Chapter 42: What was said

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~Camilo P.O.V~

I walk downstairs Carlos and he leads me out the front door, taking me to that pond area I had gone to when I had believed My Y/n was dead.

As we approach he takes a seat on the rock he had beforehand and I do the same. As we both get situated he finally speaks up

"Look Camilo I know how much you care for my cousin Y/n but they're not exactly who you think they are" Carlos says and I furrow my brows

"You've already lied to me once ass, funny of you to believe that I'll trust you." I think to myself as I stare at him as he continues

"Camilo I'm.....look I'm sorry dude but just my cousin isn't the one for you....and she clearly thinks so as well, I saw her the other day with someone else while you were doing your chores. And well.....Camilo they kissed" Carlos says as his face fills with genuine hurt and I feel my heart squeeze

I shake my head and look down, refusing to believe Carlos, before I finally speak up

"Y/n was constantly with me or with my family, they wouldn't have time to cheat. And why would they? They have no reason to" I say as I look down and in the corner of my eye I see Carlos do the same

"He's telling the truth Camilo..." I hear another voice say and I turn around to see my Abuelo Pedro

My eyes widen and my heart begins to squeeze again as this time tears brim my eyes

"Camilo, I know it's hard to believe but you have to trust us. We both saw it" Abuelo Pedro says and I look back down as I try to stop myself from crying

"When was it?" I quietly ask, just wishing Y/n could come and get me away from them

"Huh?" They both ask

"When did Y/n cheat? What day?" I ask as I begin to slowly get angry at the two

"If they tell me a day where Y/n was with me so help me lord I'll kill them both" I think to myself before the they speak up

"Around Thursday last week("small" adventure chapter) she had gone into town with Mirabel and had wondered away from Mirabel and that's when I saw Y/n kissing someone from behind a house. I thought it was just you shapeshifted but then I actually saw you so......" Carlos says and I freeze

"That was when I had my panic attack....." I think to myself as I remember all that pain

I stare down at the water, processing everything that these two just told me, when I feel a hand on my shoulder and I look over to the person with teary eyes

"I know this hurts Camilo, but just remember I will always be here for you if you need me" Abuelo Pedro says

"What did the person look like?" I ask and I see Carlos's eyes widen for a second before he looks down and continues

"He had dark black hair, blue eyes, some freckles, he was a bit taller than her, and he wore the standard clothes" Carlos says and I scan through the people in our town through my mind

"There's nobody in the town that matches that description" I think to myself as I look back up at Carlos

"Ok, thanks...." I say and he nods

"My cousin just doesn't make sense, one minute she's fawning over you and the next they're out there cheating. Honestly it isn't fair to you Camilo and it's toxic of Y/n, I think you should break up with them" Carlos says and I ball up one of my fists

"I'll talk to Y/n about it" I say and he quickly looks at me

"D-Don't you wanna, you know, surprise her with this information?? You know like catch her in act or something? Why are you just gonna straight up ask her about" Carlos frantically asks me as I see panic set in in his eyes

"Well every good or decent couple has good communication skills, so maybe I could clear up some things with Y/n when I bring it up. Find out why she did it instead of just jumping to conclusions. My Papa always said 'assumption is the mother of all fuck ups'" I say before getting off the rock I was sitting on

"Wait Camilo!" Carlos yells as he runs in don't of me

"How do you know she isn't going to lie to you?" Carlos frantically asks me

"I can read them like a book; they're my girlfriend after all" I say before Abuelo Pedro places a hand on my shoulder again

"Camilo listen I know you're hurting. And I don't think asking Y/n about it is going to clear anything up. I mean if she's aiming to cheat on you then it means they're willing to lie to you, who are you gonna believe more? Y/n or your Abuelo Pedro" Abuelo Pedro says and I look at him

"I don't know okay" I say and I feel Abuelo's grip on my shoulder tighten and I wince, my eyes getting watery

"Just make the right choice Camilo" Abuelo says before walking off and me and Carlos linger

"Don't be so blind to it Camilo, my cousins just playing you" Carlos says before following my Abuelo

I slowly follow behind as I think about everything they told me and everything I knew about Y/n to be true. They're always there for me and even when I had the panic attack they were the first person I saw when I woke up, I'll just have to ask my family. More specifically Dolores

I continue to walk behind the two as my shoulder begins to calm down a little but my eyes are still watery due to the pain

"Please Mi vida, My Y/n, just heal everything that's wrong right now"

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and now y'all know what Carlos had said

Don't got much to say unless you noticed the little Druig reference I made

Update on the copied book; the author hasn't responded to me and they haven't taken down the book yet

Anyways I hope you're having an amazing Morning/Afternoon/Night!

I love you and am so proud of you!!

Bye Bye Loves❤️❤️

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