The Wizard of Oz

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A/N: This is where everything goes downhill that's probably why I'm procrastinating on it. And I love Wicked. 🤷‍♀️ let's just see how this goes. I'm back here adding as I'm writing. I completely forgot the scene now that I'm writing it. I'm just gonna follow the bootleg I have with Michael McCormick (he's my second favorite Wizard after Kevin Chamberlin because I saw him in October and fantastic in person.)

It was the morning when Elphaba and Glinda would meet the Wizard. "Elphie, are you sure you'll be alright?" She shrugged "you'll be there with me, I'll be fine. What about you?" "I guess you're right; I am a little nervous. It's the Wizard after all."Glinda sighed.

The girls start walking to the Emerald Palace, unknowingly walking right into the trap of Madame Morrible and the Wizard. Eventually, after walking for about ten minutes they reached the Palace. Elphaba showed her letter to the guard at the door. After asking a few questions they were let in. He led them to a waiting room. When Elphaba sat down she started getting nervous. Glinda grabbed her hand to calm her down. "Hey, Elphie it'll be alright, remember? You're gonna do great and then you'll become the magic grand vizier to Oz." Elphaba laughed "Yeah, I'm just nervous that I'm meeting my idol. I thought it'd never happen, but here I am waiting for my audience with him."

The guard came back. "The Wizard will see you now; follow me." The girls got up and followed the guard down a hall made of Emeralds. He opened the door to the throne room. When the girls stepped in the room was in complete darkness. Madame Morrible was standing where they can't see her, holding the Grimmerie in hand. As soon as the doors closed, a loud booming sound came from the metal head. "I AM OZ THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE WHO ARE YOU, AND WHY DO YOU SEEK ME."

Elphaba panicked a little but responded. "I am...Elphaba Thropp, your terribleness; and this is my fri-" she was stopped when the Wizard realized who she was. "Oh is that you Elphaba; I didn't realize." The Wizard turned the metal head off and came out from behind. He wasn't what Elphaba expected. He was an older man with salt and pepper hair. "Now, which is which." He looks at Elphaba. "Elphaba." She nods "a pleasure Elphaba, and  you might be-" "Glinda, the gaw is silent." While Glinda was introducing herself to the Wizard, Elphaba took the time to look around at the place she once dreamed of being. The Wizard interrupted her thoughts. "I know it isn't much, but you have to give the people what they want."

Elphaba didn't know what to say so she said "I am so happy to meet you." "Well, that's what I love best, making people happy. You know, I am a sentimental man, who always longed to be a father." Elphaba remembered what she came for "Oh your Ozness, you see we came to ask something." Glinda looked confused. "We did?" "Yes," She said to Glinda "you see, something bad is happening to the an-" but she was cut off by the Wizard. "Oh, I already know why you've come. I'm the Wizard of Oz and I will grant what your hearts desire."  Both Elphaba and Glinda gasped and the Wizard continued to speak. "Of course, you'll have to do as I ask. MADAME THE BOOK!" Madame Morrible came running out of her hiding spot with the Grimmerie. "Right away your Ozness."

Glinda and Elphaba gasped again. "Madame Morrible!" The Wizard chuckled "I assume you are well acquainted with my new Press Secretary." Elphaba gasped "Press Secretary?!" It was Morrible's turn to chuckle "Yes dearies, I've risen up in the world."
She chuckled again "you'll find he's a very generous man; if you'll do something for him, he'll do something for you." "Well, what would you like me to do?" The Wizard thought up a great lie for her to do. "Well, uh this is my monkey servant Chistory. He watches the birds so longingly every morning." Morrible stepped in "So his Ozness was thinking, A levitation spell."

Glinda recognized the book in Morrible's hands "I don't believe it; is that....the Grimmerie?" "Yes, the ancient book of spells and enchantments." Can" Morrible mocked her "No." she flipped to the right page and handed it to Elphaba.  Elphaba observed the writing on the page. "What funny writing." "It's a lost language; the lost language of spells." The Wizard stepped in "It's a recipe book for change." Morrible spoke to Elphaba again "Don't be discouraged if you can't dispherate it, dearie. I can only read a spell or two; it takes years and years to-"

she was cut off by Elphaba beginning to chant the spell perfectly even though she doesn't understand what she's saying. Morrible and the Wizard were happy, not because of the fact that she can read it, but because she was powerful enough to read it without learning how to. But she stopped when she saw Chistory in pain. "What is it; is something wrong?" Morrible spoke, "it's just the transformation dear." "Why can't he answer me?"

As soon as she said that two bat-like wings sprouted from Chistory's back. Glinda, who's watching the whole time decides to say something. "Elphie you did it! You actually did it!" The Wizard was happily talking with Morrible in the back. Meanwhile, Elphaba looks for a spell to fix it "quick, how do I reverse it?" Morrible answered too happily "You can't; you can't reverse the spell. Spells are unreversable."  She goes back to the Wizard "Oh I knew it. I knew she had the power!"

Elphaba looked between her former headmistress and her Idol "Y-you planned all this." Morrible turned back to her. "Oh you too dearie, you better did too." The Wizard spoke to Elphaba "And this is only the beginning. Look at what you've done." He pulled a lever that was connected to the metal head. It opened to show more monkeys wicked wings. Elphaba's heart is pounding in her ears when she realized what was happening. She turned away unable to look at anyone in the room. The Wizard spoke to her again "If this is what you can do, the sky's the limit." Morrible in Aw over the winged monkeys "look at the wingspan; oh they'll make perfect spies." Elphaba turned to Morrible. "Spies." The Wizard worried over Elphaba not agreeing with him "You're right," he glared at Morrible "that's a harsh word." He turned back to Elphaba "ah....what about scouts, that what they'll be really. They'll fly around Oz reporting any Animal activity."

Elphaba couldn't believe what she was hearing. All this time that Wizard was causing all the Animal banns. "So it's you," she said in a voice above a whisper "you're behind it all?" "Elphaba, when I first got here there was discord and discontent; and where I come from everyone knows, the best way to bring folks together: is to give them a really good enemy." Elphaba didn't want to listen anymore or even look at him, disgusted that she ever idolized him. "You can't read this book at all.....can you?" Looking back up from the book "That's why you need an enemy and spies and no...real power."

The Wizard still crouching to Elphaba's level while she sat on the floor "Exactly. That's why I need you. Don't you see, the worlds you're oyster now! You have so many opportunities ahead of you." She spots Glinda who has been quiet the whole time. "You both do." He said while holding out a hand to Glinda. "Oh thank you, your Ozness." He looks back at Elphaba "What do you think? Will you join us?"

Elphaba, who was now standing with the book in her hands, didn't answer him. She just bolted out of the room with the Grimmerie in hand.

A/N: I'm ending this chapter here. Lol, we all know what's gonna happen but still a cliffhanger.

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