14 Sticks and Stones

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The Hunter's Moon didn't pan out. Izzy texted back that she's tired. When I asked what happened to her, she said she just grazed her arm — nothing to worry about. She's still snippy though... like she was all day. So Alec and I just went for couple drinks, exchanged conversation about the day, play pool then went home.

"You have got to be bloody kidding me." Lei exclaims, approaching me as I waited for the elevator.

"So you've heard." I smiley speculated "I told you, you'd be surprised."

"I am. I also watched the video recording of that, captured by mundanes of what I believed they're calling a UFO." he stated, waiting with me "What's it like?"

"It was amazing beyond belief." I awed, remembering the feeling.

"I bet." Lei chortled then the elevator opened and we entered.

"So... did you take my advice regarding Magnus?" I tease as he pressed the button, heading to the Ops. I waited for his answer but he stayed silent, avoiding eye contact... he's blushing.

When Lei blushed, he blush like a tomato.

"You did, did you? I'm so happy for you." I cheered. He gave me as small blushing smile.

The elevator then opened and we started heading to the Ops where we saw Izzy and Alec with Max.

"Max!" I called from behind, approaching them.

"Maddie, Lei." he run to us giving us a hug.

"I heard you are top of your class." Lei praised.

"Yeah. And I knocked down two different instructor." Max informed, proudly.

"That's my buddy!" I cheered, holding my hand out for a high five which he slammed hard.

We walked to Alec and Izzy. Max began talking about his class experiences when Maryse came forward behind, coming to us. Lei and I then took a spot beside Alec and Izzy.

"Children. It's good to see you all." Maryse said in greeting.

Alec and Izzy became stern and guarded. Max smile also faded from his lips. To say that the atmosphere here dropped from pleasant to chilly in seconds, would be an understatement.

The last time she was here she let Victor put us to a withholding cell. She turned her heel and didn't do anything about it.

"Really? Cause the last time you were here you turned you're back on all of us, especially Jace." Izzy snapped.

"I was following orders, I had no choice." Maryse reasoning earned a rolling of eyes from Alec and Izzy "Max has some big news. Tell them, sweetheart."

Max smile came back "I passed my last trial. I'm ready for my rune ceremony."

"Good job Bud."
"That's Amazing."
We cheering in unison. He's finally gonna earn his Angelic rune, the core goal of Shadowhunter training.

"Sadly, your father won't be able to attend so... Alec as the eldest male in the family, you will be in charge of Max's ceremonial party." Maryse informed.

"What do you mean he won't be here?" Alec questioned.

"He's tied up with the Valentine's task force in Idris." Maryse answered.

"Oh, I can make some calls, put someone temporarily on that case." I offered.

"Thank you Maddison, I appreciate it but I don't think there's much you can do. They need him for his... expertise." she explained, hinting expertise to their-- Robert's, Circle days.

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