17 Strike A Match

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"There are over ten thousand downworlders live in New York. Not counting the ones who's not a member of the pack or in any clan. So that's gotta be over twenty.. twenty-five, right?" Alec asks, sitting beside me on the small wooden bench in my balcony.

I really don't know how to make it up with Izzy. She's shunning me. And I know there's much deeper reason why she's mad, why she's acting odd, and why she's being moody. I feel it in my gut but I can't do anything about it without making it seems like I don't trust her even more.

"Uh, Maddie?" Alec shook me "Maddie."

"Huh?" I was snapped from stressing silently.

"Is there something on your mind?" he asked. I stayed silent "Is it Izzy? I noticed you two avoided each other in breakfast."

"One of the things..." I forlorn.

"What's going on? She's been acting weird for the past few days."

Oh, so, it's not just me who notices it.

"It might have been my fault." I stated as I sat up.

"Your fault?" Alec looked stunned. Like something else was on his mind.

"Don't worry about it. I'm fixing it. You don't need to add it on your list of worries."

"You mean like Valentine hunting you down?" he scowled, furiously by the fact.

"Valentine has been hunting me my whole life, this is not something new." I sank back against the bench backrest.

"You're going to be okay. I'm not gonna let anything happen to you" he said, holding my hand.

"Am I?" I exhale.

"What do you mean?" Alec query.

"Legions are only mentioned in some books. Our books. Mundane bibles didn't even know about them." I sighed, heavily "No incidents, no reports, no anecdotes... not much to know."

"Then we'll figure it out, together." Alec said, comforting me.

Are we?

"You tried to kill yourself Alec." I softly blurt out.

If Magnus was even a second late that night, he could have die. Yes, we could jumped up and down, to and from the roof of a building, no problem but we have to draw a Sure-footed rune before we do so. And Alec's goal was to die so I don't think he did that.

"That wasn't me. It was the magic. I would never-" he slightly twist from his sit, completely facing me.

"I know." I interject.


"I know. But magic can't create fears, only bring them out. Just promised you'll tell if things ever get that bad." I intreat and he nodded, assuring me.

In times like this, I appreciate just how strong my Nana is. She suffer loss more than anyone I know. I don't think I can handle that much pain. I don't even imagine ever having to. Especially not with Alec.

Glancing at Alec, he's staring at me with a small smile "What?"

"I'm just remembering the time when you weren't in my life..." he ponders "How did I managed that?"

"You should be asking 'why did you managed that'." I giggled "You know, favorite part of my day was to annoy you?"

"Yeah. I noticed that." he scoffed.

"Well, at first I tried getting you to like me but you won't budge so, I annoyed you instead. If you think about it, it's kind of your fault." I argued, joking out.

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