19 Divided, We Fall

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Jace had texted me their location. Magnus want me to test out a theory he came up with about the Blood Oath spells which I don't know what because when I left DuMort my mind was so lost, it didn't occur to me to ask why Jace needed me in the first place.

"I'm sorry, you want me to what?"

"Not me, Magnus." Simon stresses.

You have got to be kidding me!

"I can't believe I'm hearing this..." I stammered "...where are they?"

"They went on. I stayed here... Clary's too weak to move." said Simon. I sighed, climbing the top of Simon's van.

"I can't breathe." Clary panted as she looks at me with tears in her eyes. She's lost all feelings in her arms. The spell had reached up her shoulder.

"Just hold on." I was about to test the theory when I gaze at Simon who's looking at us. He stared at me, confusedly "I'm about to cut myself so I could pour my blood on Clary's wound, shouldn't you be like... 20 feet away from me? I don't want to hurt you if you can't control yourself."

"I can handle myself." Simon said with confidence. I then put the knife's blade in my palms and... "You know what, I'm just gonna walk further back there." with that, he speed vamp away but still within eyeshot.

I slide the blade down my palms and let the blood drip into the wounds. Clary and I watched as the wound slowly back out from her shoulder down to her arms, and it stopped to her fingers.

"It worked!" Clary cries, happily.

"It didn't. It's still there."

"Yeah, but you just bought me time." she said hugging me. I smile at her "If you weren't here, it would've been too late."

Well, at least now she can move and her pain was lessen. I took my stele out and trace it to my Iratze rune, my wound immediately closed.

"Simon, you can come back now." I shouted.


I texted Jace and Lei the result of Magnus' theory, it didn't broke the oath but at least it bought us time. I opted on following them but Jace said I should just wait here and watch over the two former mundanes.

I also left Alec a simple message of apology. So far he hasn't return it, yet. I really wonder what our conversation will be as soon as this is over. He left me once... now, he may finally left me for good.

"Clary!" I heard Jace yelled as he and Lei with Madzie approached us. Simon, Clary, and I jumped down from the top of the van.

"Madzie. You're okay." Clary greeted, approaching the little girl and hugged her.

A swirl of red magic swirls around them as the oath was fulfilled. Clary's burned hands soon dissipates completely.

"I told you, didn't I? I couldn't save her without you." Jace commend to Simon.

"Obviously. Thank you for... you know, everything." Simon stammered.

"Aww, that is so sweet, you guys." I teased as they have an uncanny moment. Lei chuckled.

"Zip it." Jace scold.

"Why are you on your shirt? Where's you jacket?" I questioned as I take a good look on Jace. His only on his shirt when he's home, otherwise he always had one on.

"He gave it to a homeless lad in exchanged for Madzie's scarf." Lei informed, crossing his arms across his chest.

"What?? You gave up a $300 leather jacket?" I asked in disbelief. Jace just heavily sighed with sorrow painted on his face "That must've been so painful."

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