In the Emerald City

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A/n: as I'm typing this I'm listening to Non-stop from Hamilton. How ironic lmao.

Dorothy didn't expect Glinda to meet the wizard with The Wicked Witch of the West. "Glinda I know you said you've met the Wizard but you never said you meet him with the witch." Glinda sighed " Yes Dorothy I met the wizard with Elphaba."

Elphaba and Glinda had made their way to the hotel and checked in, and found their room. Glinda is laying on her bed with her face up to the ceiling. "Oh Elphie, I can't believe we're in the Emerald City. And to meet the Wizard is going to be amazing." She sits up watching Elphaba writing at the desk. "This is your dream come true. You told up to me you wanted to work for the Wizard since Horrible Morrible mentioned it at the beginning of the year." Elphaba laughs. "Haha yeah. I mean it's a possible way for me to get out of taking care of Nessa for the rest of my life." Glinda rolled her eyes. "I swear your father is a jerk. If I EVER meet that horrible excuse of a man I will hurt him." Elphaba turned around with a raised eyebrow. "Glin I don't think that you're gonna do anything." "Hm, maybe I'll get Fiyero to do it for me." Glinda responded. Elphaba went back to writing, "I don't think Fiyero would get that far considering my father is the Governor of Munchkinland." Glinda shrugged "Worth a try."

Dorothy looked very confused. So she looked at Glinda. Glinda sighed "Yes Elphie had social status, just like me." Fiyero on the other hand snorted. "All of her friends had social status. I'm pretty sure she was friends with a prince, you, and the mayor of munchkinland." Glinda glared at him. "Thank you for that information that I definitely didn't know."

The next day Elphaba and Glinda decided to wander around the Emerald City. As they walk Glinda spotted another shoe store. "Oh Elphie, the Emerald City is so beautiful." Elphaba looks around and agrees. "It is. It feels like I was meant to be here. I mean look no one is laughing or pointing at me." Glinda giggled "oh Elphie let's go see Wizomania." And Glinda grabs her arm and runs to the theater. "Two tickets please to see Wizomania," Glinda told the lady at the counter.

"What is Wizomania?" Dorothy asked. Fiyero answered before Glinda could. "It's a play on how the wizard became the wizard. It's really boring." Glinda rolled her eyes. "Of course, you would say that about Wizomania."

A/n: Not the longest chapter I've done, but give me a break I just haven't really been watching Wicked and or writing Wicked content so I just need to get used to it again. I've taken a break long enough I need to finish this.

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