Wonderful pt. 2

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A/N: I started writing this at three in the morning on vacation. I can't help it if I literally just woke up like 2 minutes ago. It's the next day and that night I only did the authors note. S I'm doing it a 7 because my mom woke me up because of a wiled horse that was in our front yard. Isn't that fun?

Glinda gathered Dorothy, Boq, Fiyero, and the Lion; She brought them to her room where they stand. "So I thought we maybe skip through Elphie and the Wizard's uh......yeah. I'm not saying we skip the entire thing but just that part, from what I was told, was just him pretty much saying 'You should join me; I'm wonderful.' I thought it would bore you so I'm going to jump right on ahead to right after that. You'll thank me later." Said Glinda with a smile on her face. If Fiyero wasn't a scarecrow his face would be red from embarrassment. He knew exactly where this was going.

Glinda chanted under her breath and everything went black. When it cleared they were back in the throne room. They can see the Wizard and Elphaba were making a deal. If she joined him, he sets the monkeys free.

"Done" said the Wizard. He ran to the lever and pulled it. The monkeys that were trapped in the cage flew out with their wings. Elphaba thanked him and told Chistory to go. He nodded and left; he didn't want to leave Elphaba there. When Elphaba turned she saw an Animal crawling under a blanket. She flipped the blanket off and went wide eyes at the sight of here favorite Shiz professore, Doctor Dilimond. "Doctor Dilimond?" She said. The Wizard interrupted her explaining why he's here but she ignored him. "Doctor Dilimond are you alright? Don't be afraid. It's me, Elphaba. Don't you remember me?" The only way he could respond to her was baaing. "Can't you speak?" She asked but he, again, baaed.

Glinda, Boq, and Fiyero were sad to see this Goat who was once their teacher unable to speak. "Oz, this is what happened after he was dragged out of class all those years ago." Said Fiyero. Glinda nodded "I didn't even know he was here." "Its terrible he was such a wonderful teacher. He was very good at his job and they kicked him out only to treat him like this." Said Boq. They all nodded in agreement. "I may have slept through many of his lectures, but from what I've seen and what Elphaba has told me, he was a pretty good guy...Goat?" Fiyero said.

Elphaba straightened up where she was sitting and looked up at the wizard "do you want to know my hearts desire," he ran behind his Oz head when she stood up coming at him "is to fight you until the day I die!" He called for his guards and she ran to the closest place to escape but she wasn't quick enough because the captain of the Gale Force saw her. "Are you alright your Ozness?" He asked. Elphaba paused when she heard his voice. She knew that voice and she knew it well. Well enough to know who it was. She turned around she was greeted with Fiyero, he ex-boyfriend, pointing a rifle at her. "Fiyero." She whispered. She still loved him but seeing this she didn't know if he did and if he moved on. "I don't believe it?" He said "Thank Oz-" Fiyero was too quick and silenced her.

Once of Fiyero's men made an announcement about a goat. Fiyero dismissed the the idea and told both of his men to fetch him water. "Water, sir?" "You heard me. As much as you can carry." Fiyero explained. The guards left and Elphaba and Fiyero were both pointing their respective weapons at each other when they circled. "Fiyero not you too-" "I said silence." She went quite and put down her broom when Fiyero turned and grabbed the Wizard from behind and pointed his rifle at him instead. After watching for a few clock ticks Elphaba began to think that he's not the same anymore "Fiyero.....I thought you might have changed." He turned his head "I have changed."

They just stared at each other until Glinda came running in asking what's going on. She turned and saw Elphaba. She hugged Elphaba and was relieved to know she was alive. Glinda turned to talk to Fiyero but what she say horrified her. "Fiyero! What are you doing?!" Elphaba just stood there and the Wizard watched drama unfold between the three friends. Fiyero moved to check the doors in case anyone was there. At the same time Glinda explained to the Wizard that they were all friends. Fiyero called Elphaba's name and Glinda is confused on what's going on "Fiyero, have you missed placed your mind? What are you doing?" She asked getting angry.

Dorothy, who just standing and watching, just stared blankly. "What is happening." Both Glinda and Fiyero respond at the same time "A lot."

Fiyero looks between Elphaba and Glinda. He's been with both girls. Yes he "dated" Glinda but that wasn't very long and they didn't really love each other in that way. With Elphaba, they both loved each other in that way. He was actually happy and not pretending. He was himself. He made his final decision. I'm going with Fae. I'm going to run with her. I don't care if I'm a fugitive, I'll be with my Fae. He thought. He points to Elphaba "I'm going with her." Glinda looks heart broken "What?" Elphaba looked confused and echoed Glinda's question "What?" "What are you saying? That you can't to go back with her? To be a fugitive when you can stay here and be safe?" "Glinda, look I'm sorry I've told you before I don't love you like that. I don't care if I'm a fugitive if I go with her. As long as I'm with her I'm safe." He reassured her. Elphaba stepped forward "Hold on. No, no, no. Fiyero you're not going anywhere. You are staying here with Glinda. Where you're safe."

Fiyero did not want to get into that right now so he just grabbed her hand and ran. "Fiyero!" She yelled. Glinda followed them to the door "Fine. Go. You deserve each other" she called after them. The Wizard pulled out a green bottle.

Glinda looked at Fiyero. "And that right there Fifi, is how I knew there was something going on with those green bottles." Fiyero nodded "Yeah it makes a lot more sense from where that all came from." "I'm still confused. What's going on?" Asked Dorothy.

"Here have a sip of this. It's dulls the pain." Said the Wizard. "No thank you" Glinda refused. Madame Morrible came running in asking if the captain caught the witch. "Quite the opposite really." The Wizard explained. "We must smoke her out. Force her to show herself." "But how?" Glinda said something but neither heard her "Use her sister," she repeated louder this time "spread a rumour. Make her think her sister is in trouble and she'll fly to her side. Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go lie down." Morrible thought "A rumour won't do it. Elphaba is too smart." "Far too smart." "Perhaps change in the weather." With a flick of her hand it started to thunder.

"SO THAT'S HOW I GOT HERE?" She looked at Glinda "BECAUSE YOU TOLD THE CLOWN COD FISH LADY TO SPREAD A RUMOUR ABOUT NESSA?!" "I didn't mean to. And besides it's Morrible. She didn't settle for a rumour. She decided to bring you and kill her." "Okay Glinda I think that's enough let's just move on." Fiyero tried to calm them down.

A/N: As Fiyero said, we're moving to the next chapter. There's a sign on the fridge here for safety of your caught in a rip current in the ocean. Their #1 rule is know how to swim. That is very helpful. Why is Oz name would I go swimming if I didn't know how to swim. Lucky for me I took swimming lessons as a child at the YMCA and I also refuse to in the ocean since it's cold.

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