Breakfast witch Glinda

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In case you're still wondering if I'm in the car I am. I'm in here for four hours. I'm also listening to Wicked as I write this but it's just the instrumental version because I will get distracted if I have the words. 😂 but here's chapter 2.

The next morning Dorothy, Tin Man, Scarecrow, and Lion were eating breakfast, or well Dorothy and Lion were eating, the Tin Man or Scarecrow doesn't need to eat or drink. They were joined by Glinda, who was looking for a way to get away from work. Dorothy's thought from yesterday about the witches had occurred to her again and so she decided to ask Glinda, "maybe she will know anything."

Dorothy had stopped eating and started playing with her food. Glinda looked concerned so she asked, "Dorothy are you alright?" She looks at Glinda. "Glinda, do you know anything about the Wicked Witches before they became the Wicked Witches?" Glinda had paused eating and sighed. "I was wondering when you would ask that question." The Scarecrow raised an eyebrow. "You wondered?"  Glinda rolled her eyes at him very much like Elphaba. "Yes, well Dorothy doesn't know anything about Oz. You guys, on the other hand, know some things, and besides, she going home. So I don't think she's going to go around telling everyone the truth. About the Witch's I mean."

Dorothy seems surprised "You know about the Witches?" "I know more than you think I do, Dorothy." The Tin Man scoffed. "Why would you, out of everyone, tell us anything about them. There's nothing to know. They are wicked and they always have been." Glinda's jaw hit the floor. "YOU DID NOT JUST SAY THAT!" "Oh yeah I did and you know it, Glinda!" "Elphie is my best friend and she is not wicked, you know that......BOQ!" As soon as Glinda said that she covered her mouth with her hands.

Dorothy was too confused to even pay attention anymore, so she turned to talk to the Lion. The scarecrow was thinking about their days at Shiz University. "That is the biggest lie I've ever heard come from that Tin Cans mouth."  While Glinda and the Tin Man were bickering with each other the Scarecrow decided to break it up.

"Ok guys I think that is enough, Glinda do you think you can show us?" She looks at very confused "I am very confusified right now." The Scarecrow rolled his eyes "yup, that's the Galinda I know." He sighed "like use a spell that can bring us to the past? You are trying to avoid doing work right now, yes?" She has a look of realization "OOOOH! yes, I am avoiding Madame Morrible right now. I can't take being in the same room as her right now." She says that as she makes a face. The Tin Man, finally calm, makes a comment on that. "I don't think anyone wants to be in the same room as Horrible Morrible at all."

Glinda looks at him "No, your right no one wants to be around her at all......sometimes I think the Wizard doesn't want to be either. I mean if you think about it, he goes to his private chambers all the time and doesn't let anyone in there but me, if I need him." The Scarecrow shrugs "Whatever. Just can you do that? Use a spell? And the Wizard is probably off looking at things in his past." She points her finger at him. "Yes, I can probably find a spell in one of my spell books and you would be surprised at what the wizard looks at. Every time I find him in there he's always looking at this green bottle he once told me he gave the other one to his lover. There's only two in Oz and he doesn't know where the other one is......." she gets an idea in her head and her eyes get wide "Oh Oz..... I think I just remembered I've seen one before that wasn't that one. It belongs to one of my friends."

Glinda starts to walk towards her chambers. "Oh, and before I forget I'm going to find that spell, so if you guys want to get ready in your rooms I'd go do that now if I were you." And with that Glinda had disappeared behind the corner on her way to her room.

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