Thank Goodness

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A/N: Hi I'm back while I'm on break. So now even that long ago I posted a new story of one-shots for this story from Shiz-The Wicked Witch of the West time. There isn't that much on there right now but I will update that after I update this story.  

Glinda is pacing; she knew that Dorothy wanted to see more. But how far could she go? Ugh, I told Fiyero I would show them our engagement. So now I guess I have to show them that. I know it's not fair to Elphie but everyone thought they were in a relationship, and I know it hurt Elphie.

The others were watching Glinda as she paced. She was trying to make a decision. Fiyero stood up to stop Glinda before she wore a dent on the floor. "Okay Glin, stop. What are you doing?" She stopped "I don't know where to start. Like, Do I start with Elphie on the run...or start with our engagement." Fiyero started to think "Engagement." Glinda nodded "Okay." 

Glinda had chanted under her breath and everyone's vision blurred to blackness. When their vision cleared they were now outside of the Emerald Palace. An older-looking Glinda and Fiyero stood on stage with Madame Morrible.  Dorothy could say that Glinda looks the same as now. 

It looks like Glinda had called for a celebration because the citizens were excited. Morrible is now going to announce as she steps towards the microphone "Now captain how does it feel?" Fiyero steps forward explains how he feels looking for the Wicked Witch but was interrupted by Morrible. "No! Being engaged!" Fiyero turned to look at Glinda " This is an engagement party?!" "Surprised?" "Yes" but his tone didn't sound exciting, it sounded more like stress. 

Even though the day was supposed to be about their beloved Glinda and prince Fiyero's engagement people still slipped in talk about the Wicked Witch. They spread these lies and rumors made by Madame Morrible. Fiyero started to get uncomfortable, after all, they were talking about his love. There is no way these small-minded people believe that people can melt if their souls aren't pure. I have to get out of here. Ugh, I can't belive they all want me to marry Glinda. Fiyero walked off the stage frustrated. When Glinda realized he walked away, She followed him to see what was wrong with him. It was their engagement and he doesn't seem happy about it.  "Fiyero are you alright?" "Yup, just perfectly fine." she raised an eyebrow " You don' want to get married, do you? I mean, I know you want Elphie but, Fiyero you must know, she isn't coming back. No matter how hard you look, she doesn't want to be found. You've got to face it." Fiyero took a deep breath and sighed "You're right. And look Glin, of course, I'll marry you. " He smiled and then walked back into the palace. 


The scarecrow looked sad. Glinda put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright?" He sighed "No. I just remember getting so angry about all those rumors about Elphaba, and to top it all off the whole engagement. I mean it was something I felt was pressure put on top of me. I just remember how much I missed Fae, wishing for her to come and take me away from that mess." Glinda looked at him sadly "Oh Fiyero, I'm sorry if you felt that way. I wasn't the one who wanted it. If I had a choice I wouldn't have gone through with the engagement. I know you are meant for Elphie and not me." 


Fiyero had gotten back to his room. Right now he was face down on his bed. He was told by a maid that they were having an engagement ball later that evening. He didn't feel like getting up so he stayed right where he was. "Oz, can someone please tell me what in Oz name I'm doing?" Why couldn't Elphaba just show up and take him away from this Oz forsaken place? 

Later at the ball Glinda and Fiyero danced the night away without any knowledge of a black figure watching them. 

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