21 Dark Solstice (Clary)

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Lei went back to the Institute to help out as Valentine now hold the Institute, hostage. Also, to inform Alec about our current dilemma. I thought with Maddie captured by Valentine, he would stop coming after me but he just called wanting me to get back at the Institute.

Luke met us at Magnus' where Jace and I brought Dot. She's the only one left at the abandoned Carnival. The rest are either dead or have escaped. Dot claims she knows a way to destroy the Sword. She heard Valentine while briefing his men that if Jace touches the sword, his grip would destroy it.

"In the vision from Ithuriel, the demon that destroyed the Sword had a clawed hand." Jace stated.

"Exactly. It has nothing to do with you."

"Perhaps I can lend some insight. Show me this vision." Magnus put his hand on the side of me and Jace's head. I closed my eyes as he began chanting spell, retrieving the vision from our memory.

Magnus then pull his hand out "Angels are higher beings. They communicate through metaphors. The burning field represents those with demon blood. When the activated Sword was pierce through, it weakened the fire."

"Meaning, decimating the Downworld?" I questioned.

"Exactly. But when the lightning black bird lands on the Sword, even when it's activate the fire stopped from failing." Magnus explains.

"It did, but it didn't destroy the Sword. Not until the Demon touch it." I pointed out.

"Demon comes with star in the morning sky. He can destroyed the sword, but in order to not harm himself the bird needs to be with him. Morgenstern means Morning Star, the vision seems to be speaking of a... demonic Morgenstern." Magnus cautiously inferred.

"Me..." Jace deduced "that's why Valentine wanted me under his control. I can derail his plan. I can destroy the Sword."

"And destroy yourself in the process." Magnus added.

"No, wait! The Demon only destroyed himself when the bird flown away from the Sword.. we just need to find that bird, right?"

"Black usually pertains to evil — demonized blood. Part of the Herondale's name comes from a bird called 'heron'. Starkweather means lightning." Magnus explained.

"So, Ithuriel was talking about Maddie?" I posited, then a realization hit me "...Valentine was never gonna use Maddie to activate sword, it won't do anything for the Downworld. He took her so Jace wouldn't do anything to destroy the Sword."

"Well, he's wrong." Jace firmed.

"That's a suicide mission. No way." I argued.

"Oh, says the girl who was willing to die for the Downworld-- what, yesterday?" Jace mocked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"She's right, Jace. It's too dangerous." Luke agreed.

"Not unless we have Maddie. If we can get her, the entire Downworld will be safe from the Sword... we need to get her back." Jace stated.


Jace and Luke had left going to the Institute to wreck Valentine's plan. I was left with Magnus as I wasn't allowed to go anywhere near home. It's too dangerous for everyone.

I approached Magnus on the balcony. He was staring at the city. I know he's feeling every bit as I'm feeling right now. Lei hasn't been picking up the phone ever since he left the Carnival. With Valentine attacking the Institute, we don't know what happened to him... to any of them.

"I'm not use to feeling so... powerless." Magnus sighed, frustrated and worried. I put a hand on his back for comfort.

My phone then suddenly rings, I picked it up from my pocket, enthusiastically, hoping it's good news only to see Simon's name on the caller I.D. Confusedly, I answered and the first thing to appeared on the screen was Simon and Maddie tied to a chair with their mouths covered with tape and Valentine behind them.


Oh my God!

Magnus and I immediately portalled near the Institute. One of the Circle member who raided Luke's home before just stab Maddie, and Valentine just cut Simon. I cannot just lay and wait. I have to do something, I have to help. I need to be here.

We had managed to convinced Downworld leaders on helping us take the Institute back after we informed them about the Vision Angel Ithuriel said to us. They were hesitant and doubtful at first but they cooperated.

Jace had glamour himself as me while Lei as one of the Circle member to save Maddie and Simon. Magnus and I decided to stay and help rescue Madzie. She's only a little girl. She doesn't know what she's doing and needs to get out of here.

"Madzie could be anywhere." I uttered as we walked slowly to the office floor.

"So does Circle members." Magnus cautioned.

"We should split up, we can cover more ground." I suggested "The sooner we find her, the sooner we can leave."

One thing the group thought me is to cover as much ground as possible but with back-up, a partner, but at this point we have no choice.

"Are you sure?" Magnus asked.

"She's being used, Magnus. None of this is her fault, but she needs to be stopped." I remarked.

"Careful, Biscuit." Magnus said before we go separate ways.

"You too."

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