As long as you're mine

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A/N: I started this right after I posted the last chapter but I finished today. Some kid came to our beach house that we rented for this week and asked us if we wanted eggs. Just eggs. Like there's 30 of them in there and we leave tomorrow. 😂 My Grandpa was making fun ish of it. It was so funny. I was just there watching the Wizard of Oz. He named the kid Charlie because we don't know his name.

"Okay Glin, do you think we could like I don't know....skip this part?" Fiyero asked with a nervous smile. Glinda stared blankly at him "No Fiyero, I can skip some of it but we aren't skipping all of it." "Do you really need to see Fae and I-" "Dude I don't need to know that." Boq interrupted. The lion had been suspiciously quiet this whole time. "Lion?" Asked Dorothy "Hm?" "Are you alright?" "I'm fine. I just hate the witch." Glinda and Fiyero, who was still trying to convince Glinda to skip this part, turned to the lion with a glare when they heard him call her a witch. Boq rolled his eyes at them but stopped when he heard something in the woods. "Wait. Why are we in the woods?" Boq asked Fiyero suspiciously. Fiyero's face reddened and looked away.

Elphaba and Fiyero made their way into the clearing. While Elphaba was setting down her broom, cape, and hat Fiyero was holding the lantern he found to search for any Gale Force officers. When he didn't seen any he turn to Elphaba and nodded to her that there wasn't anyone there.

"What is going on?" Asked Boq. Fiyero put an arm around the tin man's shoulder "One of the best nights of my life." He smirked. "What?!" Boq looked at Fiyero disgusted and horrified. "If Nessa and Elphaba were here, they would have smacked you." Fiyero only shrugged.

Fiyero set the lantern down and took both of the green girl's hands and led her to sit on the ground. She let go of Fiyero's hands but he took them back, kissing her hands. She looked up at Fiyero, still not believing that he still loved her and left a life of luxury to become a fugitive. He looked at her. He was finally happy. He was happy to be back with the woman he loved. He lifted her chin to look at her deep brown eyes. He leaned down and kissed her.

"GLINDA, NOW WOULD BE A GREAT TIME TO SKIP!" Shouted Fiyero. "WHAT DID YOU DO, FIYERO?!" Boq shouted back. Fiyero took a deep breath "I don't think you want to know munchkin." "I'll just move past that now." Glinda said quickly. "Thank you" Fiyero said.

The scene changed to Elphaba and Fiyero lying in each other's arms sleeping. When they later woke up, they stayed there not saying anything. Fiyero was looking at the sky thinking "You know Fae, this has to be one of the best nights for me." Elphaba hummed "You think so?" "I know so." He grinned. Elphaba untangled herself from her lovers arm and sat up. When she did this, Fiyero began to worry "Fae? What is it?" "Nothing. It's just I can't believe that you're here. With me. I feel like you shouldn't be here," "but?" "But I'm glad you left. I know it makes me feel selfish and I feel guilty-" Fiyero cut her off "Fae, you and Glinda will make up. I know you will. It will take time, yes, but I am confident you will and even-" He was cut off when Elphaba sat up even more and shushed him when she heard something.

Glinda furred her eyebrows. That's weird. That sounds like Nessa after..... her eyes went wide. "Oh my Oz! Nessa!" Everyone looked at her. Dorothy stepped closer to Glinda "What do you mean?" "Uh..." Fiyero stayed quiet because he knew exactly what was happening and he didn't want to shout it. Boq just looked at him, confused.

"Did you hear that?" She asked. "What?" When she asked that he grew more concerned. "It someone. Someone who's hurt?" Fiyero got up and looked around "it's just the wind." She shook her head " sister is in danger." Fiyero just stared at her "what? How do you know?" "I don't know I just do..." Elphaba gasped when she looked up to see a house. No a flying house. "It's a house.....and it's flying through the sky." She watched it as it flew past her and Fiyero. "I don't see anything." She shook her head to clean it. "I have to go find Nessa." She turned to grab her hat and broom. "I'll come with." She wiped her head to Fiyero "No you mustn't. It's too dangerous."

He walked to her and put a hand on her arm. "Listen to me, my family has a castle, Kiama Ko; no ones there except the centuries that watch over it, We've ever lived in it." Elphaba's brows furrowed "Where do you live?" "The other castle." "Oh course." She said dryly. "It's the perfect hid out with secret passages, you'll be safe there." Elphaba breathed heavily "We will see each other again, won't we." Fiyero cupped his hands on her face "Elphaba, we'll be together always." She whispered an okay and gently kissed him. After their goodbye she took her broom and flew to the direction of Munchkinland.

"Well......that's kinda awkward. Now I feel bad because you two were having such a cute moment and I interrupted it." Dorothy complained. Fiyero chuckled "Yep. I miss those days myself. If I didn't do the next part, I wouldn't be a scarecrow right now." "I'm so confused." Was all Dorothy could say to that.

Fiyero grabbed the lantern and looked at the sky to see if Elphaba was right and to his surprise there was a flying house above his head, heading for the direction Elphaba went. He made the decision to follow her to Munchkinland. He ran through the forest also heading for Munchkinland.

A/N: it's 9 o'clock at night. I should be packing but I felt the urge to write this and when I do I have to or else I'm not gonna do it. But I finally finished this part. I'm going to be honest, these next few chapters are my favorite scenes in the musical. That includes this chapter. Cuz I love As Long as Your Mine, the cat fight scene, and No Good Deed. My best friend and I actually preformed the cat fight scene. She was Glinda and I played Elphaba. It was a lot of fun and I got an A on that.

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