Off to see the Wizard

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After the holidays Elphaba was called to Madame Morrible's office. So she's heading there with Fiyero since it's on his way to his next class. Ever since he and Elphaba began dating he also started going to his classes instead of out drinking and not attending them.

"Do you think you got in trouble and did something wrong and that's why you're going to Horrible Morrible?" She shook her head. "No, I don't think so unless my father complained again that I'm not responding to him." He thought for a second. "Then what do you think it is?" She sighed. " I have no clue Fiyero." They stopped in front of the office door. Fiyero gave her a kiss on the cheek and head toward his class.

Elphaba knocked on the door. Morrible called her in. "Come in dearie." When she saw the worried look on Elphaba's she quickly told her she's not in trouble. "Don't worry Miss. Elphaba you're not in trouble." Elphaba sighed in relief. "But I do have something important to talk to you about. I received a letter from the wizard. My dear, he wishes to meet you." Elphaba's eyes widened. The wizard wants to meet me?! "The wizard?"

Morrible nodded. And handed over the letter. "You may bring one other person with you on this trip. And you and whoever you bring and yourself will have your rooms paid for. You will be staying in the best hotel there is in The Emerald City. You will also have three days in The Emerald City. The first day will be time to be settled in the city and to do whatever you like. On the second day, you will have a full day to explore the city with whoever you bring. On the third day, you and whoever you bring will go to the Emerald Palace to meet the wizard."

Dorothy's eyes widened. "I thought the guy at the gate told us no one has ever met the Wizard?" Fiyero scoffed. "Please many people have met that fraud." She was confused. What does he mean by fraud? Glinda decided she was going to tell her. "Whenever this decides to show us that fateful day is when you'll see the truth of him but I'll tell you who's met the Wizard. Myself, Morrible, Fiyero, and Elphaba The Wicked Witch of the West." "That's not that many people still. Both Glinda and Fiyero nodded.

Elphaba hugged Madame Morrible. "Thank you, Madame. I won't let you down." She ad got up and left the room. When she returned to her dorm Galinda had just finished painting her nails. She turned her head to see Elphaba have a huge smile on her face. She raised an eyebrow. "What's that look for? Is it something to do with Fiyero?" "No. I got a letter." Galinda turned all the way around to allow herself to see Elphaba. "From who? A secret admirer?" Elphaba rolled her eyes. "If I had a secret admirer they must really love me. You know with my good-looking green skin that everyone loves." She shakes her head as Galinda laughs. "No, but seriously I got a letter from the Wizard. He wishes to meet me." Galinda's eyes widen. "Oh, my Oz Elphie this is amazing." Elphaba hands her the letter so she can read it herself. "Wow, he even asked u personally and everything." Elphaba nodded. "I'm aloud to bring one extra person. I was originally wanted to ask Fiyero but I thought I'd be better to ask you since you've never been to the Emerald City." Galinda's eyes watered. "Oh, Elphie I would love to go to the Emerald City with you. Do you know how much shopping we could do or salons?" Elphaba could only laugh. "There are other things to do you know. Like, go see Wizomania. I know you really want to see that badly."  Galinda giggled "I've always wanted to see the Emerald City."

A/N: I started this chapter this morning but I only finished it now at 4:oo in the morning cuz I was off doing other things. I knew I would end up waking up and writing.

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