Lions, Cages and Love

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A/N: so as I read this chapter it feels undone so I'm finishing it. So I'm republishing it and have more to it.

The next morning Galinda and Elphaba made their way to the cafe to get some breakfast. Neither of them likes the cafeteria food so they chose the cafe. "You know Elphie, you aren't as bad as I thought you were." Elphaba rolled her eyes. "Gee thanks." Galinda nods. "You know Galinda you aren't as bad either...if you minimize the pink."

Galinda giggled but then remembered she needed to ask Elphaba something. "Oh Elphie, is it alright if I asked Fiyero to join us for breakfast?" "Sure, as long as he doesn't do anything stupid." Galinda rolled her eyes. "Elphie, Fiyero isn't going to do anything stupid; I'll make sure of it for you."

The Girls walked in and went to the table Fiyero was sitting at. He raised his eyebrows when he saw the girls laughing together as if anything that happened before he came, never happened. When he asked they dismissed the thought of hating each other and just told him to not think about it.

The scarecrow now understood why they didn't want to say anything to him. "Well......I don't want to know anymore. I'm better off not knowing." Glinda rolled her eyes. "Why was it any concern to you." He narrowed his eyes at her. "Mind your own business, Glinda." She paused a second when she was observing his eyes. "What?" He asked when he saw what she was doing. "You seem familiar; like I know you. And those eyes as well." She gasped when she realized who those eyes belonged to.

He started to panic internally. Oh no Galinda gah Glinda knows who I am. And knowing her she's gonna ask. "Fiyero? I'd, as a scarecrow?" She asked. Yup, there it is. "Uh...." He stumbled. I guess I might as well just say it; Boq's gonna figure it out eventually. The scarecrow, or well technically Fiyero, stood on one of the cafe's tables and yelled out to the group. "It is I, your great prince Fiyero Tigelaar. And crown Prince that is."

Glinda stared blankly for a few and then started giggling uncontrollably. As for the Tin Man, or well Boq, just shouted out of annoyance and frustration. " OH FOR THE LOVE IF OF OZ YOU'VE GOT TO BE JOKING!" The scarecrow (Fiyero) just looked at him confidently. After two minutes he cleared his throat and jumped down from the table.

"No, it's really me, Fiyero." He said while looking back to Galinda, Elphaba, and himself. The girls ordered their drinks when Fiyero asked another question. "So.....are we like....friends now?" Galinda giggled "Of course we are Fiyero; why wouldn't we? We had a great time last night besides it'll be nice if my boyfriend and best friend be civil with each other." Elphaba nearly choked on her coffee when Galinda called her, her best friend. "Wait, since when was I your best friend? What about the other obnoxious goons of yours?" Galinda dismissed the last question. "Elphie, listen to me; I know we hated each other until Fifi came to Shiz, but I want to make it up to you. Besides Pfanne, Shenshen, and Milla aren't real friends. Their my  'friends' because I'm the most popular girl in school. I mean look at Fifi, a best friend here is Avaric. Not gonna lie Fifi I hate Avaric."

Fiyero and Elphaba rolled their eyes. "Gee thanks Galinda. Sure Avaric is drunk 99% of the time we hang out but he's cool. You gotta see my point." Elphaba stifled rolling her eyes again. "That is why he's on my hate list, Fiyero." He shrugged "Whatever, maybe I should like talk to Boq or someone." Galinda's eyes widened "Fifi that is a great idea; poor Bick doesn't have anyone to talk to except for Nessa. I've seen him around but he's always by himself." Fiyero shrugged again.

Dorothy, Tin Man, Lion, and Glinda were all looking at the scarecrow. Each one with a different expression. Dorothy looks shocked, the Tin Man looks angry, the Lion uncomfortable and Glinda with an eyebrow raised. "You know Fiyero, sometimes I wish we didn't befriend Boq," he interrupted her but she ignored him "he was really annoying. I mean he was obsessed with me and had this terrible crush on me, and look at him now: He's an ax murdering Tin Can for the love of Oz!" The Tin Man just shrugged and walked away forgetting that the scene was changing.

The scene changed to Doctor Dilimond's class with Elphaba, Fiyero, and Boq in it. Fiyero was chatting with Boq when he spotted Elphaba, who was practicing her hair toss. Galinda's doing no doubt. "What are you doing? You look galindafied which is odd because I saw you this morning." She rolled her eyes. Doctor Dilimond can in running before she could answer Fiyero.

Doctor Dilimond looked frantic and had a suitcase with him. "Take your seats. I'm afraid I don't have much time with you, dear students. Animals are no longer permitted to teach." Elphaba opened her mouth to say something, but Doctor Dilimond stopped her. "I want to thank you for all your hard work; however deeply shallow. And even on occasion: your lunch." He said the last part to Elphaba. Fiyero looked at her for an answer but she only shrugged due to Morrible coming in.

It all happened so fast for Elphaba. Two Gale Force soldiers came and dragged Doctor Dilimond out of the classroom. Madame Morrible introduced the class to their new teacher. He began to teach a lesson as if he's always been the teacher and not Dilimond. He then pulled out a caged lion cub. That's when Elphaba freaked out.

She looks at Fiyero. "What are we gonna do?" He looked confused. "We?" She got up and just stared at the poor lion cub. The next thing she knew was that all of her classmates but Fiyero looked glued to the floor. Fiyero took the opportunity to grab the cub and make a beeline for the door. "Are you coming or what." She ran with him. They ran until they reached a clearing in a poppy field just outside of the school.

Dorothy and her friends recognized the field because it was the same one they were in just days ago. As for the Lion, he started to remember this day. He was the lion cub that the Witch and apparently scarecrow freed.

Elphaba stopped looking for a safe place to free the cub when she realized Fiyero was just standing there. "Are you going to help or stand there like the stupid idiot you are?" She says as she grabbed the cage. " think I'm stupid?" "No, that's not what I-" "cause that's what it sounds like to me." "No! Fiyero your not stu-.......that stupid." He rolled his eyes. "And why was I the only one you didn't do it to?" She sat down on the ground looking at the poor cub.

She sighed "Look Fiyero, I have no idea how that happened or why but for the love of Oz please." "You know why is it every time I see you, you cause some sort of commotion?" "Yeah, I don't cause commotions; I am one." "Oh well, that's or sure." "Oh so I should keep my mouth shut; is that what you're saying?" "No, I-"  "Do you think I like this?" "Look all" "Do you know how much easier my life would be if I didn't." "Do you ever let anyone else talk?!" She shut her mouth before she made another comment. "Oh......sorry." "Thank you-" "But can I say one more thing?......." he let her go on. "You could have walked away back there." "So?" She gave him a look "So, no matter how shallow or self-absorbed you pretend to be-" Fiyero interrupted her again "Excuse me, I happened to be generally self-absorbed and deeply shallow." She shook her head. "No you're not, or you wouldn't be so unhappy." "Look, if you don't want my help then fine."

He started to walk away. Elphaba realized she needed his help. She ran to him and grabbed his hand. They both stare at it, in shock after feeling this spark the moment their hand's touch. When their eyes met they both stared into each other. Sapphire looking into brown and vice versa. At that moment the cub made a sound, snapping Elphaba back to reality.

"I didn't mean to frighten him." Fiyero sat down next to Elphaba. "What did you mean to do;" he asked her gently "and why was I the only one you didn't do it to?" Instead of answering she pointed out a scratch. "It must've scratched you." "Yeah......or maybe it scratched me or......something." They were so close. At the moment Fiyero wanted to kiss her but only then did he remember Galinda. "I have to get to safety-I mean the cub. Get the cub to safety." He grabbed the cage and ran. "Fiyero!" She called after him but it was too late he was gone already.

A/N: would you look at that? A long chapter! Man after focusing on school and Hamilton I finally found motivation. Yay. Tho now I ofc I have school tomorrow. Just when I get the motivation back. 😔 hope you guys had a great New Year. I made sure the first song I listened to was No Good Deed sung by Jennifer Dinoia.

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