Lurlimus with the charmed circle

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A/N: Welp I'm writing in the middle of the night again because I can't breathe through my nose. So this chapter is actually not part of wicked. It's my own little adventure in Shiz with the charmed circle. And it's during lurlimus. I have been noticing lest people read this as the chapters go on. Most people seem to stop reading on the Ozdust Ballroom.

Dorothy seemed a bit confused. The scarecrow seems o be claiming he's which weird prince who seemed to like the wicked witch. "Scarecrow er Fiyero do you really like the witch." Fiyero (as the scarecrow) stopped dead in his track when they headed to his dorm room. He sighed. "Yes, Dorothy. There's nothing wrong with that at all. But why don't we go on its lurlimus and no one could leave shiz? We were snowed in."

Like Fiyero said the scene changed from a nice fall day to a cold snowy day. They head for Fiyero's suite because he knew they were there. When they entered the now five friends were decorating a tree with lights, tinsel, and beautiful ornaments. Two months prior when Elphaba and Fiyero saved the lion cub Fiyero had "broken up" with Galinda. At first, she was upset but soon realized that it was true. They weren't technically dating. So Fiyero spent the next two months thinking about his crush on Elphaba. Well, he thought it was a crush. Turns out he was falling in love with her as they spent more time together. They did that by Elphaba tutoring Fiyero. Fiyero has been thinking recently about if Elphaba likes him as well. But he's also thinking she could never love some idiot like him.

Turns out he was wrong. Elphaba had been doing the same thing. But the thought fro. The start was that maybe he could never love someone like her and that he belonged with Galinda since they were "perfect for each other". She enjoyed making friends with Fiyero and Galinda and even Boq. Galinda is always having new boyfriends. Boq and Nessa seemed to be happy together. Most girls flirted with Fiyero but he never flirted back. And when he did it was usually to Elphaba. Of course, Nessa and Boq had picked up on their crushes and betted that at some point they were going to get together. Well someone was about to win that bet.

The friends had finished the tree and were sitting on the couch telling each other stories of their childhood memories of lurlimus. Elphaba decided she was going for a walk outside to clear her head. She sat down with her cup of hot chocolate. " Uh, I'm going to be back. I'm going to clear my head." Once she made it outside she realized she was being followed by Fiyero which made her roll her eyes. But she secretly enjoyed him there. And eventually, he caught up to her. "Hey, I was hoping to get you alone one of these days. It's been far too busy with exams which I know you get stressed over." She chuckled. "What is it? You obviously wanted to talk to about something." "Oh yeah. Uh...." h stopped walking. "Elphaba? There's something I've got to tell you." They had been walking by the Suicide Canal. She looks at him curiously. "Hm?" He sighed. "I love you." He blurted out. That was definitely not something she expected to ever hear. What did he just say? She thought. "Uh......" she couldn't bring herself to admit to Fiyero of her love. But before she could he was standing in from of her and she kissed him. I guess this is my way of saying that?

When they came back for air they were both surprised that they had kissed. "I guess I love you too." She smiled. Fiyero looked relieved to hear that. But now was wondering what were they going to do now. "Uh, what do we do now?" She shrugged. "I don't know. Your guess is as good as mine." He thought for a moment and asked her on a date. Nothing too much of course just a quiet dinner later that evening.

When she told Galinda and Nessa what had happened on their little stroll Galinda squealed with excitement, "OH MY OZ ELPHIE THAT'S SO EXCITING! I'M GONNA HELP YOU GET READY!" She checked the time. "Oh, Oz I got to get ready otherwise your gonna be late." With that Elphaba rolled her eye but let Galinda get her ready. Wanted not too fancy but something a little nicer than normal. By the time it was 6 Fiyero knocked on the door. Galinda answered and basically pushed Elphaba out the door. She rolled her eyes but they headed off the restaurant. He grinned at her. "You look beautiful." She scoffed but thanked him. They didn't really talk much while they were at the restaurant but they were walking back when Elphaba asked about their relationship. "What would say we were." That startled him. "Here how about I say you get to decide our relationship. If you want to be boyfriend and girlfriend then that fine with me we will but if you don't we don't have to be." She thought about it as she walks. I do want to be his girlfriend but does he really want me to? "We can be boyfriend and girlfriend. If you're really okay with that. And I want you, to be honest, is that really what you want us to be Fiyero?" He did not hesitate to answer that. "I want us to be together." He confirmed. She chuckled. "Then I guess we are together then." They walked back to her dorm where Galinda was there wanting to know all of the details. Elphie of course didn't tell her everything but she did say they are dating now. And when Galinda heard that she squealed so loud causing Elphaba to quit her down. "Oz Galinda if you keep doing that I'm going to be def by 40." Galinda had realized what she said and said sorry.

When it was the day of Lurlimus the five friends exchanged gifts for one another. Galinda had gotten a few magazines from Elphaba, A nice perfume from Fiyero, A small bracelet from Boq, and shoes from Nessa. Elphaba had gotten sorcery books for. Galinda, books on the history of the Vinikus from Fiyero, a new journal for writing from Boq, and a new blanket from Nessa. Fiyero had gotten books from Elphaba, Galinda got him colone, Boq and Nessa got him a pair of pajamas. Boq got some books, a small kiss from Galinda, a fountain pen from Fiyero, and a notebook from Nessa. Nessa had gotten a short story from Elphaba (which was something she did every year since she was little), a book from Galinda, a hair clip from Fiyero, and socks from Boq. They were black and white striped and she put on a fake smile at him. "Thank you Boq......they're.....lovely." Elphaba shook her head with disappointment. Fiyero started laughing quietly which Elphaba heard and when she did she smacked i
On the back of the head.

After they saw it started to snow outside. They went out and played in it till they here numb. When they came back inside they started preparing to cook dinner. Wicked Fiyero and Galinda were helping with. Now that was one of the worst mistakes she made because both of them almost sent the room on fire. When they were finishing they started eating and they made conversation with the person next to them.

Dorothy had watched what happened quietly. She didn't know what to think. If Fiyero really was the scarecrow then she felt betrayed a little because he not only liked the witch but had dated her. Fiyero on the other hand was so happy to see this day play out in front of him again. Boq felt embarrassed for not noticing Nessa's dislike for the socks. Glinda was happy as well. She wishes for something, anything like this to happen again.

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