Before the Ball

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A/N: I'm currently watching Wicked while I write this. It's been a hot second since I've updated. I went to school in person this week but I'm not there today so I thought I'd write. Did any of you watch that thing on PBS on Tuesday? I did and I cried so hard why they talked about Wicked reopening. For some reason, that topic is a very sensitive topic for me. IDK why I wasn't planning on it.  But anyway there were a lot of tears on my face. I started crying so hard when I saw Ginna Claire Mason and Kristan Chenoweth seeing each other right before the show started. Just seeing them crying and me already crying about to start the show made me cry even harder. And then I cried when they showed the video of Ginna Claire Mason saying "It's good to see me isn't it?" for the first time since 2020. Like I already cried about that when I heard it the first time and I still do. I am not okay. 😂

Glinda was putting on her finishing touches when Fiyero knocked on her door. She fixed her lipstick looked at her hair to make sure no hair was out of place. When she was done she opened the door to see Fiyero. Glinda was excited. She knew that it was wrong to just randomly get engaged to Fiyero when he was with Elphaba, but the Wizard didn't know that and everyone in Oz thought they were the perfect couple. She might have agreed with that when she was a shallow blond back at Shiz, but looking back they weren't. He belonged with Elphaba, but she wasn't here and no one can find her......not even Fiyero. She had no choice but to follow through with the wizard and Horrible Morrible's plan on her marrying Fiyero. She didn't know why him. They could have picked any other candidate but they picked the one that wasn't even an option.  

Fiyero knew why Morrible and the Wizard wanted him to marry Glinda. It was because they knew he and Elphaba were in a relationship before Elphaba left for the Emerald City and they were thinking that if she still loved him, then maybe she'll come out of hiding to take him back. He also knew she wouldn't fall for that unless she wasn't thinking straight and that could mean a sentence in the Southstaires. He hoped that as Captain of the Gale Force he could find her before the wedding and run away with her. The only problem with that is that he has no idea where she is. He did get notified that she and a young man, probably her brother he has heard he found her, in Munchkinland last night. He hoped it was true. If they could just get a lead to the areas where she has been spotted maybe they could find her, but unfortunately it's not in one specific place, it's all over Oz. 

Glinda could tell Fiyero was thinking about Elphaba. "Fiyero, are you alright?" he nodded. "Are you sure? You're thinking about Elphie again, aren't you?" It wasn't a question she knew he was. He sighed "I'm trying to figure out how I can find her. There has to be somewhere, where she could easily hide. I mean, you know her brother, he's seventeen and he found her." Glinda looked at him quizly "What do you mean? How do you know Shell found her? I know the Gale Force was looking for him since Frex learned he ran away." "Shell ran away to find Fae. He must have found her nearby or something. He has been seen on numerous occasions with Fae, that's how we know he found her." "Huh." They headed closer to the ballroom where the party was being held. 

A Gale Force soldier saluted Fiyero when they walked through the door. When they reached the dance floor, Glinda and Fiyero began to dance. They were stopped when another Gale Force soldier came towards them with an odd look on his face. "Captain there you are! I've been looking for you." Fiyero was confused there shouldn't be anything going on.....unless she's here. "What's going on?" "Captain, as you know the Wicked Witch was spotted in Munchkinland, well we were notified by Governess Thropp that the Witch paid her a visit and turned her love into a heartless tin man." Fiyero was lost when the guard said tin man. "A heatless tin man? How is that even possible?" "Governess Thropp said the Witch did it while she was there. Apparently, the Witch did it for no reason and that she just wanted to do that." "Huh, that's...interesting. I would keep watching outside in case anything is going on." The Gale Force soldier nodded and went back to his original position outside.  

Glinda finally said something. "Fifi, do you think she'll come here tonight?" He shook his head. based on recent activity, Elphaba wouldn't be coming, unless that is if she wasn't planning some big thing and was going to bomb the palace but she most likely wouldn't. 

For now, they went back to dancing unknown to them that the wizard wasn't present at the party or the fact that Elphaba and Shell were already in the palace in the throne room. 

A/N: it's a short chapter rn, but I wanted to add this. I thought it might add to how maybe the party would look and Fiyero and Glinda's feelings, especially earlier in the story Fiyero dated Elphaba. I just wanted them to also hear about what happened in Munchkinland from earlier that night. 

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