Chapter 40: Would it be better?

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~Y/n P.O.V~

Art by @PC_Draws

Thank you so much for this love it's amazing!!

And sorry for not putting Fanart on the last chapter it had just slipped my mind😅


I make my way around the village doing my normal routine with Camilo and Cecilia but as they have a conversation my mind isn't on them, it's on what Carlos had said

"I'm not breaking up with Camilo I mean I hate to be petty but shit I had Camilo first....but Carlos is my cousin....and he was here before Camilo.....No! Camilo will go batshit crazy and probably have a worse attack, I can't do that shit to him! Alright no I'm not breaking up with Camilo.....first come first served Carlos" I think to myself before I feel a hand placed on my shoulder and I snap out of it and look to my right to see Camilo looking at me worriedly

"You okay Amor? You've been out of it all morning" Camilo says as Cecilia also looks up at me and I just smile

"Yup! I'm okay! Just still a little sleepy you know" I say as Camilo smiles back at me before kissing my forehead and continuing to walk forward

I shake my head slightly as I forget about what Carlos had told me and continue on with my morning as if nothing had happened. Help Cecilia's mom out with the baby, and other townsfolk with their babies. And taking them back to Casita so P/n can look after them

"Don't eat those! I get paid to do this shit I ain't losing no money because your fur butt is hungry, there's animals in the jungle" I say as I look at P/n and she purrs softly while bowing her head and I sit on the bed and pet her head

I watch as the babies all sleep and P/n rocks the cribs with her tail, careful not to rock it too hard to where it wakes any of the babies. I lay back on Camilo's bed and stare up at his ceiling as I continue to pet P/n's head

"I'm not breaking up with Camilo, I had him first" I say to P/n and she purrs softly in response

"I mean Carlos is telling me to put family first but he isn't putting ME first. And we made that fucking promise when we were FIVE" I say to P/n

"And I mean he's broken a good amount of promises so far in his lifetime so I'm sure I can break this one" I say and look over at the cribs and P/n

I stare at all of them as I contemplate how I'm gonna tell Camilo and even Mirabel about what Carlos had said to me. I know he got rejected and it sucks but maybe Mirabel just wasn't the one for him? I mean I've seen her hanging out with this one girl and she gets sorta flustered so maybe she's got a crush on that girl

I groan and run my hands over my face as I face the ceiling of Camilo's room once again before sighing as I hear one of the babies begin to fuss

I walk over and grab the baby from the crib slowly rocking it before grabbing of the empty baby bottles from their bag and some of the breast milk the mom had given me before heading downstairs. I have casita carefully glide me downstairs that way my walking around doesn't wake the baby back up. I walk into the kitchen and place the bottle above the stove before Casita turns it on a bit so it's practically on low heat, I wait a little bit before pulling it away and making sure it isn't too hot nor too cold before going back upstairs with the baby in my arms as it drinks the milk

After the baby is finished I wait a few minutes and burp the baby before laying it back down into the crib as it fusses a little bit before falling back asleep.

As my head hits the pillow on Camilo's bed, the devil himself walks in and walks over to me, plopping down on top of me

"Jesus Camilo" I say as he groans before burying his face into my chest, making me blush

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