Defying Gravity

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A/N: I'm sorry I haven't posted. I wanted to on Saturday but instead, my mom took my sisters and me to Virginia to see my grandparents. But I'm here now and I'm going to try my best to write this chapter it's another hard one because I don't know how I'm going to write it. 🤷

Elphaba, who was now standing with the book in her hands, didn't answer him. She just bolted out of the room with the Grimmarie in hand. 


 Dorothy was shocked. She didn't know what to think. All this time she believed the Wizard was a wonderful man, who did nothing but good. But boy was she wrong. She didn't expect the Witch to become well, the witch from a bunch of liers, who only wants to make her the scapegoat to Oz besides the  Animals. They want the people to believe that an innocent girl was wicked just because she turned a bunch of monkeys into winged monkeys. Dorothy mentally shakes her head to clear her thoughts. 


Elphaba had nothing else she could do. she couldn't join the Wizard. Not now; not after what happened in the thrown room. She needed to get out and as fast a possible. But how? She didn't run out of the palace. All she did was run up the steps, not stopping when Glinda called after to her to slow down. 

Eventually, she reached the top of the stairs.  She didn't know where to go now that she had reached the attic of the palace.  She couldn't just turn around to go downstairs and out the front door, the Wizard had already called his guards to capture her. She was now a fugitive and she can't back out of it now. 

If it meant to run and become a fugitive to help save the Animals, then that's exactly what Elpahab is going to do. 

By the time Glinda had caught up with Elphaba, she tried to tell her that if she says sorry to Morrible and the Wizard, she could get what she's always wanted. But to her annoyance, Elphaba was being extremely stubborn and refused to go down and say sorry. 

"Glinda, I can't just go down there, it's not going to work." Elphaba tried to reason with Glinda while she was finding a way to barricade the door. After some time and more of Glinda's attempts to convince Elphaba to change her mind, Elphaba had found an old broom to lock the doors shut. 

It was too late for Elphaba to turn back now. She had already been proclaimed a Wicked Witch by Morrible, and the Ozians believed the old hag of the lies she had spread in that very moment. In the act, Elphaba made a rash decision to read the same spell she read down in the thrown room. Instead of giving her wings, as it did for the monkeys, it instead enchanted the old broom to fly. 

Elphaba grabbed the broom. She knew that if she asked Glinda to come with her, they could be a powerful team. No one would want to mess with them. Unfortunately, Glinda refused to go with Elphaba, but she did encourage Elphaba to go and do what she felt was right. 

It also had been the same time the guards made their way into the room. Fortunately for Elphaba, she had already taken the broom and hid somewhere safe, out of sight. Glinda had chosen to stay at the palace to work for the Wizard and Morrible after she graduated. She also now had tears running down her face because she knew this was the last time she was going to see her best friend for a very long time. 

Elphaba took the opportunity to fly away out the window to escape the guards. She knew she wasn't going to see Glinda for a while. She knew that she wasn't going to see her Fiyero again for a long time. Only a matter of time before they all see each other. Elphaba flew towards the Gliken forest where she'll have to find shelter for the night. 

That night Elphaba had laid down on the bed that she found in an abandoned cottage. She had cried herself to sleep thinking about the day's events and the people she left behind to fight the Wizard. Little did she know Glinda did the same thing after she had gotten back to Shiz that night. She wouldn't come out of her room till Fiyero had come the next morning to welcome the girls back. To his surprise, he only saw Glinda back. He had asked where his girlfriend was but all Glinda did was cry on his shoulder before she told him everything. 

A/N: There we have it. Finally finished the end of act 1. Yay. Now to do my favorite act of the show tomorrow.........maybe. It depends if I feel obligated to do so. Since my school decide they weren't going to have enough teachers at our school on Thursday, I now have to continue online school till Friday. I was supposed to go back on Wednesday but.......My school is just fun after the holidays. Gotta love covid. 

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