Chapter 13: We don't talk about Bruno

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~Y/n P.O.V~

Excuse me if I mess up any parts here I only know the song and the scenes in the song by heart not everything else so some/most stuff may be wrong😅

As I run into Mirabels room I see that she's already dumped out all the pieces from her bag

"So which one am I putting together?" I ask

Mirabel points to her right as glass shards are spread out and I walk over before I hear the door open. I quickly pick up all the pieces and shove them in Mirabels bag as the both of us look over and see Señora Pepa holding a clothes basket

"Heyyyy Tia Pepa!" Mirabel says as she has a awkward fake smile and I copy it

"What're you two up to....?" Señora Pepa asks as she sits down on the floor and starts putting stuff away

"Nothing!" We both say quickly in unison before looking at each other and then back at Señora Pepa

"Mmmm" Señora Pepa hums as she suspiciously looks at us

"But I do have a question..." Mirabel starts and I stay back

"Go ahead" Señora Pepa says as she doesn't look up from the clothes

"Did Tio Bruno ever have a last visi—" "You know we don't talk about Bruno in this Familia Mirabel" Señora Pepa cuts off Mirabel

"Yeah but theoretically speaking if he were to have a vision and say...Pfft idk you and your friend were in it what would that mean?" Mirabel asks and I mentally face palm

"Could she make it anymore obvious?!" I think to myself

"I don't know Mirabel but it's best you get that theoretically speaking nonsense outta here, we don't wanna scare off Y/n" Señora Pepa says

"Nah your son gonna scare me off before anything else" I think to myself as I rub the spot on my neck he had kissed

"If you don't mind me asking Señora Pepa, why don't you guys talk about Señor Bruno?" I ask and I see her freeze

"Don't you worry about that Y/n" Señora Pepa says as she looks back at me with a sweet smile before the door burst open and Señor Félix walks in

"They need to know Pepi" Señor Félix says and Señora Pepa quickly stands up

"We don't talk about Bruno!" Señora Pepa says as she places a finger in front of his mouth to shush him

"He would say something terrrible and then CRA TETETETETE BRA! BOOM! It will happen..." Señor Félix explains as me and Mirabel look at each other like he's crazy

"We don't talk about Bruno!!" Señora Pepa says with a sassy movement and a waving finger

"What if you didn't understand what he saw?" Mirabel asks

"Then you better figure it out because it was coming for you and maybe your friend" Señora Félix says as he puts a hand on each of our shoulder

Señora Pepa then quickly pushes him away from us

"We don't talk about Bruno no no no, We don't talk about Bruno~ but" Señora Pepa sings as her and Señor Félix begin to dance

"It was my wedding day" Señora Pepa sings as our surroundings change around us to in front of the church

"It was our wedding day" Señor Félix

"We were getting ready and there wasn't a cloud in sky!" Señora Pepa sings as the sun shines bright

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