Chapter 18: Camilo??

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~Camilo P.O.V~

I run out of my room and stand by my door, I bring my poncho down to see if it covers my situation, thankfully it does

I slowly walk down the stairs and make my way into the dining room and see everything's already set up

"Thank god" I think to myself as I walk into the kitchen and grab a plate

"Camilo!" I hear my mama say I turn around

"Sí?" I say grabbing some food and putting it on my plate

"Is Y/n here?" My mama asks and I freeze

I hear Y/n's soft whimpers and moans in my head and I feel my face get red as my situation begins to hurt

"W-What makes you think she's here?" I ask and mentally curse myself for asking

"Because you're acting weird and Dolores told me she was here. I'm fine with her here but make sure Abuela doesn't find her" My mama says as she walks away

I let out a big breath that I didn't even know I was holding in and slowly make my way to the table

As I sit down Antonio is just talking to his animals and playing with his animal shaped nuggets and even comparing some to his animals

I smile as I look at him before turning my attention back to my food, I feel situation slowly die down and I happily sigh

"Alright everyone I think it's time we bring up a topic that needs to be discussed," Abuela starts before looking Tío Agustín and Tía Julieta

I raise an eyebrow at them and look at Mirabel, she just shrugs at me

"Well.....we're having another kid!" They both say happily and I cough

"Wait what?!" Mirabel and Isabella say

"I'm not gonna be the youngest anymore!!" Antonio cheers causing his animals to go haywire

"I get another niece or Nephew!!!!" Mama screams and papa tries to calm her down as a harsh wind started to blow before a rainbow appeared

I look back down at my food as I zone out, ignoring everyone. As I stare at my food I begin to imagine how me and Y/n would make kids

Them beneath me as I sucked on their neck, leaving more marks. Than slowly making my way down to the area I was trying to get to earlier before Abuela interrupted us. As I make my down there they squirm beneath as soft moans begin to escape their mouth. I slowly begin to pleasure them making them moan out my name over....and over....and over....and over—

"Camilo? You alright you keep fidgeting in your seat?" My mama asks me as I snap out of my daze and look around to see everyone staring at me

"Huh? Oh yeah no I'm ok! Yup, one-hundred percent alright! Don't worry bout me!" I say as I give them all a fake smile

Everyone looks at me funny before going back to all their conversations, and I let out a sigh of relief

I feel someone hit my shoulder and I look over to see Dolores, she looks uncomfortable and I sigh

"Was it about hear me and Y/n or hearing Tío and Tía" I sign to Dolores

"Both. But mostly Tío and Tía" Dolores signs back and I nod as I roll my eyes

"Camilo?" Antonio whitely asks me as he tugs on my poncho

I quickly fix it before answering him "Yeah?" I ask

"Why do you have a stick in your pants?" Antonio asks me and it gets everyone's attention

I pause and look at Antonio funny

"What stick? Antonio I have no stick" I say back as I begin to sweat

"Then what's that?" Antonio asks as he points to my situation

"It's uh....sweets! Yeah sweets that I saved for later" I quickly lie

"Yeah sweets for Y/n..." Dolores mumbles and I elbow her

I look at everyone and awkwardly smile before quickly eating the rest of my food and practically running into the kitchen

I sigh as I safely make it into the kitchen and out my plate and silverware away before another imagine if Y/n pops into my head

This time it's them on top of me, slowly making their way to my face before whispering dirty nothings into my ear.

I grip the side of the counter as I look down and see my tents gotten bigger

"Fuck" I think to myself before I hear my Papa

"Camilo, are you good?" My papa asks and I let go of the counter and give him a thumbs up

"Aye! Mijo, do you have a...y'know" My papa asks and I look down before slowly nodding

"Is it because of Y/n?" He asks and I nod again

"Then go find them and have them help you fix it" My papa says "I'll get Dolores out of the house and somewhere with moderate volume so she's too bombarded with that so she can't hear you" My papa says before I hear him walk away

"Is Y/n even gonna be okay with it...I don't wanna pressure them into doing it if they're not ok with it....Maybe I can just sleep it off" I think to myself as I make my way upstairs

I get to my door and open it to see Y/n laying down on the bed doing whatever and I make my way over to them

As I near them more images flash on my brain and I feel my tent get tighter again

"Y/n...." I say and they look over at me

"I see you still have that situation" they say with a smirk

"I hate to ask this of you but....please just help me..." I say as I look away flustered

I hear them get up from the bed and walk over to me, I feel their hand place on my cheek softly and they turn my face to face them


And that's it for this chapter folks, I know it's short and I'm sorry about that😅

I hope you all have a wonderful Morning/Afternoon/Night!

I love you all!!

Bye Bye❤️❤️

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