Wonderful pt1.

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Elphaba and Shell flew to the Emerald City in silence hoping they wouldn't be spotted. A word wasn't spoken until they reached their destination. Elphaba looked at shell "I want you to be on the lookout for the Gale Force. Understand?" Shell didn't want to be added to her list of people she was mad at so he didn't say anything and just nodded. He left to guard outside the throne room. He didn't know what his sister was doing, but knowing her it was most likely a very dangerous mission. 

Elphaba looked around for the way to open the cage. Nessa wasn't wrong, She's there looking for both Fiyero and to set the monkeys free. First on her agenda was to set the monkeys free since that was what the Resistance gave her to do, of course with her brother too. She didn't realize she was being watched till the Wizard decide to make his presence known. 

"I knew you'd be back," he said in the loud booming voice he uses in his audience. The sound also made Elphaba jump since she didn't expect him to be there. She turned and put her hands to defend herself from him "Just hear me out, I don't want to harm you." "Well, you have. You have harmed me." "I know, and I regret it. Elphaba-" he grabbed her broom so she couldn't get it. "Stay where you are. I'm setting those monkeys free and if you try to interfere or call your guards-" 


Dorothy didn't understand. She knew that Elphaba didn't like the Wizard, but what she didn't understand is how he was trying to get her to believe him even though it seems like he was lying in her face. What also seemed odd to Dorothy was that both of them seemed......similar? Like somehow they were related. She can see some features they both share and how stubborn they are. They were also determined to do what they do.....although one was to fight against the Wizard, and the other one was to fight against the witch. It seemed she wasn't the only one thinking that. 


"I'm not going to call anyone. Truth is...I'm glad to see you again." She gave him a look of disgust and look walked away from him. He sensed that she was letting him continue to speak "It gets pretty lonely around here, I think you must get lonely too."  "You don't know the first thing about me." She responded coldly. "Oh, but I do, I know the real reason you came back. It's why everyone comes to see the Wizard; so I'll grant their hearts desires." Yeah, I'm sure you know I want Fiyero, but it seems you can't do that. Oh, and while you're at it maybe unban the Animal bans, that would be great too. Well, it seemed you can't give me my heart's desires, such pitty really. 

Instead of saying her thought out loud, she chose to say something else "I don't want anything from you." He knew that was a lie though "Sure you do. You want to stop fighting, stop running." How- "Elphaba, you've been so strong throughout all of this. Aren't you tired of being the strong one? Wouldn't you like someone who can take care of you?" Yeah, Fiyero. Who else did you have in mind? "please, can't we start again?" Here we go..... she grabbed her broom from him "Don't you think I wish I could?" the wizard rolled his eyes. And here I thought I was stubborn. "I would give anything to turn back the clocks, go back to the time when I actually believed that you were wonderful." She chuckled "The wonderful Wizard of Oz" she mimicked "No one believed in you more thank I did." She turned away from him. "Elphaba, you don't understand," she rolled her eyes Oh I understand more than you think I do. 

"I never had a family of my own. I was always traveling. Except the one of course back in Kansas. So I guess I just wanted to give the citizens of Oz, everything," Elphaba rolled her eyes again. Oh, now you give me a sob story, just wonderful. wait-  "So you lied to them?" concerned that he's been lying the whole time, even before she met him. "Only verbally" The Wizard shrugged." 


Glinda could see it. She knew that Elphaba was defiantly related to the Wizard. She got an idea. "I think.....I need to take you back to the present."  the rest of the group was confused but went with it. 


A/N: Hi on facetime with my best friend rn. but I got this idea while talking I don't want to spoil anything but there is a reason why I but part of this chapter. 

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