The Ozdust ballroom

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A/N: once again I am updating my Wattpad in the middle of the night. My friends are gonna kill me 😂

When Fiyero was picking up Galinda, he once again encountered Elphaba. "Oh, I know you. My cart nearly ran you over." Elphaba who was at her desk working on an essay for her class was startled. "Why are you talking to me." Fiyero was confused by that question. "What do you mean? Why wouldn't I talk to you?" She sighed. "Because I'm the green girl, the green freak. Nobody wants to talk to me." "Hey like I said before I don't think any of that about you." Elphaba rolled her eyes at him. "I'm assuming you're taking Galinda out?" He chuckled. "You get correctly. I'm taking her to the Ozdust for my welcome party at shiz. Hey, you should come. It would be fun."

She held in a sigh. "Master Fiyero I hope you know our versions of fun are very different. And in case you haven't noticed no one likes me so why would I'm going to a party where everyone is and make fun of me? I'm just fine here working on an essay that is due next week." "Come on Elphaba life is more painless for the brainless. That's what I always say just dance through life." She stared blankly "yeah no, thank you nice try." Fiyero wasn't giving up on convincing her. "Oh come on it won't be too bad. If I tell them that I invited you to my own party surely no one is gonna make fun of you." She shakes her head. "Mater Fiyero it doesn't work like that. The student body of Shiz won't care if you invited me they are going to find a way no matter what you try to make fun of me." Fiyero chuckled "I won't let them trust me." After a few moments of silence, Fiyero wondered how much longer Galinda was going to take. "How long does Galinda usually take to get ready?" She laughed "longer than you think princy."

When she returned to her essays she couldn't do anything. All she could think is when Galinda gave her a hat and told her to wear it at the Ozdust. But she also thought about what Fiyero just said. She doesn't necessarily trust Fiyero nor Galinda but she also did just ask Madame Morrible to include her since she knew Galinda wanted to go into the class so bad.

It took Galinda half-hour since Fiyero got in their room to finish getting ready. They were just now entering the Ozdust Ballroom. Once everyone knew they were there they began dancing in the middle of the dance floor. Boq and Nessa were on the side talking about how Boq thinks Nessa is so beautiful and that he likes her which, was not true for he had a crush on Galinda. A little later Elphaba decided to make herself known at the party by showing up in that ridiculous hat Galinda gave her. She's soon realized that it was a mistake when people began to launch at her. She decided she wanted to ignore the laughter like she always does and began to dance with no music.

Everyone began to laugh except for Galinda, was the reason why everyone was laughing, and Fiyero, who felt bad. Galinda gave the training wand that she received from Madame Madame Morrible to Fiyero and walked up to Elphaba. She began copying Elphaba, not as a joke but to join her. Elphaba let Galinda on the dance floor and she decided to fix up the dance a little bit. After she and Elphaba did it together everyone else started joining them and soon the music went up again. Galinda Elphaba and Fiyero hung out for the rest of the party together.

Glinda looked sadly at what she had just watched. Dorothy was a little shocked and confused on why Glinda and this Fiyero guy were hanging out with the Witch. "Glinda? Are you alright?" Glinda didn't hear her "hmm? Oh ha yes. I'm just remembering what this night was like. I wish she and I didn't fight in the beginning. The scarecrow on the other had been really quiet since that Fiyero guy showed up. "Scarecrow how come you are being really quiet." "Uh, I'm......watching.....this thing?" The Tin on the other hand rolled his eyes. "You know scarecrow you are an odd bunch you know that? Why if anyone were to say that you and the stupidly annoying prince were the same people no one would be shocked." All the scarecrow did was stare anywhere but the Tin Man when he said that. "Uh....." that's all he could make out. "You know what let's go to the next part and head for Galinda and Elphaba's dorm. The Tin Man just stared ahead "somethings up with the scarecrow I tell you."

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