Chapter 8: Plots

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Gluzze looked around before grabbing Galaxy's hand. "We need to get out of the open." She said, running off of the road and towards the area where there were older buildings. They had entered Terra near the abandoned building Gluzze had woken up in previously.
She glanced at what they were wearing. She still had the prison uniform with Star's jacket over it, but the jacket was nearly shredded by now, while the pants just a bit ripped at the knees. Galaxy, on the other hand, her once-white knee length dress had been torn to shreds. It had once been a bright white with intricate flowing pieces of light cloth down them. Now, they were stained black and crimson from the Abyss.
Galaxy looked confused as she looked around, folding her wings on her back as she ran with Gluzze. She had never been to Terra, so it was expected. She had no idea what a modern world looked like. "Where are we?" She asked. "I'll explain in a bit." Gluzze replied, bringing the pair into and alley towards the more run-down area.
Galaxy followed without question. Gluzze took them to the abandoned building. "We should be safe in here." She said, sitting down. Galaxy glanced around the room. "Better than the abyss." She shrugged, sitting down on top of a few sheets.
After she had said that, Damien entered the house. "Gluzze? Firetail and Star are gonna freak." He said, surprised. "Yeah, I'm back." Gluzze replied. "Where are they, anyways?" She asked. Galaxy eyed the other dutchie suspiciously, drawing her wings around her body.
"Firetail is at his new job, Star is going to school, and I just escaped from the lab again. Got this on my way out," Damien replied, picking up the gun he had stole and handing it to Gluzze. "Check it out." Gluzze's eyes widened. "Holy shit, I haven't seen one of these in a while," she said. "Oh and Galaxy, this is Damien. He's an escapee from an evil laboratory that kidnaps lot of people including myself." She then turned back to Damien. "So, they got you again?"
"Laboratory?" Galaxy asked helplessly. "Yeah, they do experiments on people, something to do with powers. Some guard found me and I woke up there, but I escaped again and got my memory back." Damien elaborated.
Gluzze extended her cable and showed Galaxy her panel. "And these 'experiments' are cruel, and they force creatures into them. They don't give a shit about you, doing everything in the most painful way. They even starve you as much as they can, that whole ordeal." She said.
Galaxy shook her head. "That is messed up." She said in disbelief. "And they are obsessed with creatures that naturally have power. That's why I wanted to get you out of the open, they would put you through a hell of a lot worse than the abyss." Gluzze told Galaxy.
Galaxy nodded. "I do not think my healing would be much interest to them, but I believe you." She said. "Actually, it could be." Damien said. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were working on getting a few people to do that." Gluzze added.
"Okay, then we just stay away from this 'Lab'." Galaxy said, preening her feathers, just then noticing the black that still clung to them. "Well, they are kinda after us, so that might be hard." Gluzze said. Galaxy sighed. "You did get yourself into quite the situation..." She said.
Damien laid on the floor, bored, as Gluzze paced the windows. "Yeah, and there doesn't seem to be a way out." She muttered. They went silent for a minute before Galaxy spoke up again. "When are the other two getting back? And what is school?" She asked.
Damien looked up at her. "Seriously? You don't know what school is." He said. "I barely know what it is, I was only around here for a month before I was kidnapped." She said. "I-I have only been in paradise. After the Dutch Angel Dragons got kicked out, I have been in the Abyss. Time passes different in other realms. And Paradise was more of a do-your-own-thing sort of place." She shrugged.
"Well it is a place where children go to learn and develop." Damien explained scholarly. "Huh, that would've been convenient." Gluzze said.
Galaxy shrugged. "I am going to sleep while I have the chance." She informed them, laying down and pulling one of the sheets over herself.


Damien stood. "I'm going to the local bank." He said. Gluzze tilted her head. "Okay, I guess I'll keep watch." She replied. He walked outside, unfolding his wings and taking off with a running start, heading to the closest bank near them.
Once he was there, he went inside, approaching an ATM and drawing $500 from his account before walking to a gun store. Once he was inside he looked around before getting himself an AK-12, Star a set of daggers, Firetail two 1911's, Galaxy a standard glock, and he would let Gluzze keep the m4a1, as well as ammo for everything.
After he left the store with a few duffel bags and flew back towards the building. When he got back, he put the duffel bags in a row and told Gluzze to come over, handing her some ammo for her gun as well as a vest with pockets for the ammo.
"Did you get extra magazines?" Gluzze asked, before out of the corner of her eye seeing Galaxy's abyss spreading up her feathers. She ran over to her and shook her awake. "Yeah," Damien replied, tossing her the mags.
Galaxy sat up. "Ugh, even in the waking world the abyss plagues my nightmares." She muttered. "I didn't know what to get you, so I just got you a standard glock." Damien said before throwing her a vest and a few mags.
Gluzze caught the mags and Galaxy half- hazardously caught the other items. She did not know how to work a gun, so just put them down. "You okay?" Gluzze asked her. "Fine, I just need to learn quick, that is all." Galaxy said, standing. "Hm, are my colors too conspicuous?" She asked, looking over the bright pink, blue, and greens.
"There's someone with purple fur in our group who is going to dye her fur soon. I'd suggest a darker color." Damien said. "Really it's your call mainly, the lab doesn't have you in their database so they wouldn't exactly be looking for you." Gluzze said as she started to load the magazines. Galaxy shrugged and looked out the window. "Hey Damien, where did you get all of this anyways?" Gluzze asked.
"The local gun store. I didn't use my real name or anything and I paid in cash." Damien replied. "Where'd you get the cash? Cause frankly we don't need the police after us for robbery." Gluzze said. "My bank account." Damien said. "Didn't know you had one." She replied, finishing loading the mags and putting a few pouches in the vest.
"Me either, until I got my memory back." Damien said. "I literally know nothing about you, so all of this is a surprise." Gluzze said flatly. Damien nodded. "And you I." He said, getting out his gun and loaded in a magazine before putting on the vest.
Gluzze did likewise with her vest as she talked. "Oh, and we might want to get some actual clothes." She said, gesturing to herself and Galaxy. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll wait till everyone gets back and ask what clothes they'd prefer." Damien replied. Galaxy nodded. "Actual clothes would be great. I am sure these are about to fall apart." She chuckled, picking at the blackened cloth.
Gluzze shrugged. "Well at least the vests fit." She said. "That's good, cause I just kinda guessed everyone's sizes." Damien said, sitting down. "Also, imma guess my power won't work so well with your cybernetics." Gluzze tilted her head. "What do you mean?" She asked.
Damien shot a short burst of electricity at the wall then turned into a bolt of electricity before coming back to his regular self. Gluzze jumped back. "Yeah, please don't do that around me. Not only cause of my cybernetics but it counters my natural powers too." She said.
Galaxy raised a brow. "Cool though." She commented. Damien nodded. "Not so cool when your accidentally fry your brother's skin." He said. "Don't even wanna know the story." Gluzze said. "Agreed." Galaxy pitched in. "Probably best." Damien said. "I wonder what time they get off from school." He changed the subject.
"Yeah." Gluzze said. "We should probably get a clock around here." She agreed. "What is a clock?" Galaxy asked. "Something that keeps track of and tells you what the time is." Damien said. "That." Gluzze said. "So kinda like a sundial?" Galaxy said. "I have no idea what that is." Damien replied
"They are a lot different now." Gluzze said. "When was the last time you watched a creature? I know you've been in the Abyss a while but it hasn't been that long, like 6 years." She asked. "Paradise, Ether, and Abyssal times are different than Terra's. When we were kicked out of Paradise, it was around the 1400's. When Bob attacked us, I had been recovering in the Ether while you were on Terra. After that I have been in the Abyss since then while you were on Terra. I missed a lot." She said. "Also, do you know where my siblings are?" She asked.
"Yeah, last I heard they were in the Ether watching a few creatures." Gluzze replied. "Sounds like that sucked." Damien said. Galaxy nodded. "Yes, the Abyss is not a happy place." She said. "So were you two in Paradise before everyone got kicked out? What was it like?" Damien asked.
"Yeah, we were some of the original D.A.D. It was a peaceful place, a lot of white." Gluzze replied. Galaxy nodded. "The sky was clear and the terrain was open. You could fly for days." She said. "The water were clear and cold, and there were large white buildings with beautiful gardens. I do miss my halo." She pondered.
"Sounds great." Damien said. "I've always wondered what it was like for the original D.A.D. In paradise." He laid back down thinking about it while Gluzze paced the windows. Suddenly he got and idea and sat right back up. "I should probably buy everyone phones so we can call each other." He said.
"Are you sure, I mean you've already done a lot for us." Gluzze asked. "What is a phone?" Galaxy said, not helping. "It's a little device that you can communicate with people with and play an occasional game. And nah, we need them and they could be useful in the future." He added. "If you're sure." Gluzze said. Damien again got up to head to the ATM to get some more money out.

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