Chapter 25: Where's Y/n?!

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~Camilo P.O.V~

I see a crack break beneath Y/n and I watch them fall and panic runs through my body

"Y/n!!!!" I yell as I try to get to them but Casita keeps sending wave tiles to keep me out

"Mirabel Hurry!!" Y/n yells as I see them slowly begin to slip

I watch as they try to grab a good grip with their feet but all the ruble just keeps falling off of the wall beneath them, leaving them just dangling there

I hear a big crack and look up to see Tío Bruno's tower beginning to crumble and big chunks go flying off it. My eyes widen and I look back down at Y/n and see them trying to scramble quicker, I begin to get frustrated and try to get into Casita quicker but I keep getting knocked back by Casitas tile waves

"Mirabel just leave it!!" Tía Julieta yells

"Casita please just let me in!!" I yell before I decide to get a running head start

I run back and turn back around to face Casita before running at full speed and grabbing onto a bar in the doorway, thankfully I make it. I jump over the wave and quickly run over to the crack that Y/n had fallen down. I now just gotta jump over it to get to them

I look over and see Mirabel has retrieved the candle is trying to run to Y/n but Y/n yells at Casita to protect her and Casita listens

"That's weird" I think to myself but quickly snap out of it when I notice big pieces of Ruble started to fall down

One hits me on the foot and I groan as I fall down, I quickly stand back up and take a few steps on my foot and get ready to run and jump the crack

I hear a yell and look over at Y/n to see that her hand got hit by one of the ruble pieces and a big cut goes across the whole back of their hand, I panic more as I see they're only now holding onto Casita with one hand and adrenaline rushes through me

I back up towards the wall by the door and get ready to sprint to be able to make the jump, just trying to get to Y/n

"Camilo don't even think about!" I hear Y/n yell

"Shut up Amor! I'm not leaving you there!" I yell at them before I run full speed towards the crack and jump, thankfully making it

I run towards Y/n and see them look towards a piece of ruble coming down towards them before reaching their wounded hand out towards me.

"God please just let me reach them!!" I beg to myself as I dive to reach them sooner

I barely graze my fingers against Y/n's before the piece of ruble smashes onto their hand causing them to let go and my eyes widen

"Y/N!!!!!!" I scream as I try to bed down more to reach them but they're already to far from me

"PLEASE!!!" I yell as tears pour out of my eyes as I see their figure get smaller and smaller

I get pulled back by Casita but I resist and try to dive after them but instead get incased in a bunch of furniture just like Mirabel

I curl into a ball and sob into my knees as I just see Y/n's horrified expression play over and over again in my head

"No....GOD NO!!" I scream into my knees as everything hits me

"Y/n's dead..." it clicks in my mind and all the furniture comes off of me and I see my mama and papa

Antonio runs into my arms as Dolores places Abuela down to sit before rushing over to me, I just let my arms hang at my side as all emotion from my body just leaves

"Camilo, Mijo, are you ok?" My mama asks me and I just stare at the Crack where Y/n had fallen

Dolores looks over to where I'm looking before trying to listen before realizing her gift is gone, as are all of ours

"Come on Camilo" my papa says as he helps me stand up and I look over at Mirabel, her expression the same as mine

As we walk towards somewhere where I can sit down without being in harms way I see Tía Julieta grab medicine and then going back towards Mirabel

I sit down and just look blankly at our house, at my family, everything just black and white. I slowly look down at my hands and see the bracelet I had stolen from Y/n at my gift ceremony

I fiddle with it before one emotion comes back to me....


I stare down at the bracelet then look back up at Mirabel to see Tía Julieta helping clear off all the dust from her face and checking her for injuries when I look back down I see something on the floor and slowly stand up

I walk over to the thing on the floor and see it's the bracelet I had given Y/ laid right by where Y/n had fallen down into the crack to their death

I fall down to my knees as I feel myself beginning to cry before I grip the bracelet tight and bend over my knees, to where my face is close to the ground, and let out the most heartbreaking scream I could and everyone goes silent

"They're gone...they're gone...they're gone and it's all my fault!! I should've just tried to get to them sooner than just standing there and watching for so long!! I COULD'VE SAVED THEM!!!" I yell at myself in my head as my scream turns into sobs

"Camilo!" I hear Antonio cry as I feel him hug me but I don't move from my hunched over position

"I'm sorry Hermano...." I hear Dolores whisper as I also feel her hug me

I feel myself begin to cry harder as their grips on me become tighter and I feel a few wet droplets on my back

"Please...!!!" I beg "Y/n please....just come back...." I beg as I feel a large hand on my back

"We'll find them Camilo...I know we will...." I hear my papa say as he also hugs me and my mama joins

"I just want my Y/n back......"

Ngl I tried to make that as painful as possible, I gotta get you guys in the feels. I've already started the next chapter so that should possibly be out in an hour or so

And I've been notified of yet another idea stealer, without credits of course. Their @ is "Zaymzay" I of course am not gonna add their actual tag but if you look it up it should pop up, they happened to do the same as the last person who copied(made it an XOC)

^thank you @S1lv3r_likesGI for notifying me!

I've already messaged them but again afraid they won't respond so thank you guys if y'all decide to help and remember don't be rude about it just politely bring it up!

I hope you're having an amazing Morning/Afternoon/Night!

I love you all!!

Bye Bye Loves❤️❤️

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