The First Day of Shiz University

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A/N: Well I finally made it home. and I have nothing else to do so I'm writing more here and also because I'm eager to get to Shiz. I just want to say the story isn't going to entirely follow Wicked because I feel like it and I want Fiyeraba during Shiz. but somehow I'm going to have the same outcome of Elphaba becoming the Wicked Witch of the West.

When the group had arrived, they had woken up to a beautiful September day. The sky was blue and the students of Shiz, old and new, flooded the Courtyard Excited for what was to come from the new year. Dorothy looks around. "Wow this truly looks beautiful, but I don't understand how is this going to help tell me of the Witch's past?" All Glinda did was hush her. "Hush now just wait a moment, they need to get here, and for someone who, always early surely is missing school." Though Glinda spoke too soon for the Wicked Witch of the West had pushed her way between the group. She has a smile on her face and seems excited. She breathed in the air.  "Shiz University. I'm finally here."  She turned to look behind her when her father called her, wheeling in her sister Nessarose. "Elphaba," he said sternly.

Dorothy gasped when she saw the Witch. She never imagined her to be a young schoolgirl or how young she looked compared to the first time she'd met her when she accidentally dropped her house on her sister.

"Yes, father?" Frex had finally caught up to Elphaba. "You are to look after your sister while you're here." "I know father and I will." "Good." Frex turned to his other daughter. Dorothy wondered if that was the Wicked Witch of the East. "Glinda, who is that girl in the wheelchair?" "That's the Wicked witch of the East. The Wicked Witch of the West's younger sister or well you heard her name I suppose, her name is Elphaba. Elphaba Thropp and her sister is Nessarose Thropp." All Dorothy could say was "oh" and turned back to watch what's happening in front of her.

Frex had pulled out a wooden box and opened it for Nessa. "A parting gift, for my Nessarose." Elphaba rolled her eyes and the younger Thropp gasped.  "Oh father, jeweled shoes!" he nodded. "For the future Governor of Munchkinland."  He closed the box and gave it to Elphaba. "I hope you know I expect your best behavior while you are here. And no magic, you hear me?" she nodded. "Good." And with a kiss on the forehead for Nessa, Frex left to head back to Munchkinland. "Oh, Fabala isn't this place wonderful?" Elphaba smiled "It is. Come on let's go find our room." The two girls headed to the office to get their keys and room number.

Dorothy was confused about the conversation that had happened. "I don't get it." The Scarecrow answered before Glinda could. "What's there to be confused about? Their father hated Elphaba and preferred Nessarose. They do seem close don't they?" Glinda giggled "Yes, well they weren't that close but still cared for each other. Or well Elphaba cared more for Nessa than Nessa caring for Elphaba.


Everyone followed Glinda to the office. Once there they found the girls at the office. Elphaba seemed to be losing her temper. Typical Glinda thought with an eye roll. "What do you mean I'm not rooming with my sister!" "I'm sorry miss, but you are in different rooms. Your father has requested Nessarose some help and we thought it best we put her with Madame Morrible upon her request." The lady at the desk said. Elphaba sighed "Then who am I rooming with?" "Uh, I believe your roommate is Miss Galinda Upland."  "Fine whatever. what room?" "270 and here is your key." Elphaba thanked her and walked out.


After helping Nessa find her room, she went to find hers. "Oz how far is 207?" She asked herself while walking up the steps with her luggage. She finally found it after searching for a while. Elphaba grabs her keys from her pocket and unlocks the door. She looks around. "I guess this is the place I call home for a while."

Dorothy and her friends watch as Elphaba unpacks everything. "That's a lot of books" the Tin Man nods. " You should see the number of books by the time she leaves Shiz. and Glinda rolled her eyes. "What?" "Nothing, but I don't want to know how many times you've been in my room to know that." The Tin Man just shrugs.

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