Chapter 45: My part

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⛔️Very important A/n at the bottom⛔️


~Y/n P.O.V~

"Wait what're you gonna do?" Mirabel asks me

"I'm gonna keen to your Abuela distracted, and besides I have some genuine questions for me" I say and Camilo and Mirabel look at each other

"What?" I ask as they look back at me

"Are you sure that's such a good idea?" Mirabel asks and I raise an eyebrow

"Mirabels got a point I mean, aren't you two like not on very good terms?" Camilo asks and I cross my arms

"We're actually okay and she doesn't hate me so much anymore. She still hates the fact I have half of you gift but she'll be okay" I say

"I mean I just feel like if she says one wrong thing you'll attack her like a scary, crazy ass little dog" Camilo says and I glare at him

"Oh please like you wouldn't do the same crap if you saw Carlos!" I snap back at him and he blinks twice before nodding

"Alright fair point fair point" Camilo says

"Just don't push any of her buttons" Mirabe says and I wave her off

"Yeah Yeah, let's all just go" I say as I open the door and pet P/n on the head before I walk towards Alma's room

As I get near P/n softly growls and bares their teeth and I look at them. I slowly walk up to Alma's door and press my ear against it, as I do so I hear her and 'Pedro' talking. I can't make out what they're saying but as the talking dies down and footsteps are heard, P/n drags me to the side and hides me behind a plant just before 'Pedro' walks out. P/n glares at 'Pedro' as he walks past and goes downstairs and out the front door. Once it's clear P/n hits me with their tail and I come out of my hiding spot and walk back over to Alma's door. I knock on it three times before Alma opens the door

"Oh Y/n! Is there something you needed?" Alma asks and I nod

"I just have a question about well me and Camilo's situation..." I say and she sighs before nodding and stepping aside, letting me in

I walk into her room and look around, she has the standard old lady room but with stairs and an elevator, going up to her bedroom I presume. She has a bunch of tables with lamps on top, a sofa with a the design of the candle on it, a rocking chair with a knitted blanket, a basket full of yarn for kitting beside said rocking chair, she had a magenta rug underneath the main coffee table. Her walls were a darker magenta color.

Alma walks over to the rocking chair and sits down in it as I continue to look around before she coughs and I look over at her

"Are you gonna sit and ask me your question or continue to look around my room?" She asks with a raised eyebrow and I squint at her

"I think I'm gonna continue to look around" I say and she rolls her eyes before I laugh and sit on the couch

"What was your question?" She asks as she picks up something she's been knitting and continues

"Um well, I thought it was obvious but, I already know WHAT happened but what I don't know is WHY" I say as I fiddle with my fingers

"Hm well since you know the what then you know that Casita saw how you two interacted and decided to give you half of his gift for soulmate reasons" Alma says and I nod

"But why did Casita choose me out of everyone that was there. Was it just because of how me and Camilo interacted?" I ask

"My guess is that Casita knew something about you two before everyone, even you and Camilo, knew what that thing was. You two just had to figure it out." Alma says and I sigh before slumping back into the couch

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