elphaba had enough and lost control of her magic, which didn't go unnoticed by Madame Morrible.

That's why right now, Elphaba was going to Horrible Morribles office.  she knocked on the door. "Come in."  she walks in and took a seat in front of the old fish. "You asked to see me?" "Yes dearie, as you know from your sudden outburst from the other day I would like to offer you a spot in my sorcery seminar." Elphaba looked stunned. "Wait you aren't punishing me for it?" "No, I believe you have such talent. and that's my special talent. encouraging talent. In fact, Miss Elphaba that one day if you work well you can be the Wizard's Grand Vizier." "The Wizard!" "What do you say, Miss Elphaba?" "I would like to do the seminar Madame." "Good Good. Now I don't want you missing class so you are dismissed." Elphaba thanked Morrible and left to head t Doctor Dilimonds class.

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