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A/N: This is a little bit of what Elphaba and Shell do in the present. I'm in the mood for reading act two Elphaba so I'm writing that. Would you look at that I posted twice today. That's a awhile.

Elphaba made it back to Kiama Ko to find her brother messing around with the flying monkeys. She saw they made a huge mess everywhere. Things were off the shelves, things thrown everywhere. She sighed and shook her head.

Shell saw his sister coming in but what surprise him was to see her smiling. He hasn't seen her like that since he saw her with Fiyero. "Fabala, why are you smiling like an idiot?" She stoped where she was "What?" "You're happy. Why?"
"Can't I be happy for no reason?" "Elphaba you're you. You aren't happy for no reason. So as your brother I think I should know why." She rolled her eyes and kept walking up the steps. Shell followed her continuing to antagonize her till she spilled what's making her happy.

"Oz Shell, you're worse than Glinda." She said annoyed. "Come on please Fabala? I wanna know." He whined. "No. Why can't you leave me alone?" "Because I'm your annoying little brother and I have the right to annoy my older sisters well... sister now I guess." She rolled her eyes again. By now they were in the western tower and Elphaba grabbed the Grimmerie. She opened it to a page to maybe find away to fix Fiyero but she didn't read the words on the page.

Shell just looked around the room. It wasn't that organized. There were papers all over the desk and books everywhere. (where's the surprise in that) she said something so quiet he almost missed what she said. "He alive." "Who?" He asked. "Fiyero." He was confused how was Fiyero alive. He may not have witnessed Fiyero's guards beat him but he knew what happened when she came back distraught. She did eventually tell him what happened. "What? How Fabala. There's like no way he could've survived that?" "I know. I thought he died but I guess I....I saved him Shell. I turned him into a scarecrow" his fauce lit up like a light bulb. "Oooooh. You mean like the scarecrow guy with the farm brat?" She sighed sadly "The very same one." "At least he's alive. Did you see him at all?" "Maybe." He raised an eyebrow. "Okay! Yes I did. It may not have been the way ì wanted but we did fight a little. We're fine now and he did kiss me before I left." He looked at his sister who was blushing "Fabala! That's why your smiling!" She looked at him with a straight face "No really I had no idea." He rolled his eyes at her sarcasm.

Shell decided he was done antagonizing his sister. He went downstairs and found Chistory who was with the other winged monkeys.

Elphaba stayed in the tower the rest of the day searching for a spell to make Fiyero a human again.

A/N: This is what I'm witnessing rn. Uh......... I- I it was a lip sync battle if I want it that way and tequila I want to add the picture but I won't let me 😭

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