Chapter 29: Get Help

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~Y/n P.O.V~

"You're almost home Y/'re almost home..." I hear Mirabel say as I feel myself get hoisted up before I'm laying on top of something fluffy

"God you've lost so much blood" I hear Abuela say and my eyes widen as I look up at her

"Calm down,Y/n, I'm not gonna argue with you. Camilo needs to see his love is alive" Abuela says and I look at Mirabel and she nods

"We need to get my mom though so your uh....puma may have to go and get her" Mirabel says as I look down and see I'm laying on top of the puma as it stands

"Please go and get me help" I say to the Puma as I reach out to Mirabel and she helps me stand up

The Puma looks at the rat and the rat squeaks before climbing up my non-injured leg and up my arm to rest on my shoulder. The puma purrs softly before running off towards the direction of the mountain, Mirabel turns us all around and slowly walks me over to a ledge and we all sit down

"So care to explain what the hell happened to you?!" Mirabel asks me and I pet the rat in my lap

"Well apparently; you guys have a river underneath your house, and it leads to all the wells in the town. And so I got caught up in that and then at one point someone had actually spotted me but the river pulled me away before he could even reach me. I have no idea how many rocks I hit but I found a safe ledge to where I could bandage up somewhat of my wounds, then I saw this little guy in the water and went to save him," I say as I scratch the rats head

"Then I fell down a small waterfall, hit a few more rocks and that's when I think the Puma found me and somehow got me here to safety." I finish as I feel Abuela place something in my back and I look over

"It's some wooly lambs ear Julieta have everyone incase we found Mirabel injured, it stops wounds from bleeding out so quickly" Abuela says as I let her finish up

"What're you doing here?" I ask Mirabel and she looks down at the water

"Camilo broke down after you fell....." Mirabel mumbles and I look at her

"He had gone emotionless for a little while but after he saw the bracelet you had dropped, that was his breaking point. His scream made everyone's heart break, you could just hear the pain he was in..." Mirabel says as I see her eyes begin to water

"And then Mirabel went missing a little while afterwards so I came to find you and well.....that's pretty much when we found you here" Abuela says as I look at her

"I think it's about time I owe you an Apology Y/n....this is long overdue." Abuela says as she turns to face me and grabs my hands

"I am so sorry Y/n that I blamed you for the things you couldn't control; one being what happened at Camilo's gift ceremony and the other being what happened so many years before you were even born. You shouldn't have been the target of my anger since you had no control over all that happened, and even after I continued to treat you like hell you still decided to be there for my family and what you had said to me about Casita being were right, it wasn't Pedro and nothing can make an excuse for my actions towards you. You don't have to forgive me now, I don't even deserve your forgiveness now, but just know I am deeply sorry for how I treated you and your family and I hope that one day you can forgive me" Abuela says before gently squeezing my non-injured hand

"It's gonna take me awhile..." I say and Abuela nods before letting go of my hands

"I know" She says before resting a hand on my shoulder

I feel Mirabel tug my shoulder and pull me into the water as she also grabs her Abuelas hand

"Nah I gotta fear of water now! What the hell you doing?!" I say to Mirabel as I put R/N (rats name) on my shoulder and wobble out into the water

Abuela holds onto my arm to make sure I don't slip as Mirabel pulls us along near a little plant in the middle of the water. I give her a weird look before she looks at both me and her Abuela

"Abuela....remember what you had told me about Y/n's Abuelo's he was one of the men on HE meant to hurt this family but Y/N helped this family?" Mirabel says as I look at her Abuela and her Abuela nods

"Well no wonder Y/n protected this family! She was sent to us from Pedro to protect this family since he's gone!" Mirabel says and I look between the two and they both look at me

"Señora Alma I....I didn't know what my other Abuelo had one everyone talked about him and always said he was the exiled Abuelo, I never questioned it but now I wish I had" I say before Abuela hugs me

"My Pedro sent me the both of you" Alma says as Mirabel gets pulled into the hug as well

Me and Mirabel both stare at each other before we give into the hug and relax, I open one eye to see R/n hugging Abuela's hair and I let out a soft chuckle before I see a bunch of yellow butterflies swarming around us. Mirabel and I both let go as we look around as does Alma and soon the butterflies all fly away as in a path back towards the mountain

"I think that's a sign that we need to get" I say as both of them laugh and we all start to walk back to the shore

As we walk back onto the shore we all hear a horse and soon Bruno on the back of a horse pops out of the jungle

"They didn't do this!! Whoa!!" Bruno yells out as he emerges from the forest

"They didn't do this!!" Bruno yells again as he tries to get the horse to stop and we all just stare at him

I look over at R/n and see it's hiding it's face with their paws and I chuckle before kissing it's head and turning back to Bruno

"I gave them visions!!" Bruno yells as he somehow gets off the horse but his leg is still up

He tries to hold a serious pose but the horse moves over a little bit and he goes falling down

"It was me! I was like 'Go' and they were like 'whoosh' they only wanted to help!" Bruno says as he gets up weirdly and points a finger at Alma

"I don't CARE what you think of me! But if you're too stubborn to—" Bruno says before Alma hugs him tightly and he shuts up

"Brunito" Alma says as he looks at us with a 'what the fuck' face and I laugh

"I feeeel like I missed something important..." Bruno says and I smirk

"No really?" I saw and Mirabel laughs now before we walk passed them

"Come on" Mirabel says as Abuela gives Bruno one last tight squeeze before kissing his cheek

Just then my puma comes prancing out from a bush and Bruno screams as he hides behind Alma. I look at my puma and see they're mouth is covered in blood

"You didn't even make it to the madrigals before you got hungry" I say as I give the puma a deadpanned look and it licks its paws before coming up to me and I hop on its back

"Hey that one of MY rats?!" Bruno asks as he sits on top of the horse with Alma and Mirabel

"Correct it WAS one of your rats" I say as I begin to run ahead with my Puma

"Hey wait a min—" Bruno begins to say before Mirabel cuts him off

"Hang on!" Mirabel yells before the horse starts running

Soon we're all headed back to the Madrigals

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I already know the majority of you ain't gonna forgive Alma and honestly I wouldn't either but I got more plot twists for you lovies!

And thankfully the next chapter is prewritten!

I hope you're having an amazing Morning/Afternoon/Night!

I love you all and am so proud of you!!

Bye Bye Loves❤️❤️

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