Chapter 41: Liar

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~Y/n P.O.V~

Art by: @pumpkinhasdied

I would just like to say this first; MY OPINION in this book is I'm making Mirabel Bi. Again it's MY BOOK and MY OPINION, if you don't like that then I'm sorry? Idrk nor do I per-say care, just understand this is my opinion, thanks☺️

I change into some more comfortable clothes, pretty much just one of Camilo's big shirts and his Ruana with shorts on, before opening his door back up and seeing Mirabel walk out of her room

"Hey Mirabel!" I say as I jog a little to catch up with her

"Hey Y/n!" Mirabel says back as we walk downstairs

"Have Carlos and Camilo come back yet? They left around like fifteen minutes ago" I say as I look out the front door to see if I can see them

"I didn't even know they left but can I talk to you real quick?" Mirabel asks and I stop looking for the boys, turning my whole attention towards her

"Sure" I say before she pulls me into the Lounge area they have

"So I like someone but I have no idea how to tell them because I have no idea if they like me back or if they even feel that way" Mirabel says and I stare at her

"Can I know who it is?" I ask and she nods

"It's that girl you usually see me with...her name is Emilia" Mirabel says and my eyes go wide with excitement

"Wait, so you don't like Carlos?" I ask and she shakes her head 'no'

"I can tell he likes me and I've been trying to think of a way to, you know, tell him I don't like him but I just can't seem to find the right time or place to do so. So I was wondering if you could help me out?" Mirabel says and I look at her funny

"Carlos told me you already rejected him" I say and now she looks at me funny

"What? When?" Mirabel asks

"Just today, he told me this morning that you said you didn't want you two to get together because then it would interfere with me and Camilo's relationship" I say and she blinks twice before fixing her glasses

"I never said that, although he makes a fair point but no I never rejected him." Mirabel says and I ball my fist

"That lying bitch" I say

"What's that word mean?" Antonio asks and me and Mirabel both jump

"Aye! Antonio hi! When did you get there?" I ask and he shrugs

"I don't know, I just saw you two talking and wanted to come join since I was bored" Antonio says and I look at Mirabel before looking back at him

"Well let's just pretend you never heard me say that word ok?" I ask and Antonio smiles

"Ok! But P/n says you say that word a lot so I was just curious" Antonio says and I mentally face palm before we hear Pepa call for everyone

Us three walk out of the kitchen and as we do I see Carlos and Camilo walk back in. Carlos avoids me but has a smug smirk on his face and I grit my teeth before turning to Camilo, his face is smiling but his eyes aren't and my smile drops

"Camilo...are you ok—" I begin to say before he cuts me off

"Yeah I'm fine" Camilo quickly says, but there's a hint of anger in his tone?

He begins to walk off towards the dining room, to get his plate for food I assume, and I just stare at the direction he had walked in. I blink a few times before running after him to see him waiting in his family line for food, I see Mirabel is behind him and she lets me cut in front of her

Camilo Madrigal X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now