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Okay, so I have a problem.

I've been making a lot of book covers. Each with different perception and perspective that came up in my dreams and imaginations, and I ended up making up 17. It's so many, I'm crying while laughing at myself.

So, anyways, the thing is... some of them I can't let go. So, I'll be partitioning the series up to five or six books.

It's crazy! I know.

Book 2 will contain half of the second season of the Freeform's Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments. The other half will go to Book 3. Next book will hold episodes one to ten of the third season. Book five will either carry episodes eleven to twenty or the rest of the episodes.

I'm debating whether or not to stretch-out the last two episodes of the show because let's face it, it felt a bit rushed. And I'm also planning to add some of the facts and story plots that happened in the book but didn't end up in the series while adding some of yours truly's storylines. So... stay tuned.

First two chapters will be release in December 1ˢᵗ.

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Love lots,

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