Chapter 40: Oh.

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Echo looked over as Trippze came up the stairs. "What was that scream? Is Azreal still down there?" He asked. "That was Firetail screaming. Also that strange fox dude came out of a portal and smacked him. Azreal said he was gonna stay down there to watch Firetail. He said he was gonna catch some sleep down there." Trippze replied.
"Oh, I guess he has been tired here recently..." Echo said, a bit surprised. "Also who even is that? It's really weird." Trippze shrugged. "Yeah he just pops in out of no where and leaves so soon." He said. As he finished speaking, Relath walked out of their kitchen holding cheese sticks. "You all are gonna need some more of these, they're really good." He said, opening a portal and leaving.
"Did he eat the cheese sticks?" Trippze asked, looking towards Gluzze. "Next time he comes through here, we have to get a few questions answered." He huffed, crossing his arms. "Nooooooo-" Gluzze shouted as she ran into the kitchen, looking around. Star came downstairs with a huff. "Weirdo." She growled, staring down the place where the portal was a second ago. Gluzze started rummaging around the fridge. "He took them all..." she said with a pout.
Star crossed her arms, then flopped on the couch, arms behind her head. "Ahhh, who else thinks this whole keeping-these-idiots-locked-in-our-basement thing is stupid?" She asked. "It's better than having them out on the loose." Trippze said. "Then why don't we just kill them? I mean aren't they like, terroists or something?" Star asked, as if it was obvious. "Not until they undo whatever they did Azreal." Trippze replied.
"Oh, yeah." She said. "Too bad things are going kinda sideways." She said awkwardly. "Hey, stranger dudet, what did they do to Az, exactly?" She asked. Madara looked up. "The symbols somehow are draining his power faster than it can replace itself. Obviously from being in the lab, he didn't have much to begin with anyways. His true form is being chipped apart." She replied.
"Is there any way to get him his power back?" He asked. "Not that I know of. Honestly I don't know how it really works, it's a new spell of sorts." She said with a sigh. "All I know are simple reversal spells. I'll have to see the symbols first. I'll do it as soon as he comes back up." She said.
Trippze just sighed and looked at the TV in boredom. Star shrugged and sat up, wondering if anyone was gonna say anything about what to do with Firetail. She didn't like being cooped up in the house. She thought about going for a walk through the forest, maybe even going back to that old barn...


Firetail woke quickly, standing and starting to wonder around his cell, muttering gibberish. In a split second he started to bang on the walls of his cell again, his limbs were starting to feel numb from all the banging. Phoenix growled at him through the wall. "Pass out already, will ya??"
"Will when they drop dead." Firetail growled back as he started to claw at the door. Suddenly he remembered his power and pointed his tail at the door and started to blast it with flames, seeing if that would do anything. The door actually started to melt, but very slowly. Phoenix sniffed the air and put a hand to her head. His funeral. She thought. Firetail smiled as he continued to melt the door.


Blacklight suddenly spoke up, snapping Star out of her thought. "Does anyone else smell smoke?" She asked, tense. "Fuuucccckk-" Star cursed and went to the basement door to see if the smell was coming from there. Az was still out cold in the hallway. Trippze followed close behind her.
Firetail got the door to the point where he could mold it, and started melt a hole though it. Star went down the stairs. She went over to the cells and her eyes widened when she saw the hot metal. "He's melting though-" she saw Az still asleep and went over and shook him. "Wake up." She hissed. He didn't. I need his help- fuck, why isn't he waking up? Is it because of the power thing? Did they do something to him?? Her mind raced.
Trippze looked over at the cell and quickly grabbed a sedative. Firetail got the hole big enough and stepped through, growling. He looked at Star as he started to rush at her. Trippze rushed towards Firetail, holding the suppressant. Star jumped backwards from him, holding out her daggers with shaky arms. "D-dad please, I don't want to fight. Please." She pleaded.
Firetail hesitated for a second when he heard that, but was over come with rage as he kept charging and lept at her. She twisted and moved out of the way, turning around. "Why are you doing this?!" She shouted, not understanding, as Trippze jumped onto Firetail's back and tried to inject him with the suppressant.
"'Cause those robots are getting in yalls heads, they are the enemy." He shouted as Trippze jumped on him, he started to scratch at Trippze and threw him off, though Trippze had managed to get the suppressant in him. "I will do anything... To get you to think... straight..." He said, vision getting blurry. He stood for a few seconds before he fell over and threw up. He looked at Trippze with a snarl, and he forced himself up and tried to swing at Trippze, but just fell again and started to have a seizure.
Fuck. At this rate Firetail is gonna ruin getting Phoenix and Zane out. Trippze thought, getting up and grabbing the syringe pulling it out of Firetail's back. Star stood there for a minute, frozen, not knowing what to do. "W-What's happening to h-him?" She stuttered, trying to make herself move to help.
Phoenix watched them the window. "He's not a very bright one, is he?" She commented unhelpfully. Trippze looked at Phoenix, then to Star. "I don't know." He replied. Star snapped out of it and just held Firetail's head up a bit. After a minute he stopped as he passed out.
Echo shook his head and checked his pulse. He had gathered the medical supplies and made it down the stairs. "Seizure. Probably going to have slight memory loss." He said. "How many rooms are there down here?" He asked Trippze as Star turned back to Azreal, shaking him again. Still no response, and she was starting to really worry.
"I think two more." Trippze replied. "Oh my god, what is happening." He said quietly, rubbing his face before picking Firetail up. Star looked up. "I don't think Az is waking up...." she said, ears pinned back. Trippze came over and sat beside Azreal. "Hey man, c'mon wake up." He said lightly, shaking him, worried. He didn't give any reaction, he was still breathing but jut not waking up.
Echo sat Firetail down in the room. "Sorry." He muttered, locking that one before going back into the hall. Trippze looked at Star. "Can you help me get him to his room?" He asked, standing. "Y-yeah." She said, trying to pick him up bridal-style. It was difficult, but he was lighter than she had anticipated. She looked up at the stairs and sighed before climbing them, pausing at the door and looking back. "No hands." She said simply.
Trippze came over and opened the door for her. She headed for the second set of stairs. "When I left him last, he was lying down to take a nap." Trippze said aloud, wringing his wrists anxiously. "Is he okay?" He muttered, barely audible.
Star paused before she responded. "Well, he's breathing." She replied before going down the hall and putting him on his bed. She saw there were a lot of downy feathers everywhere and rolled her eyes and walking out, stretching. "It probably has something do with the powers. I think that if we just go in ahead and kill them, this whole problem will be over with." She pointed out.
"Probably, but for the time being we can't kill them." Trippze argued. "Why not?" Blacklight asked, coming up the stairs behind them. "Yeah, why are you so against killing, I thought we'd be having to talk you out of it." Star said, crossing her arms.
"That's my other self you'd have to talk out of it, I'm more civilized than he is." Trippze retorted. "Also, I bet they know a way to get Azreal his powers back if they're the ones that took it." He added.
"Wouldn't killing them stop the drain of it?" Blacklight asked. Star was getting annoyed with everyone. "wHy DoNt We Go AsK." She said, headed down the stairs. "I mean, it's not like they can lie and possibly make the situation much worse, ya know?" She said, taking out her earring.
"True," Trippze said. "Let's go interrogate some terrorists." He said, punching his hand with a fist while heading down. Blacklight followed, she also wanted to check on Firetail. Star went over to Zane's cell. "Hey Mr. terroist/cult leader, mind blatantly telling us how you are taking our friends power and how to get it back? Although he is less annoying in a coma, we still would rather him be awake." She said in a chipper voice. It took Zane a minute to process that, then she smiled. "Well, we don't want him to die, now don't we?" He said, then paused again to annoy her.
Trippze went over and grabbed a few suppressants in case he needed it. There's bigger fish in the sea anyways... Zane thought, glancing backwards. "What is that supposed to mean?" Star questioned. Zane tilted his head. "You..." 'You can hear my thoughts, can't you, coyote?' Star smirked. "I dunno, can I?" She replied. He laughed. "I knew that laboratory had something weird cooking." He said, still drawing the conversation out. He just hoped they would get bored and leave him alone. They had enough people to make their escape now. He stood and walked to the door with a yawn. He still needed that marker to perfect a spell. He had thought it would work on Victoria, but it had quite obviously failed, so he wasn't going to take any risks this time.
Trippze ran looked over at Zane, putting the suppressants in his pockets. Zane looked down and nodded. Star grumbled something under her breath. "That's enough diverting the topic. How do we stop whatever magic you did?" She asked. He looked to the side. "You make those scars disappear. But, sadly for you, you don't have that time." He replied. "Yeah, well what if I just kill you?" She growled. He laughed. "You could try." He replied, obviously not taking her seriously. She crossed her arms.
Trippze came closer to the cell, then remembered something from earlier, and ran upstairs looking for a marker. "That can't be the only way, though." She persisted. He shrugged. "It is what it is, kid." He said. Do I have to go though his memories to find out for sure.... I don't know, that didn't end well last time. Star thought, glancing at Trippze as he ran off. No. I don't want to do that ever again.
Trippze found a marker and put it in his pocket, heading back down to the basement. She sighed and turned, seeing Trippze as he came back down. "Says that either the scars have to dissapear, which is what I assume Cass took care of last time this happened with Jaguar, or they have to go." She told him. "Or at least, that's what a managed to get out of him. Trippze nodded. "Well, that's something at least." He said. She sighed. "I'm still up for killing the terroists." She said and went back upstairs.

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