Chapter 2: What happened that day

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~Y/n P.O.V~

"Wait....what?!" My whole family screams in unison

"The...They invited us to their Gift ceremony for Antonio...." My Abuelo says as he stares down at the invitation in his hands

"Wait they're letting us go again!? After what happened at the last ceremony?!" Ale says

Everyone then turns to me and I sink in my chair as I remember what happens at the last Gift Ceremony........Camilo's Gift Ceremony

~Flashback to Camilo's Gift Ceremony~

I stand beside my mamá and Papá and my cousins as we all wait by the stairs for the ceremony to begin, I look around and see their Abuela Alma holding the candle at the top of the stairs as Señora Pepa and Señor Félix and their daughter; Dolores stand beside her and the locked door.

All the lights dim down but two and the flower curtains draw away and there stands a young Camilo. He looks so proud to be standing there and as soon as the curtains draw back he begins to walk, his head held high and his chest puffed out

I lean a little forward to get a better look at the boy when we lock eyes, he stops for a second before continuing on but trying to seem more buff and brave whenever he walks past me, I let out a little giggle and I see him smile with pride

We all watch him walk up the stairs and finally reach the top where his Abuela is waiting. She makes him promise to use his gift, whatever it may be, to help those in this village and those in his family, he nods his head and walks up to the door

My papá hoists me onto his shoulders so I can get a better look and that's when I see him turn to look back, we lock eyes and  he opens his door by accident. He quickly turns around to face his door when all of a sudden we're all blinded by this bright light coming from the candle.

I fall off of my Papá's shoulders and scream as everyone begins to run in a panic, I continue to scream out for my Papá when I feel someone else grab me and hold me close to them. I grip their clothes tightly and bury my tiny face into their chest. I hear soft grunt and "ow's" escape my holders mouth and when all the running and panic dies down I look up to see who saved me

"Camilo...?" My tiny voice asks

"Are you ok?" His high-pitched,hasn't hit puberty yet, voice asks as he scans for injuries

"Yeah...I'm ok but are you?" I ask as I crawl out of his small arms and look at his back

I gasp and cover my mouth with my hands as I stare at his bruised, scratched, and beaten back.

"I...I'm so sorry Camilo! You're all hurt bc of me and—and..." I say as I begin to cry

"Hey! It's ok! My Tia can heal me real quick with whatever she makes! I'll be fine" he says and he waves off his pain as if it's nothing

Without thinking I quickly, yet softly, hug him which seems to catch him off guard as he just sits there for a split second

"Thank you for saving me" I whisper as I hug him a little tighter and close my eyes

I can feel him smile before he hugs me back just as tightly, as we sit there I notice that it starts to get brighter around us. I open my eyes to see what's going on when I realize that the floor beneath us is lighting up almost as bright as the candle did earlier. Camilo must have notice it too bc he let of the hug

"Wha-what's happening?!" He asks as he looks down at the floor beneath him and I do the same

"Their arms!" I hear his Abuela shout and I look down at my right arm as Camilo does the same but to his right arm

"What're these symbols and marks?!" I ask as I look down at the symbols and marks slowly growing on my arm

I look over at Camilo and see he's also getting marks, he looks up at me and then down at my arm before a light bulb goes off in his head and he crawls over to me

"Can I see your arm?" He asks and I nod as I extend my arm so he can see

He looks back and forth between our arms before his eyes go wide and he smile

"We have the same marks! Twinsies!!" He says as he interlocks arms with me

We hear more gasps and look over at his family. His Abuela looks at his parents and whispers stuff to them before turning back to me and Camilo

"Keep her away from Camilo at all costs" I hear his Abuala say as she begins to walk over to us and grab Camilo by his arm

"Wait Abuala what're you doing?!" He yells as he tries to escape her grip and get back to me

"Keeping you away from that gift stealer!!" She says back to him as they walk up the stairs and towards his room

"Get her out of here!" His Abuela yells "Wait no!!" Camilo yells before he's thrown into his room

I'm soon picked up by young Luisa and carried outside of the Madrigal house

"Sorry" Luisa says as she throws me out and into the mud before closing the house doors

I sit in the mud and look down at the marks on my arm for a good while before my papá finds me and takes me back home

~Back to Present Time~

I look down at my arm and see the marks and symbols before covering it up with my sleeves and turning back towards my family

"Should we even go?" I ask and everyone gets silent as they turn to me

"We have to, they invited us so it's only fair that we accept the Invitation and go" my Abuelo says as he begins to walk away but stops

"Y/n," he starts

"Yes?" I ask even though I already know what's coming

"Stay away from Camilo tonight"

Wow 2 chapters done already, whoop whoop

It feels great to have motivation back in writing!

Tmrw I'm gonna write and things you need to know about the story chapter bc I forgot to do that😅 but for now Imma head to bed

I hope you're having an amazing Morning/Afternoon/Night!

I love you all!!!

Bye Bye❤️❤️

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