Chapter 42: gAbE

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Zane and Pheonix stopped at the motel and picked up the rest of their members and items before switching cars before hitting the road again. They needed to make it to the bunker. Really, attempting to kill the rest of the lab subjects was just an attempt to tie loose ends. But they were done messing with them now.
Zane snapped out of his thoughts as Azreal started to move finally in the back of the van. His eyes widened, they hadn't tied him up. But it seemed to just be a nightmare. "G-go away....... don... don't hurt..." he muttered. Zane glanced back to the road. "Vivid nightmares?" He muttered, then shook his head and ignored him.
They eventually reached a different city and stopped at a gas station to take a break and switch drivers. "You sure it's safe? What about someone seeing him?" Phoenix had asked, referring to Azreal. "Trust me. Even if we lose him we'll still have what we need. We just lost bait. But we still have... methods." Zane replied. "Besides. We aren't going to get caught." He gave a wide smile as he grabbed some chips to eat on the road.


Eventually, they arrived at the bunker. The rest of their members had been occupying the abandoned hunting bunker in the outer edges of a large neighboring city. Zane got someone else to carry Azreal in and they started getting the power and water back on, and he took the opportunity to finally get the blood out of his fur.
Phoenix brought back a few sandwiches and went back, setting the food on the table in the main room then choosing a room at random and locking it behind her, glancing around. She sat on the old bed, thinking for a minute. Surely they could pull this off, if they had gotten Azreal. The only thing she was worried about was the fact that he hadn't been nearly at his full strength, the other would be. But she had faith in their spells.
Phoenix was called hack down into the main room. She poked her head around the corner of the brick wall, seeing its was just Zane there and not the others. "Hey." She said with a yawn. "Hey. I have a list of supplies, there should be most of them here in the bunker. Wanna help me dig some out?" He asked. "Sure, Babi." She said with a smile, walking over to the table to take to take a look at what he needed. "Hmm... I'll get what I can recognize. You know I was never into the whole witchcraft-stuff." She said. Zane nodded. "Yes, I remember... it is useful, though. You should consider it." He said.
Phoenix shrugged and walked to the shelves of books with Zane behind her and started going through them, looking mainly inside jars lining the shelves infront of the books. She wondered, in the back of her mind, if this was worth the effort. Blowing up a few buildings, killing innocents, and for what? Sure, she had plenty of things that would allow her to hold a grudge. Her villiage was destroyed, leaving her an orphan with a sister to raise by herself, until they met Zane. Then Jaguar had to come along, and she messed up. She ruined a lot. Her life had been a mess, the only clear moments being when Zane gave her an objective, a reason to keep fighting, even if it was just for some silly revenge.... she pushed those thoughts away, though. She owed everything to him, she couldn't have doubts now. She was back in the right track, and she would be his power. She would help him claim the land that he wanted, the influence he craved. They needed it to improve, to be like the other nations... that was thinking to far ahead. She turned a jar over in her hand, reading the worn label.
Phoenix put the stuff down. I really hope this works. She thought, organizing it before going back upstairs for she wouldn't have to talk more on the subject. She thought back to Galaxy, how they had talked before she had killed her. She wondered if she could find the morgue she was in after this. All it took was a cancellation symbol for her to turn to ash, per the normal.


Zane took the ingredients and was casually reading an article on his phone while he ground the ingredients in a mortar. There where a few people bustling about, getting used the the place as well as ready for the spell. One was reading a book, then came over to Zane. "Look- if we can get an Angel blade we can subdue them... unless it's a minor god, then it might kill them..." he said. "Pheonix already has one. We just have to make sure it's not an archangel, it doesn't affect them." He replied. "We'll have to cancel the spell, unless we manage to scrounge up an archangel blade from this old hunting place. Their rankings are being messed up right now, so that could easily be the case." The person nodded and went back to looking for the blade via reading the entries in the book.
Zane glanced back down to the article. It was about the Falkland Islands 'incident.' He happed to know the archangel that laid within there that's as, obviously, not public know. "'Explosion' my ass.... that's why we don't want to mess with the archangels." He muttered to himself. "But that sword would be useful..." he pondered.
Back at the bunker, everyone was getting ready. Zane walked up to the cell in the basement, pretty much just a plain grey cement room. He took a claw and dug into Azreal's chest, making a few adjustments to the symbols. Az woke groggily, glancing around at first, then saw Zane. "Oh... oh hi Mark." He said, sitting up. Zane tilted his head. "My name isn't-" "Oh right, wasn't it like Zelda or something?" Azreal interrupted him with a tired smirk.
Zane didn't look amused, thinking he probably shouldn't have woken him up. Az glanced around. "You know what? I'm kinda tired. I might go back to sleep." He said, pulling at the chains in confusion. "You've been asleep for- Nevermind." Zane quit talking to him, instead grabbing a vase of something and starting to pour it in a large circle on the floor. Azreal sniffed the air, then suddenly became more alert. "Dont tell me that's- what are you doing?" He growled suspiciously.
He squirmed away from the oil. "Don't get it near me." He growled. Zane glanced up. "Oh, don't worry, it's not for you." He chuckled. Az seemed to tense a tiny bit. "Then what are you doing?" He asked. Zane shrugged and ignored him, grabbing the bowl from earlier and starting to make a few markings on the surrounding walls. Phoenix poked her head in, holding the Angel blade. She glanced at Azreal. "Hey, how come this never worked on you? You're not an archangel." She asked. He glanced up. "We'll there's a general rule that death doesn't die, but here recently I'm questioning it." He replied without thinking.
Az guessed what they where doing pretty easily. "Alright, what little guardian angel are you summoning?" He went ahead and asked. Zane glanced up. "We have no idea." He smirked, before lighting a match. "We'll find out." He threw the match on the oil and it lit, making a circle of fire, and they stood back and waited. Eventually a figure appeared in side the circle, ocean blue eyes narrowed in annoyance.
Azreal glanced from the figure to Zane. "Hey. You really need to work on that. You just got yourselves and archangel." He told them. Gabriel looked down at him. "Still hanging out with the mortals?" He scoffed. "What happened to you?" Azreal rolled his eyes. "None of your business." Az said. "I'm 'banished', or whatever. Anyways, looks like your trapped here too." He smirked. Gabe looked at the fire. "Seriously? Where did you get this?" He demanded of the two, Pheonix herself looking disappointed she couldn't use the blade. Zane didn't answer.
Gabriel put his hands in his pockets, going silent. He looked over Azreal, seeing he didn't look to good, hell, even worse than last time he had seen him. Then he glanced back to the other two. "Alright, what do you want out of me?" He asked gruffly. Zane glanced at Phoenix, her handing him the blade, then back to him. "Power." He said, approaching. "Can't get enough from this realm." He twirled the blade, short compared to Gabe's height. Gabe didn't even get out of reaching distance, just looking down at him. "You mortals disgust me." He said, baring his teeth. Zane shrugged. "Order of events." He said, taking the chance to test something. He slashed Gabe's chest, leaving a huge gash from one side to the next. He didn't flinch. Underneath his skin and the blood was a faint white light, and the wound was already healing itself. "Figures." Zane muttered and walked out of the room.
Gabe glanced back down at Azreal. He looked like he was trying to go back to sleep. "Hey. Why aren't your wounds healed?" He asked curiously. Azreal opened an eye. "Look at me, they've drained me so dry I can't fight back. Ever since my banishment I haven't been myself." Gabriel tilted his head. "Why don't you just show your true form and get out of this mess? You could have killed that strange green man, you could have killed those two... but you have not." He asked. Azreal went silent for a minute. "I... I made a deal with Lucifer a while ago... I can't show my true form without burning off this form and going back to my original. I don't think it's worth it. Not to mention that there's the risk of killing mortals when I reveal the form." He said reluctantly. "That is stupid. And why did you make a deal with him?" He growled. Azreal rolled his eyes. "It was when we where kids, after one of Micheal's outbursts. Let it go." He replied. "So you have not- do you even know what your true form looks like??" Gabe asked. "Well- uh..... no...?" Gabriel sat down, folding his wings tighter and sighing. "What happened to your companion? The one that-" "shut up, they'll come soon." He said, turning away, as they both went silent.

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