Chapter 26:

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"His phone is at the lab," Firetail said. "Everyone get to the basement." He said. Gluzze snapped out of a daze, following him. Echo, Star, and Cassiel also followed him downstairs. Star sighed, and the other two didn't say anything.
Firetail put on a ballistic vest, tossing some to the others as he started to lead up gun magazines. "Trippze is at the lab. He has definite motive to betray us, we aren't going to take any chances." He said.
Gluzze put the vest on at Star put the puzzle pieces together. "Wait, so you mean we're attacking the lab right now?" She asked, eyes wide. "No, we're not attacking. Besides, Damien and Azreal aren't here. But we sure as hell aren't going to be attacked." Firetail said. "Stash weapons everywhere, set up traps, be ready for if guards come. Not a single one of us is going back to the lab." Firetail finished.
He got a notification from his Damien. It read, 'Hey, Pheonix is coming over. She has been compromised.' He hummed and sent a reply. 'Send her here, we are fortifying the house.' He sent back. Gluzze grabbed a shotgun and some string before headed back upstairs.
Star nodded and went to grab some things to set up around the house and entrances. Gluzze started making a trip wire at the door, connecting it to the shotgun, aimed at the door. Firetail started to stash weapons around the house.


Damien was on the phone with Pheonix. "It was probably Trippze who gave you away." He said, shooting Firetail a text. "What? Why would he do that? He was the one who roped me into all of this." Pheonix replied, annoyed. "He and Gluzze got into a fight, and now he's pissed." Damien replied. Pheonix growled. "See you in a minute." She replied.
When they arrived at the house, the first thing Damien did was find Star. "Hey, tomorrow I don't think you should go to school. I don't think it's be a very good idea at this point. Or at least if you do, take some weapons with you." He said.
Firetail was walking past them with the RPG from earlier. "Yeah, neither of us should go. Oh yeah, what about that Cliff guy? How much does he know about the lab?" He asked. Star nodded to Damien. "I wasn't planning on going, it's way to chaotic right now." She said before turning to Firetail. "Cliff knows a good bit. I'll probably warn him about all of this in a minute." She said.
"I may have to sit outside his house to make sure Trippze doesn't try anything with him." Damien pondered. "Well, it may be better to just bring him here, being able to keep a constant eye on him may be smart." Firetail pointed out.
"Maybe. I'll text him." Star said, pulling out her phone. 'Hey Cliff. Something came up with the lab. We are worried that their agents may try to hurt you, especially since you were with us the day we showed the guidance counselor that stuff. We are fortifying the house, we figured you could come over so you can be safer.' She sent.
A few minutes later she got a response. 'I talked to my mom, she said it was okay for me to 'come over.' You want me to drive over?' He sent back. Star looked up. "He said that he was in the all clear to come over." She said. Firetail out the RPG down. "I'll go pick him up." He said. 'Firetail said he'd pick you up. See you in a bit.' She sent. 'Okay, you too.' He replied.


Trippze was still in the infirmary when Jaguar opened the door again. The creature had regained his composure, though he was tense, and his eyes were narrow. His usual smile was gone. "Powers. What do you want?" Jaguar cut straight to the point. "How about... telekinesis?" Trippze replied. "Still in development." Jaguar turned, walking down the hall.
Trippze ran after him, falling into step beside him. He looked up at Jaguar, but didn't say anything, seeing as he was deeply concentrated, his eyebrows furrowed. Jaguar turned the corner, knowing them like the back of his hand. They walked into one of the older rooms in the back of the Lab.
Jaguar unlocked the door before walking in. Trippze caught the door, and when it shut behind him he flicked the lights on. Jaguar was opening a fridge, pulling out a vile with a dark purple liquid in it. "All powers start small." Jaguar said, holding the vial up to his face in a warning as he approached the counter in the center of the room.
"You know full well that I ain't gonna listen to any warnings. It's all or nothing." Trippze replied. His phone dinged, and he looked at the message. It was from Pheonix; 'One thing: Fuck you.' It read. He smiled, typing out a response. 'One thing: You would.' He replied before turning to what was at hand.
At this point, Jaguar had a needle out. He was drawing the liquid into a syringe. After it hit a certain mark, he moved to switch out the needles. One he screwed on the new needle he walked up to Trippze, pulling up his sleeve. Jaguar didn't say anything as he put the needle through his skin, pushing the fluid under his skin. His crimson eyes were steady.
Jaguar took the needle back and went to put it in a sharps container. Trippze moved his arm in a circular motion. "I don't feel anyth-" He didn't get to finish the sentence, starting to cough violently. Jaguar smiled, leaning against one of the counters near a sink, tail curling behind him. "Told you, still in development." He said, waiting to see if it took to him or not. It was unlike other powers, it had a twist... ingredient within in.
Trippze slowly stopped coughing, wiping blood off his nose before reaching towards a cup that was on the counter. With a migraine rising, he was able to levitate it a couple inches above the counter before letting it drop. "Yeah, I'm gonna need to do a lot of training." He said, rubbing his head.
Jaguar rolled his eyes, standing straight before leaving. Trippze walked out after his headache cleared up, deciding to just poke around the lab, saying hi to a few people he actually had withstanded. As he went towards the old cell block, he ended up winding in front of the testing room that held Azreal's wings.
He glanced around the room, seeing that there were a few scientists poking around with the wings as well as guards within the room. 'I'm gonna have to come back at night.' He thought, turning to head back to his old bunk.
When he entered the room, he noticed his bunk hadn't been messed with. He sat down, deciding to get some rest before training the telekinesis while he waited for the guard-shift gap.

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