Chapter 1: Mi Familia

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~Y/n P.O.V~
*Words that's are like this mean that Y/n is talking to reader*


I open my eyes to the screaming of my 3 other siblings and 4 cousins, from what I can hear their argument today is about what's for breakfast. I bury my head deeper into my pillow and I shield my eyes from the horrid sun, but my peace and comfiness doesn't last long before I hear two sets of feet start running towards my door

"And 3.....2......1" I say as I then point to my door as on cue the twins come bursting through my door

"Y/n! Drew says that he's your favorite twin! Is it true?!!?" Grey asks me as I hear the heartbreak in his tiny voice

"No Grey it's not, I don't have a favorite cousin" I say as I sit up and climb out of bed

"Psssh that's a lie! Santiago told me I was your favorite" Drew says as he crosses his arms

"Drew what did I say about listening to Santiago? He may be your older cousin but that doesn't mean you have to always listen to him" I say as I comb out my hair and style it the way I want

"So...Drew isn't your favorite...?" Grey's tiny voice timidly asks me

I walk over to the duo and pick Grey up in my arms before resting my forehead on his

"I promise you that Drew is not my favorite twin" I whisper so that only us two can hear

Before Drew can protest we hear our Abuelo call out to us saying that Breakfast is ready

I carry Grey in my arms as Drew holds my left hand all the way the stairs until we get to the breakfast table....which is already a mess thanks to the idiots who tried to set it up then went back up to bed

"Oh yeah and one thing you should know about this family is that me and my mamá are the only females here...." I think to myself as I help my mamá set the table, correctly.

"Gracias me amor, I was afraid I'd have to set it up all alone" My mom says as I set up the plates and silverware on my side of the table

"You know I would never make you do this alone Mamá! Us girls gotta stick together in this family" I say as my mom laughs

"You have a point there mija, now go and wake up all the boys again would you. I'm sure all the older ones are still awake. And take this plate you know they'll wake up to food" she says before walking back off into the kitchen

"Of course those fat fucks wake up to food" I mumble as I head back up the stairs but leave the plate of food on the table

"There's 8 kids total; Marco, Alejandro(or Ale for short), Carlos, me, Santiago, the twins;Drew and Grey(Drew's older by 15 seconds) and finally the baby; Manolo." I think before going to Marcos room

I knock on the door and am welcomed by a bed headed yet hyper young man

"Morning Macro! Breakfast is ready" I say before walking to Ale's room, I hear a grumbled 'Gracias' from Marco as I walk away

I next knock on Ale's door and nothing happens, I lean my ear against the door and hear loud snores coming for the other side as expected

I back up and prepare myself to crash down his door, I begin to run full speed at his door before it opens and I fall through

"I knew your dumbass would try that shit again" He says as he steps over me and begins to walk downstairs

"Yeah no I'm fine! I don't need help!" I call out after Ale "prick" I grumble before standing up and dusting myself off then begin walking towards the next room

I walk up to Carlos's door and do our secret knock

"Coming!" I hear Carlos call out

I wait outside his door until he opens it up and walks out still buttoning up his shirt and fixing his hair. Me and Carlos are close, but only as close as cousins can normally get, My siblings are Marco and the twins while his are Ale, Santiago and baby Manolo.

"Do you know what's for breakfast?" Carlos asks me as he walks with me to Santiago's room

"No but I'm sure it's the same as always" I say as Carlos knocks on Santiago's door and yells Breakfast then begins to walk off

I jog a little to catch up and we talk all the way down the stairs, when we reach the bottom some knocks on our door and me and Carlos look at each other

"Abuelo!!" We both calm out at the same time before snickering and heading to the table to eat

Our Abuelo heads to the door on a rush and sees it's one of the madrigal kids

"Oh! Hola Mirabel! What brings you here?" I hear him ask before I zone out and continue eating

A couple seconds later we all hear our front door close and we all direct our attention towards the door only to see a shocked Abuelo holding a piece of paper

"What's wrong Abuelo?" Marco asks

"We're invited to the Madeigals gift ceremony"

Hey guys thank you for reading this new book of mine and to all those who are still on my Albertoxreaderxluca book I'm so sorry for like disappearing for such a long time I needed a break from writing but I'm now back in the groove so I'll update that book sometime soon but for now enjoy this book?

And to all those who are new to me; welcome I'm so glad to have you on this new book journey, I hope you enjoy my writing and I hope each chapter leaves questions in your mind and has you wanting more!

My writing schedule is a little word but I'll try to update everyday but if not then it'll be every other day

As always have an amazing Morning/Afternoon/Night!

I love you all!!

Bye Bye❤️❤️

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