Chapter 36: "Small" Adventure

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~Y/n P.O.V~

"Why not get Dolores as well? And Camilo? I mean Dolores probably already hears us and Camilo can shift into Juan to get answers" Señor Félix says

"Dolores sure but I don't want Canilo to be dragged into this. And if Dolores does join, I'll stay with her to make sure nothing happens to her" I say and Félix nods before we hear Bruno's door open

Agustín and Félix stand in front of me and Bruno while Bruno gently pushes me behind him. As the door fully opens we just see it's Dolores and everyone sighs

"I want in. No changing my mind and you guys really need me" Dolores say as she walks in all the way and shuts the door

"You know where Tonito is?" Señor Félix asks and Dolores listens for a second

"Yeah he just got home, oh and Mirabels looking for you Y/n" Dolores says and I sigh

"You guys get Antonio on board, I'm gonna go and see what Mirabel needs" I say as I walk out of Bruno's room

As I walk out I see Mirabel about to walk into Camilo's room but she turns to me

"Good I was just about to come and get you! Do you wanna go and help me find something! Abuelo Pedro left something at his old town and needs me to go and get it, but I wanted you to go with me since well you need out of the house" Mirabel says and I feel my heart sink

"Uh...well um....sure...." I say and Mirabel smiles

"Great! We can use one of the town horses" Mirabel says as she begins to walk towards the stairs

"Hold on I gotta go check something!" I say and Mirabel nods before waiting

I run into Camilo's room, and check on the babies, before grabbing three of them and placing the other two in baby carriers and placing them in my puma. I walk out and Mirabel smacks her head before running over and grabbing one of the three babies in my hands and one of the carriers

"I gotta return these little guys if we're gonna go somewhere" I say and Mirabel nods

"Wait, can't like the dads and Bruno look after them? I mean Bruno doesn't like to leave the house and my Tío and Dad don't got much to do" Mirabel says as all three men walk out of Bruno's room with a bunch of rats

They look between me and Mirabel and look at the babies and P/n before I see Félix and Agustíns pupils go wide and they rush over, gushing over the babies

"Awww they're all so cute! Are these the babies you're babysitting today Y/n?" Agustín and Félix asks and I nod

"Heyyyyyy could you three look after these Five for like maybe an hour...?" I ask and Agustín and Félix wuickly nod and take the babies before going back into Bruno's room

Bruno looks at me with a scared expression and I shrug before he runs after the two husbands and his rats follow

"Alright now let's go!" Mirabel as she begins to walk towards the stairs again

I hesitantly follow her and as we're about to leave I see Carlos

"Carlos!" I call out and he looks at me before nodding his head, indicating for me to continue

"Can you tell Camilo that I'm going to Pedro's old town with Mirabel, I don't want Camilo freaking out if he can't find me" I say and Carlos nods and gives a thumbs up

Me and Mirabel walk out and go towards the stables and grab two horses, I climb up as Mirabel does and we begin our journey into the old town

"Wow we get to see where my Abuelo and Abuela met! And where they had my mom and Tïa and Tío! Apparently My Abuelo and your Abuelo Juan rebuilt that whole town on their own!!" Mirabel says as she smiles and I softly smile

"Yeahhh because that's not fucking suspicious at all" I think to myself as we continue to trot through the forest

"Hopefully Camilo doesn't freak out while you're gone" Mirabel says as she nervously laughs

"I told Carlos to tell him so we should be fine. What did your Abuelo Pedro want us to get anyway?" I ask as we come up to the mountain

"We have to find a lady named Mary, she has ointments that my mom needs" Mirabel says as we hop off our horses and carefully walk up the middle crack in the mountain

As we walk I turn around and make sure that my horse is getting through okay when I see a Jaguar running up to us

"Antonio! Did you seriously follow us?!" I say and Mirabel turns around

"I had to make sure you guys were protected!" Antonio says as his Jaguar runs up beside us

"Tonito! You....ugh alright just stay close to us" Mirabel says and I nod

We get passed the mountain and me and Mirabel get back on our horses before running through the forest and Antonio hops along the trees with his Jaguar

We get to the river and Antonio's Jaguar halts before jumping onto the back of my horse, and I scoff as we walk across the water. As we reach the other side the Jaguar hops down and we all continue on

We all talk along the rest of the way until we get into the town and see a few people walking about. I look around for maybe a med building or a hospital of some sort but don't see one

"Excuse me!" Mirabel calls out to one of the townsfolk and they wave and smile

"Hi! Can you tell us where maybe we could find a Mary?" Mirabel asks as her and the town person talk I look over my horse to make sure Antonio's still here and he is

"Alright thank you!" I hear Mirabel say before she begins to walk off towards a house

"Come on Antonio" I say as I follow Mirabel and Antonio follows me

Me and Mirabel put our horses near a fence and tie their reins to it before we enter the building, I stay back at the entrance with Antonio as Mirabel goes inside to get what her mother needs

"Did you tell Camilo you were coming here?" Antonio asks

"Do your parents know you're here?" I ask Antonio and he looks down

"No...." Antonio says and I smile before ruffling his hair

Mirabel walks out a second later with the bag of ointments

"Alright let's go, I don't really wanna stay here much longer" Mirabel says as she hops back on her horse

I grab Antonio and place him on top of my horse before hopping on myself. We quickly trot out of the town and I look back to see everyone watching us as we leave

"Mirabel we need to take a different path ho—" I say before I'm cut off by something, something loud and gut sinking

Camilo's scream.......

Hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and if y'all can't tell I love leaving you guys on cliff hanger😌

Sorry this one came out so late I felt unmotivated to write it today but still wanted to push a chapter so here you guys go!

I hope you're having an amazing Morning/Afternoon/Night!

I love you all and am so proud of you!!

Bye Bye Loves❤️❤️

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