Chapter 33: Juan, Oliver and .....

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~Y/N P.O.V~

I feel Camilo's arm wrap around my waist and I look over at him, and he has a knowing look. I kiss his cheek and he turns to me with a frown

"I'm not even gonna be near that guy, I'm gonna be here with you" I whisper to Camilo and he nods before I kiss his lips and stand up to finish up helping Mirabel get ready for the scary stories

As I walk towards the back to get more supplies and I hear someone else walk over and I turn around to see Dolores

"Oh hey Dolores!" I say and she smiles

"Hi Y/n! Camilo is having a real hard time trusting people again after what happened last week huh?" Dolores says and I nod

"Yeah...don't get me wrong I love his protective side but he's practically given me a curfew of when I need to be home and won't let me go on adventures with Mirabel anymore. Yes I know I almost died but I learned my lesson!" I say as Dolores raises an eyebrow at me

"Ok I MOSTLY learned my lesson but still!" I say as I grab another box

"Honestly this is the most I've seen him care about anything, when he poisoned the ladies fish he couldn't care less" Dolores says and I stop

"He what now?" I ask and she looks back at me

"Camilo poisoned that ladies fish, the one who still held a grudge?" Dolores asks

"So you mean to tell me! Camilo is the reason Bruno has trauma from that fish and is the reason I have to listen to all of Bruno's nightmares about it?!" I say as my eye twitches

"Hey not my fault you decided to favorite Bruno as your favorite 'Uncle'" Dolores says before she looks at my face and covers her ears and walks off

"CAMILO MADRIGAL!!!" I yell as I run and drop off the supplies with Mirabel before looking around for Camilo

"Whatever Dolores told you Amor it wasn't true!!" I hear Camilo yell from upstairs and I run after him

I look around and see his bedroom door close and I run towards it

"Mirabel you doing the scary stories alone!!" I yell down before I burst into Camilo's room and look around

I close the door behind me and try to be as quiet as possible as I think of a way to get Camilo to come out of hiding. Soon an idea pops into my head

"Man, too bad Camilo isn't here....I really wanted some cuddles but I guess I'll just go and finish helping Mirabel—" I say before I hear him drop down and come running at me

I lift up my arm and soon he's thrown me over his shoulder and is quickly walking to his bed, before gently laying me down and cuddling up to me

"That's always gonna work" I say as I run my fingers through his hair before flicking his head and he whines

"What the hell is wrong with you Camilo! You poisoned that ladies fish, seriously?! Do you know how many nightmare stories I have to hear from Bruno!" I say to him as he looks up at me and sticks his tongue out and I pinch his nose

"Tomorrow you're gonna go and tell that lady the truth! And apologize to Bruno!" I say as I play with his hair

"It's been ten years since that all happened!" Camilo says as he turns his head so his ear is laying against my chest

"And yet Bruno is still traumatized" I say

"Besides what about your false Abuelo, I'm not going into town and you sure as hell aren't while he's here. I lost you once Mi vida I'm not loosing you again" Camilo says as I softly smile

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