08 Run One's Eye Over

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Aldertree sent out a gathering notification to everyone, early morning. Jace and I met up with Lei and Izzy at the Ops. Izzy got discharged from the Infirmary after an overnight observation.

"...Jace Morgenstern fought bravely and thus the Clave in their wisdom has exonerated him from all crimes." we heard Victor spoke as we approached Lei and Izzy "...And the Chief Physician in Idris reported that Lydia Branwell's condition continues to improve..."

"Out of the Infirmary in record time. Your looking good." Jace whispery praises Izzy.

"I always look good." Izzy corrected, smirking and we all smile at her "Why isn't Alec here?"

"He needs some space." I answered, dismissively.

Alec didn't come home since he left me at the roof. That was two nights ago. I checked by in his room again before going to this gathering but he wasn't there. I called him and it went straight to voicemail. So, I left him a text, hopefully he will reply.

"...Our mission now is to find out what he plans to do with them and when..." Victor continue.

"You okay, mate?" Lei asked Jace as we feel eyes keep glancing at his direction.

"I'm fine. But apparently no one else is, judging by the way they're all looking at me." Jace frowns.

"Don't worry, it'll pass." I'm speaking from experience.

"Jace, I'm sorry for letting them take you to the City of Bones. I thought-" Izzy starts.

"It's all good, Izzy." Jace said, cutting Izzy off "You saved Alec's life and mine. I would've done the same thing."

"...Tomorrow night's rite of passage will bring total number of dead to 26 fallen Silent Brothers and three Shadowhunters, including Hodge Starkweather..." Victor said, looking at me, giving sympathy "...take this time to grieve and plan for what lies ahead. Your orders will follow." he wrapped up the meeting, everyone disbursed.

"Your shoulder still hurts?" I asked Izzy when she whims out in pain, touching her shoulder.

"Just a little stiff. Uh, don't worry about me." Izzy said, walking out.

"I'll check on Clary." Jace declare before he left.

"Uh, Lei can we talk later?" I whispered to Lei.

"Sure." he nodded then I head out.

I can't keep my situation to myself anymore. My boyfriend and my parabatai is in no condition to join me with my problems right now. With my father gone, I don't have any answer left. And this is not something you can just read in a book.

I need help.


"Aldertree asked for yours, Alec, and Izzy's remaining task reports. Jace and I split them together... don't worry we didn't took credit." Lei said as he met up with me down the Institute's basement.

"Thank you..." I said, I had my back at him playing my stele with my fingers "I heard Magnus turned in Camille."

"Yeah, he did. She's gonna be facing severe punishment for her actions. Raphael is safe."

"That couldn't have been an easy decision for him."

"No, I imagine." he sighed "Anyhow, what's up? Why are we meeting in the basement? This is a little strange."

"Well... it's about to be a whole lot strange." I turned around looking at him. His jaw slightly drop he stared at my glowing eyes and shining runes.

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