03 Come to Blows

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Lydia send out a notice meeting in the Ops early in the morning to everyone except for Clary but she witness the meeting on-going so she was able to attend in the middle of it. Alec still refused to talk to Clary. Lei is keeping his distance. But Izzy and I made sure she still has us two, but we can't worry about her now. We need to put all our attention on Jace.

Lydia proclaim that Valentine has been abducting mundanes from boxing clubs, dojos, and gym. If we can find potential targets, we're more likely to be able to catch a Circle member that can lead us to Valentine and rescue Jace.

Smart, creating new Shadowhunter isn't easy. Usually, Ascension are recruited in a referred young age. But I guess, finding an already experienced fighter were also more likely to survive the conversion of drinking from the Cup.

Lydia has convinced Victor to allow Alec, Izzy, Lei, and I to help with the search for Jace before fellow Shadowhunters killed him. The Shoot to Kill order is still in place, but we're not going to let that happen.

As soon as the meeting was wrap up, Clary ran up to the Ops bridge podium where Lydia, Vic, and her mother is. She wasn't among those allowed on the mission. So I'm guessing she's pleading them to let her help.

The four of us were concocting a plan when Clary called our name, walking back to us "Izzy, Maddie, please. You wouldn't want to be bench on this. Let me come with you."

I was about to say something when Alec step in front of me.

"Did you not hear me before? There is no place for you here." Alec spat, staring down Clary "Let's go."

Alec walked out heading to the weaponry with Lei. Izzy gave Clary a quick gentle hold while I gave her compassion gaze before we follow them.


The guys said we'll be leaving in 30. So in time, Izzy and I went to Clary's room to console her. She has no one. She and her mother are on a spat, Simon and Luke can't visit, and she can't leave the Institute. Everyone needs people in their lives.

"Hey, Clary, all those things Alec said about you... you know we don't feel that way." Izzy said, entering her room, where we found her door slightly ajar.

"You have every right to." Clary said, clinging into her old sketchpad.

"None of this is your fault." I said, sitting beside her then I put a hand on her back "Alec, he's stressed out. With his parabatai gone, he's like a different person."

"Alec's right. I'm not one of you." Clary said glancing at me, Izzy then sit on her other side "I'm just some girl from Brooklyn who went out to celebrate her birthday and came back with a present she never wanted. And can't return." she inhales sharply then Izzy hold her hand.

"You don't want to return that present. It's a blessing." Izzy stated.

"Not for me. I just... I want to feel normal again. I want my old life back." Clary shed tears.

"I'm sure, but don't you get it? You have a target on your back. The Institute is the safest place for you." Izzy smiled at her.

"I know you didn't ask for this life, nobody does... but you have it now. It might not be easy to crawl into the guys life but you have us... Izzy and me." I said smiling at her as she look at me.

"That's not gonna change." Izzy added then the three of us hugged.


Alec and I are on our way to an underground fight club. The four of us decided to split the target locations to cover more grounds. Lei and Izzy went together.

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