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A/N: so school's done for the week, yay.  I am extremely bored now so I decided to start writing. I believe that you will see some book characters, and by meaning some I meant  Elphaba and Nessa's brother Shell. Some things would make sense if you read the one-shot I wrote the other day. Just saying. 

 Guys, I decided that over the summer I'm gonna do this program for running a business. It's only a week and I get to stay at Lycoming College, which is a college that's reached out to me for college when I go in 2024 and I looked at it cuz it been a while but like I added it to my list PLUS I GET A SCHOLARSHIP WITH THIS PROGRAM. So in other words I have just given myself more than one way to go there. All thx to that very long Homebase meeting about this program. 

Elphaba and Shell quietly run in the darkness through Munchkinland. Elphaba stopped when she heard something in the distance. Shell, who wasn't paying attention, walked right into Elphaba, who turned and glared at him. "Shell will you stop. It's getting annoying." she snapped. He rolled his eyes "Sorry I was totally paying attention to my path." She sighed sensing he was being sarcastic and looked back. When she saw nothing she motioned to Shell to follow her. 

A little later Shell and Elphaba were almost at their childhood home. Shell wanted to ask his sister a question he's wanted an answer to for a long time. "Fabala, is there any particular reason why we are going here, at all?" Elphaba rolled her eyes "Shell, you do realize that if we get father and Nessa on our side, they could help us rescue Animals or something. You know they could be a great help, to get Munchkinland to disagree with the Wizard." 

Elphaba never talks about what happened when she went to meet the Wizard. All Shell knows, from Nessa's point of view, is that Elphaba went to meet the Wizard and never come home again. Of course, Shell knows that it wasn't her fault, that's what Elphaba said, but she left for a good reason. Nessa claimed that Elphaba doesn't love our family and she ran away because she didn't want to come home. By now Nessa hates Elphaba, probably Shell too because he also ran away. 

Shell and Elphaba finally reached their former home. Now, they couldn't walk up to the front door and knock, expecting their father and Nessa to hug them and act all worried, so instead they climbed up a tree that was right outside of Elphaba's old room. When they entered the old room, they noticed that it was completely covered in dust. It was obvious that Frex didn't have anyone come in to clean it since she left. Shell wondered if his room was the same, although Frex did like him......sort of. 

Elphaba left Shell alone when she went to go find their sister, so Shell decided to explore his old home. He went to his old room, it wasn't as dusty so Frex had someone clean it although it seemed to not be frequently cleaned. All of his things were just how he left them, his books were on the shelf, all of his little trinkets in their perspective spots on another shelf, even his paper he was working on for school still sat on his desk from where he left it when he decided he was going to run away to find his sister. He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard his older sisters yelling. Before he left, he grabbed his favored picture of him and Elphaba and stuffed it into his bag. He didn't want to know what happened so he waited for Elphaba in her room, when she came back she looked hurt and upset. Shell knew better than to ask Elphaba what happened he knew she would tell him eventually. 

Elphaba grabbed her broom from where she hid it and climbed out the window with Shell right behind her. They took off and flew in the direction of Emerald City. 


Dorothy was confused. She had no idea that the witches had a brother, but Glinda, Fiyero, and Boq must have known they had a brother because they weren't confused. Glinda was.......she didn't even want to know. she looked at Fiyero and shook her head "This family is....something else." Fiyero nodded "Yeah definitely." "Well Fiyero, good luck." and Glinda walked away leaving a very confused Fiyero "what?" he said with an eyebrow raised.

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