26 End to an Endless Night

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Jace stormed out the room to hunt Valentine, Clary and Alec followed him. If Valentine wield the Soul Sword at the center of the city, he could decimate the entire Downworld in all of New York. Our neighboring city maybe be affected as well.

I went with Lei to look around the Institute for Magnus. We double check every room and all the fallen soldiers and Downworlders to make sure he's not here. Lei and I then went outside after searching the Institute for over an hour and a half. The sun's already up.

"Lei, he's alive. He's not inside." I said to Lei, trying to comfort him but I don't think he's listening to me. I don't even think he can hear me, or anything right now.

Truth is, I don't know. I really don't know. No one had seen him inside. He's not picking up the phone. I try to stay positive for Lei for he's losing sanity.

The dispatched Shadowhunters had just returned from containing the rogue Downworlder attacked around Manhattan. Is it okay I'm glad most of us weren't here when the infiltration happened? Out of the one hundred and eighty-seven Shadowhunters in the Institute, only thirty were here... and nineteen of those didn't survive.

We look through everyone to see if Magnus is one of the people approaching the Institute until I felt a hand gripped from behind us. We turned around and saw Magnus. Him and Lei instantly hugged as I breathe in relief.

"Thank the Angel." I pant in exhaustion and relief.

"Magnus, I thought-" Lei starts, letting go of the hug.

"I'm relieved you two are okay. I was worried." Magnus interrupted him, looking at the both of us.

"Same goes for us. We've been looking for you." I exhale.

"I found Madzie. I got her out just in time. I took her to Catarina's. She's safe." Magnus informed.

"Look... Magnus, on every mission I've ever been on, I've never felt that type of fear, ever. Not knowing if you were alive or dead. I... I was terrified." Lei admitted.

"So was I." Magnus said, holding Lei's arm.

Lei pants before he blurt out the words "Magnus... I love you."

Magnus smiled  "I love you too." then they kissed.

I think I just blushed from their confession. I'm so happy for the both of them. At least something nice happened in this very awful day. I gradually walked back to the Institute, leaving them as they have their moment.

Just as I enter the Institute, Valentine was being read his sentence as Jace and Alec had apprehended him.

"...Valentine Morgenstern in the custody of the Clave, where you will rot for your remaining days." Victor stated, happily "Where is the Soul Sword?"

"I have no idea." said Valentine.

"You lost it?" I asked, whispering beside Alec.

"Clary put a rune on it, she think she deactivated it but the Sword heated up and she dropped it down... when we went back for it, it was gone." Alec whispery explained as he crossed his arms.

At least it's deactivated. It's pretty much useless now but we still have to find it. We can't have both the Soul Sword and the Mortal Cup, missing.

"Our interrogation techniques have... improved, since you were one of us." Victor threatened with a smirk.

"You can torture me all you want. I don't know where it is." Valentine persisted.

"Don't believe a word he says." Jace growl, coming over facing Valentine "What else have you lied about?"

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