The fight

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A/N: So I finally downloaded Grammarly on my Ipad because why not and I'm watching edits of Wicked. It's a fun day entirely. I mean, I helped my mom garden, well technically I put dirt into the pots for these trees we're growing. Anyway, after that, I ate lunch and applied for a job at the library. Not exactly what I wanted to do today but I did it anyway. This chapter is pretty self-explanatory, it's the catfight scene.

" this supposed to be what happened after I left?" asked Dorothy. "Uh, you know what it is. I'm not gonna deny that." Glinda said casually. "Interesting." Dorothy looked back at Fiyero and Boq, who shrugged back at her.

Glinda sighed, looking back at Dorothy's crashed home, which now became the resting place of Nessarose. She walks back to The Yellow Brick Road and picked a bouquet and walked back to the house. She bends over to place the flowers in front of the house. "Oh, Nessa....." She was interrupted by Elphaba, who was hiding in the corn stalks. "What a touching display of grief," she said. "I don't believe we have anything to say to one another." Glinda walked away ignoring Elphaba, who was not done talking. "I wanted something to remember her by" Elphaba walked closer to Glinda "All of what's left of her we're those shoes," she walks over to the Yellow Brick Road "and now that wrenched little farm girl has walked off with them," she said calmly.

"Wow, she really called me that after she threatened me?" asked Dorothy. "In my defense, I tried to tell her it wasn't your fault after she left. Although I might have successfully calmed her down, I did not, unfortunately, convince her that this was a bad idea, and she really hated you." Fiyero explained. "She's acting like she's the victim." Dorothy waved her hand in the direction of where past Elphaba and Glinda were. "I might have made a really big mistake," said Glinda with a nervous giggle. "What's that supposed to mean?" asked Boq.

"So I would appreciate saying goodbye to my sister." Elphaba walked to the house and sat next to where Nessa would be. "I'm sorry Nessa. Please, please, please forgive me." Glinda realized that Elphaba believed it was her fault Nessa was hit by a house.
"Elphie, don't blame yourself. It's dreadful, it is, to have a house fall on you, but accidents happen." Glinda sat beside her, trying to calm down Elphaba. Elphaba's brows furrowed "You call this an accident?" "Yes, well not an accident." "Well then, what do you call it?" Glinda panicked "A regime change........caused by an unexpected twister of fate."

Glinda felt proud of her answer but judging by Elphaba's face, it was not the best thing to say at the moment. "So you think cyclones just- just appear out of the blue?" Elphaba's temper started to rise. "I don't know I never really, I never really-" "No, of course, you never. You're too busy telling everyone how wonderful everything is." Glinda started to get frustrated as well "Well I'm a public figure now, people expect me to-" "Lie." Elphaba pointed out "Be encouraging." Elphaba laughed dryly when Glinda was busy looking at Elphaba, it's clear she's been busy doing other things, particularly with a certain prince.

"I do not like where this is going." said Dorothy Fiyero nodded "Yeah same." Glinda rolled her eyes. The lion just stood there, not understanding what was going on. "Judging Glinda, no offense, she's probably going to say something that's not going to sit well with Elphaba," Fiyero said looking at his girlfriend, who was getting fed up with Glinda.

"And what have you been doing, hmm, besides riding around that filthy old thing?" Elphaba raised an eyebrow "We all can't come and go by bubble." she said defensively "Who's invention was that? The Wizards? Of course, even if it wasn't, he'd still take credit for it." Elphaba turned to look away from the blonde. "Yes well, a lot of us are taking things that don't belong to us..........aren't we?"

Whatever Elphaba found interesting to look at, became less interesting when she heard Glinda. She started forward, not looking at anything in particular. Glinda thought she had won for a moment when Elphaba didn't say anything. She finally slowly faced Glinda with both of her eyebrows raised. She leaned against her broom, pointing to Glinda, "Now wait just a clock tick. I know it's difficult for that blissful, blonde brain of yours can't comprehend that..... Someone like him," referring to Fiyero "could actually choose someone like me."

Elphaba continued, inching forward towards Glinda slowly. "He never belonged to you.....he doesn't love you...and he never did. He loves me-" Glinda had slapped her before finishing her monologue. She let out a witchy cackle. "Feel better?" she said dryly. Glinda smiled "I do." "Good." Elphaba slapped her back which caused Glinda to let out a small scream. They both held their "weapons" in front of them defensively and orbited around one another. Glinda twirled her wand, she thought it the perfect time to try it out since she's always wanted to. Elphaba looked like she thought Glinda was insane. They both threw their "weapons" to the ground and attacked each other.

Glinda shook her head "I should have not done that." "yeah," Fiyero sighed sadly.

"Halt, in the name of the Wizard!" The Gale Force ripped the two girls apart from each other. Two guards held Elphaba back another lifted Glinda and put her farther away. "No, stop! Let her go I almost had her!" "I'm sorry it took us so long to get here miss." Elphaba looked at Glinda with hurt in her eyes. "I can't believe you would sink this low, to use my sister's death as a trap to capture me?" "what? No!" everyone stopped when Fiyero came running with a rifle. He stopped in front of the guards that were holding Elphaba back and dramatically pointed the rifle at them demanding his men to "Let the green girl go."

Elphaba rolled her eyes "Fiyero what in oz name?" he chose to ignore her question "Let her go! Or explain to all of Oz how the Wizard's guards watched while Glinda the good was slain." he was now pointing his rifle at Glinda. She looked at him with hurt in her eyes but she understands that he loves Elphaba because he'd do anything to set her free. She finally motions to the guards to let go of Elphaba. She grabs her broom and pointed to the guards. Fiyero, who was still pointing at Glinda, told Elphaba to go. "No, not without you." Glinda tried to explain but Fiyero hushed her and told Elphaba to go again.

Glinda was still holding Elphaba's hat from when she tried to beat her with it and threw it at Elphaba. Elphaba took one final look at the man she loves for the last time in a long time. She finally turned around and ran far away so she could get on her broom and fly to Kiama Ko.

"Oz, I don't know if I can relive this right now. It's too traumatizing," said Fiyero. Glinda put a hand on his arm to comfort him "I know, it's hard for me too. Except for the fact that this is you and not me." Fiyero smiled at her.

Fiyero ran and blocked them from following Elphaba and points his rifle at them. Then Fiyero runs back to Glinda and continued to point it at her. She slowly walked closer not afraid if he actually shot her, but She knew he would never shoot her. Fiyero drops his gun and the guards grabbed him pushing him down on the ground. One guard has the butt of his gun held like he was going to knock him out of conciseness. Glinda couldn't deal with it any longer and shouted at them to stop. "Don't you see? He never meant to harm me he just.....he loves her." she said on the verge of tears spilling out.

He looked up at her "I'm so sorry Glinda." she could see how much love he had for her best friend and she couldn't bear to see him go through something terrible especially if Elphaba just got him back. She watched as the guards held Fiyero up on a pole as if he was a scarecrow. Glinda cried his name, now crying, as she was pulled away from the scene.

The group stood speechless. For Fiyero, it was because it was the person who was best to death, almost. For Glinda, it was watching what happened when she was pulled away. For Boq, it was horrible to watch an old friend being hung up on a pole and best. For Dorothy, it was witnessing what happened to her friend the scarecrow. And For the lion, it was because of the entire fight with Glinda and Elphaba, and Fiyero almost being murdered by the men who he once commanded.

A/N: dang that took a few days. It was started on Saturday and it's now Tuesday day. That fine. I was supposed to my hair cut this afternoon, but my hairdresser had called off today so I couldn't get the bangs that I've been asking for, for who knows how long. I just know it was wince I was little. Anyway I'm gonna end this here because I feel like I'm going to fall asleep typing this. It's been a long ish day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2022 ⏰

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