Glinda in Time

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A/N: Hi, sorry I haven't updated I've had a lot of stuff to do. So remember in one of my chapters I talked about applying to a summer program? Yeah so I applied and I got in I'm pretty excited. My other best friend just signed up so hopefully, she gets in. Otherwise, I'm going alone. I can't back out now. now on to this chapter. it's kinda a side plot so bear with me.

Glinda brought Dorothy and the gang back to the present. Dorothy looked worried. Was there something that happened that Glinda didn't want her and her friends to know? She didn't know. Glinda saw Dorothy's worried face "Don't worry Dorothy, there's just something I need to see before we continue."

Fiyero and Boq exchange a glance. What could she possibly need to see that involved the Wizard and Elphaba. Fiyero tried to speak "Glinda, uh....." Only Glinda shook her head "No Fiyero, I'll tell you later." "Glinda, you know Elphaba; What is going on?" "That is non-" Fiyero interrupted Glinda "No Glin, this is about Fae. You need to tell me. You obviously know something I don't, so tell me." "Fiyero, I promise I'll tell you when I figure it out but for now I think you guys should go rest. I'll be back." Glinda walked to her room as well as Dorothy and The cowardly Lion. The Tin Man left to explore which left Fiyero to be alone. He decided he was going to his old room. After all, it was the room he was staying in. It was almost like Morrible knew who he was.
Glinda was in her room pacing. She needed to got back to when Elphaba was little, but she didn't know how far to go. She stopped pacing when she thought maybe she should go before Elphaba was born. Maybe something happened that involves Elphie's mother and the Wizard.
She decided that's what she was going to do.

Glinda chanted under her breath and everything around her faded to blackness.

When the blackness faded away she found she was in the governor of Munchkinland's home. she remembered staying he for a few days once with her friends. She noticed how the home looked the same only the home gave a brighter look that she can't explain.

Glinda heard a familiar man's voice. There was only one person who she knows that sounds like that. She followed the voice to the foyer where she saw a young woman. She was with a younger looking Frex and he seemed happier.

"Melena, I'm sorry I won't be here with you tonight. I hate to leave you alone." Said the younger Frex. "Don't worry about me dear, you have your duty. I'll be fine." Said Melena.

Glinda took note of how much Elphie looked like her mother. She seemed to be like Elphie too.

Frex gave Melena a kiss on the cheek and left. Once he closed the door Melena wiped the kiss off her cheek. She waited maybe an hour before another man came knocking on the door. Melena jumped from her seat and eagerly opened the door.

Glinda noticed the green bottle he was holding to give to Melena. She took the bottle and drank from it. The only two people that Glinda has seen the same bottle from were the Wizard and Elphaba. So who was this man?

Glinda studies the man's features. Then concluded that the man is a younger version of the Wizard. What is he doing with Elphie's mother? Glinda thought.

"Have another drink Mel. I only have one night left in Munchkinland." Said the Wizard.

Glinda decided she was gonna leave before she saw anything she didn't want to. So she skipped to when Elphaba was a baby. She thought Elphaba was adorable and she was too focused on baby Elphie that she almost missed the newspaper Melena was holding.

"I can't believe it. Can you Fabala? Oscar leaves to take over Ozma and crown himself as the Wonderful Wizard of Oz." She said sarcastically.  Now Glinda knows where Elphaba gets her sarcasm from. Melena looked at Elphaba who was playing with her stuffed Scarecrow. Melena sighed. She and Elphaba could have gone with Oscar to have a happy life but she, instead, chose to stay with Frexbar because he was able to support them. Elphaba looked at her mother.

"I wish You and I could have gone with Oscar. After all he is your real father. Not Frex but I can't leave." She said.

Everything went black before Glinda could process the fact that Melena out right said that the Wizard was her father.

Glinda blinked confusingly around her room. That's all she needed to hear. And now she has it confirmed from Elphaba's mother herself. She ran to find Fiyero to keep her promise to tell him.

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