Chapter 20: Plan

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Galaxy was in the living room with Gluzze when Trippze came up. Cassiel was in the dining room, everyone else upstairs. "Hey, the other mole form the lab is coming here to talk about plans for attacking the lab." He announced.
"More of you, great." Gluzze muttered beside her. Galaxy smiled. "Yes, more icy personalities." She joked. "But I am relieved we can finally get to some action. Im not sure how much longer I could wait around anyways." She said.
"Hey, this one's friendlier." Trippze said before headed upstairs to get the others. Star had left a bit ago to Cliff's house and Firetail was out in town. Galaxy looked over when Cass and Az got down, the two were fighting, Az throwing a paper airplane at Cass and Cassiel growling and crumpling it, throwing it back. After those two came Trippze and Damien.
Damien sat down and Trippze went outside to fly up to the roof. Galaxy yawned, watching Gluzze carefully. She noticed her abyss was moving ever so slightly.
Before she could say anything, Damien got a call and there was a knock on the door. Damien stood and opened the door. "Hey Pheonix, come on in." Pheonix drew in a surprised breath. "I remember you." She said, walking in while glancing at everyone in the room. Beside Galaxy, Gluzze began to growl.
"Yeah, it's me. How have you been?" Damien asked, shutting the door. "I've been stuck in the lab." Pheonix replied as though that explained enough. "You," Gluzze growled, standing. Pheonix tilted her head and looked to Gluzze. "What is it? The lab coat? The stench of fear? Or my face?" She asked flatly.
Azreal raised an eyebrow. "Well aren't you flattering." He said. Damien glanced to Gluzze. "Hey don't attack her, she helped me escape from the laboratory." He said. "The memories-" Gluzze muttered, having flashbacks to when she had seen Pheonix throughout the lab. She had overlooked many of the early experiments. Pheonix spoke. "I didn't experiment on any subjects, at least not directly. I was more there for appearances and unwanted paperwork. I could be been in the chemistry department, but a Jaguar don't want me there." She explained, an impassive expression on her face.
Gluzze grabbed her head, falling to her knees and whimpering. Pheonix looked highly unimpressed. "If this is the reaction you have to anything even remotely related to the lab, you stand no chance against them or Jaguar." She said.
Galaxy furrowed her brows. "Leave her alone." She growled. Azreal smirked. "I wonder if Mrs. Flames stands a chance against Gluzze." He said. Damien glared at him. "I'd rather it not turn into a fight." He said, turning to Gluzze. "And don't aggravate Pheonix."
Gluzze's abyss started to spread rapidly. "Imma kill her." She growled, standing and grabbing Pheonix by the collar and slamming her against the wall, starting to form ice around her limbs, rapidly starting to form around her neck.
"I can handle myself." Pheonix said calmly, her flame markings suddenly starting to move and spread across her pelt. Her fur turned white-hot and the ice immediately melted. She grabbed Gluzze's wrist, leaving it severely burnt and spinning away from the wall, holding Gluzze's arm behind her back. The heat receded to a tolerable pain. "I would hate to accidentally burn this house down because of you." She growled.
Trippze walked in. "Oo, the princess is fighting." He commented. "I SAID TO NEVER FUCKING CALL ME THAT AGAIN!" She yelled, the abyssal tentacle forming from a portal, knocking Pheonix away and slammed Trippze against the wall, wrapping around his neck again.
Gluzze walked over to him. "You want to call me that again?" She growled. Phoenix hopped back up but didn't fight back when the attention was diverted from herself. She glanced at the couch and stole Gluzze's spot without hesitation, ready for her to chill for they could actually talk.
Azreal hopped up, summoning Trivia. "Let him go," he growled, approaching Gluzze. Knowing Trippze, he'd say it again to her face. "Princess," Trippze managed to cough out, smiling. Damien shook his head. "You're an idiot."
"Stay the hell back," Gluzze said as another tentical formed, retraining Azreal as she formed a icecycle and stabbed Trippze through the shoulder. Tears formed in her eyes. "Don't ever call me that, he's the only one that ever could." Galaxy stood, holding her hands out. "Calm down Gluzze, Bob is gone, it does not matter." She said.
Trippze winced. "That hurt." He muttered. Azreal formed Trivia into a knife and cut himself free, then changing it back into a scythe mid-swing, using the back instead of the blade to knock Gluzze away. He sent her far back from Trippze. "If you hurt anyone again, I won't hesitate to kill you here and now." He growled. If she couldn't keep her shit together, and kept hurting others, then he would take care of it.
Damien approached Gluzze. "Are you okay?" He asked. "No im not, he's pissing me off and I've felt like I've been dying since I took abyss out of you and putting it into myself." She growled, turning to Azreal. "Go ahead, I know everyone hates me, just kill me and end the pain." The tentacles receded.
Azreal paused. "Damnit." He muttered, Trivia disappearing. "Just get up. Both of you." He muttered, walking to the stairs to sit with his ears back. Phoenix was impatient and frustrated, though it didn't show. "You ready to talk now, or can you even handle it about this right now?" She asked, annoyed.
Cassiel approached Trippze, putting a hand on his shoulder. The fresh wound healed as well as the broken ribs he had attained from Jaguar before sitting down. "I can, but I don't know about her." Trippze replied to Pheonix, pointing at Gluzze.
Gluzze growled, standing. "When he stops being a jackass, then maybe." Damien looked to Trippze. "I won't hesitate to put you back into the closet." He threatened. "Yeah, screw the closet." Trippze gave in and sat down.
"Good," Damien said, sitting on the couch. Pheonix took a breath. "So I'm going to assume you at least have a rough plan." She said. Damien shook his head. "Not really, we've been waiting for everyone to get home. Firetail and Star are still gone." He said.
"Actually, I may have one." Gluzze said. "Great, shoot." Pheonix pointed to Gluzze. She took a breath as everyone turned to her. "We need to attack inside and out at the same time, so first we need a sudden power outtage of main and back up power so no security and no way to get cell doors open. With that they can't force the subjects to fight. Next, we need to make it seem like we have more power than we actually do to throw off the guards, so as much noise and explosions as possible. After that just track down Jaguar and over power him in numbers." Gluzze explained.
Phoenix raised an eyebrow. Right, numbers. "The hallways are extremely confusing. Think of the mazes you see on paper, but now make it huge with smaller corridors, more hallways and rooms scattered throughout. Only I know all of it, but Trippze should be able to mess with security and the power." She looked to him. "Damien can short-circuit the cells. I want the fire alarm off, too. We don't want any civilians getting mixed in." She said. "I should be by Jaguar. I'll tell you guys where he is from the inside. Or I'll just stab him myself. Depends on what happens." She shrugged.
"Wait, if we could hack in, we could control the security in ways we wanted it, only if I haven't removed my panel and cabel.....I'll be back." Gluzze said, jumping up and running out of the door and taking off to the river.
"The only problem I see is how to get us inside." Damien said. Cassiel turned. "I can get you in there. Portal." He said. Phoenix accepted this without hesitation. "Great. I'll find an empty room, and we can split form there. I'll bring you guys lab coats and guard uniforms." She said. "Also. What where you guys thinking about doing with the subjects?" She asked. She had her own plans, but she figured it would be better to ask them about if first.
"Probably try and help them find whatever family they have out there." Damien replied, pulling out his phone to take notes of everything. Gluzze got back and walked in, carrying her cybernetics in her hand. She looked soaked. "Damien, I'm using your computer," She said as she walked upstairs to his room.
Damien was about to ask was she was doing, but she just figured he'd find out later. "So, anything else you need to know?" Pheonix asked. "Yeah, what all does Jaguar have planned anyways?" He asked.
Phoenix took a breath. "A lot. He's opening up a bunch of new laboratories across the nation, but instead of housing subjects, they're mostly just gonna be housing the power vials and do experimentations on the chemicals and stuff. There's a serum- you already know about that. He's gonna test his limits on how many people he can control at once. They're opening up a new branch of military for people with and without natural powers can sign up. He will give those without powers the vials, as well as 'vaccines,' though it will really just be to get the serum in them. After that, he'll have around a few thousand under his control within the lab, and it will just keep speeding from there. He hopes for governmental overthrow. Killing millions. You know." She said, hoping he understood all that. "The people that fund us don't know about any of that. They have great influence. The vaccine and branch will be too far gone before they realize what hits them."
"Wait- so will everyone know he's the one opening it up?" Galaxy asked. Pheonix laughed. "No, again, we have lots of.... funding. He pulls some strings, and he's hidden." She said. "Then how about the school? Does Jaguar know that Star is there?" She asked. Pheonix shook her head. "I haven't heard anything about it." She replied as Gluzze came downstairs.
"What did you need my computer for?" Damien asked. Gluzze tossed her cable and panel at Pheonix. "I'm too unstable to be going into the lab right now, so I hooked your computer to those electronics so when we attack you can plug that into the laboratory's main frame and I'll be able to control everything from the power to the damn coffee machines." Gluzze explained.
"Great," Pheonix said before turning back o Galaxy. "I don't even think that Jaguar cares about finding you guys anymore." She admitted. "That would be nice." Damien said. "Yeah, but we still should keep on the down-low." Gluzze said. Pheonix nodded in agreeal. "Definitely. If he sees chance to take you back, he'll take it." She said. "Again, precious years of experimenting and money as well as word of the lab spreading."
"Oh yeah, we tried to get news about the lab to spread by mouth but it didn't end up working. We should probably try by internet now." Gluzze said. Pheonix shrugged. "Just try to make it as big as possible." She said.
"I can probably get my family to get a news station to cover it." Damien said. "But I'm not sure if they'd be willing to, they've done a lot already and they're going to start wanting favors soon."
"Well I'd say this is pretty damn important, I wouldn't mind becoming a criminal as long as we succeeded in this." Gluzze said. Pheonix nodded. "With the main lab gone, the rest shouldn't be able to operate. They won't have the supplies or direction to be able to run." She said.
Trippze suddenly laughed. "Ahh, that's funny." He said towards Gluzze. "Yeah, none of you are working for my family." Damien said firmly. "Okay then." Gluzze shrugged. Pheonix tilted her head. "Who is your family, anyways?" She asked. "The De' Santo drug cartel." He replied.
"Interesting." Pheonix said, one ear flicking lazily. "Okay, and how about you three?" She pointed to Azreal, Cassiel, and Galaxy. She didn't recognize them. "Azreal and Cass." Az replied. "I recognize you from the Lab." He added. Phoenix looked at him. "Can't say the same." She said.
Az's form flickered for a moment, back to the skeletal wolf. "Oh." She shuddered, that intense fear having rolled over her for just a second. Galaxy's fur pricked. "What was that?" She asked, not having felt the fear before.
Trippze shuddered slightly. "Apparently that's another form of his." He said. Damien crossed his arms, his hands tight against his elbows. "Yeah, how about you don't do that again." He said. "Or better yet, do it to Jaguar." He added. Azreal smiled. "I won't, I hate it too." He replied, glancing at Cassiel. He seemed to be zoned out.
"Also, what's so interesting about my family?" Damien asked curiously. "Oh, just didn't expect it. We know them, don't bother them. Big, underground... business tend to know- or assume a lot about each other." She replied.
"Hey did you all know them about 6 years ago?" Damien asked. "We did torture and stuff back then just wondering you all ever sent someone our way." Pheonix shook her head. "That's when we had just opened up." She replied.
"You're a freak, Damien." Trippze said, walking towards the basement door. "Darn it, I was asking cause a year before I lost my memory, a load of prisoners came in. And I was the one torturing them. Ahh, I can still hear their screams." Damien said, smiling, "Plus they tasted great."
"Freak!" Trippze said, opening the door. "What the actual fuck?" Gluzze said. Galaxy reconsidered the people she was living with. Gluzze stood. "I'll be up in my room, don't bother me." She said before escaping.
Pheonix stood. "If that's it, then I'll be leaving." She said, headed to the door. Damien nodded. "See ya." He said. A few minutes after she left, Galaxy stood. "I am following her." She announced, not trusting the wild-dog. "Are you sure?" Azreal asked.
She nodded. "She knows where we are, I do not trust her." She replied. "That's a good idea. Make sure to take a weapon if you need it." Damien said. Galaxy nodded, exiting the house to fly after her.

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