Off to see the past of Oz

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After Glinda had found the spell, she had called for Dorothy and he friends. The scarecrow, who was concerned since he knew of Glinda's magic ability. "Glinda are you sure this is safe." "Of course it's safe. Why wouldn't it be? You don't trust me?" "NO! it's not that I don't trust you it's that uh.......never mind...forget I said that." She looks at him warily "okay.....? Who's ready to go to the paaaaast?!" She sang doing little jumps.

The Tin Man just looked at her like she's crazy. "Could you for the love of Oz please stop jumping up and down your going to give me a headache." She rolled her eyes "way to be a killjoy Tin Man." Said the Scarecrow. "I'm most certainly excited to go back to the happier times in Oz.

Dorothy looked really excited as well. "I can't wait either. Oz must have been really different then, right?" Glinda laughed. "Of course, it was before anyone knew the truth about the wizard. Anyway, you all will be going is my first day at Shiz University. It's one of the highest schools in Oz. Hardly any munchkins get in because they don't have that much money only those like the Governors's two daughters and the Mayor of Munchkinland." Dorothy looks at her for a second. "Hold up, Munchkinland has a Governor?! How come I didn't meet him when I came?" Glinda hesitated for a moment. "'s not my place to tell you. I'm sorry Dorothy."

The Tin Man started to grow impatient. "Can't you just get this thing over already Glinda?"
She rolled her eyes. "Yes, only if you'll stop being in such a foul mood all the time." "Fine then," he put a fake smile on his face "happy now?" "Good enough." And with that Glinda chanted under her breath and everyone's vision blurred to blackness.

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