Chapter 36: Newcomers

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--Friday Morning--

Firetail was up first. He stretched and threw on some new clothes before walking down the hall. He poked his head in everyone's rooms just to make sure they were alright. Star was still asleep and Echo was opening his curtains... Gluzze was still asleep on her bed... Azreal was putting new bandages around his wounds... He walked downstairs to poke around. Trippze and Blacklight were asleep on the couch. He flipped on the kitchen lights and opened the fridge, grabbing eggs, bacon, and milk before turning to the cabinets for bread and powdered sugar. French toast it is... He thought, starting to make the toast on a pan over the counter.
Soon enough, everyone came down within the next ten minutes. Blacklight turned on a cartoon for Gluzze as Trippze sat at his feet, no doubt planning on steal beacon. Star was the last to make it downstairs, backpack slung across her shoulder. "Hey Dad, do you think It would be safe to go to school?" She asked, sitting down near the base of the couch. Azreal was gazing at the cartoon with a questionative face. "I'm not sure," Firetail replied hesitantly. "If you do, make sure you have a weapon." He said. "Yeah sure." She said, grabbing her backpack. "I have my daggers, Imma go catch a bus." She said as she walked out the door.
Trippze took the distraction, and flew up on top of the counter and stole a few pieces of bacon before hopping down, running over to the couch jumping on top of it. Firetail glared after him but didn't say anything, just waving to Star. Trippze looked at the TV and watched the cartoon with Gluzze. "Just stay safe." He called after the teen. "Will do!" She shouted and closed the door. Az shook his head. "I don't see why she's so eager to go to school." He stated.
"Me either." Firetail said with a smile as he started to put food on plates. Azreal grabbed a plate and sat down in the dining room. Echo watched Trippze as he chose to start running around the house. "You'd think he couldn't possibly get enough sleep to be this energetic." He commented, standing. Trippze ran into a wall, shook his head, then started to fly around, occasionally running into something. "How is he still not getting concussions?" Blacklight added. Fire smirked. "Or he's just gonna be a mute." He said.
"Maybe it's why he can't talk yet." Echo put forward, knowing it might convince Trippze to stop running into walls and be more careful. Azreal caught onto that. "Yeah, probably." He added casually. Trippze stopped grabbed a pencil with his mouth and scribbled something on a piece of paper before running over to the, 'Maybe it's because I don't have a milkshake right now.' He had written.
"Hmm, I don't think anyone wants to go get you a milkshake though." Azreal replied, still teasing. Echo walked into the dining room and glanced at the paper. "Yeah, looks like you're out of luck bud." He continued. Trippze looked like he was ready to murder everyone there and grabbed the pencil, scribbling something else down. 'Past me had the right idea. Milkshakes are the best and are a divine drink' He wrote. " Azreal was having fun seeing him angry. "I have to disagree- they where only truly divine when the ambrosia was in one." He said, ready to make this into a full-fledged argument. Echo couldn't add to that one. Trippze dropped the pencil in shock and pounced at Azreal.
"Are you wanting time out?" Firetail asked, sitting down at the table. Az laughed caught him, putting him right back down on the table. Echo smirked. "Yeah, definitely no milkshakes with that behavior." He said. Trippze looked at Echo and licked his lips. Food, he thought. Echo shook his head. "I think I know what you're thinking twerp, and the answer is no." Trippze huffed igdignatly.
Az stood and washed the plate off. "Are we going to do anything about our 'kidnappers' of sorts?" He questioned. Echo spoke up. "I think we should leave it be, you've already had your revenge on Jaguar and look what happened; the subjects burned along with him." He said, then went quiet, leaving the rest up to them. "But Jaguar wasn't the one that killed Galaxy and Cassiel, are we just gonna let their deaths go un-avenged?" Firetail said asked. "What do you mean, it was Jaguar's venom." Azreal said, not having been caught up to speed. His fur prickled at the mention of their deaths. "Is there something you didn't tell me-" he narrowed his eyes, waiting for him to answer. He honestly had thought to was over after he killed Jaguar.
"Oh yeah, we forgot to tell you, when Jaguar had me captive I asked about Galaxy. He had no clue what I was talking about. And also what's to say Pheonix didn't get some of his venom from Jaguar to frame him? She was the one who set the lab on fire, ans she isn't here right now. She wasn't in any of the vans." Firetail said Azreal's eyes went wide. "What do you mean FORGOT?? It was MY brother who died-- why didn't you tell me this when she was here?" He growled, looking like he was trying to control anger. He trembled, his mask he had oh-so-carefully placed crumbling. So they had proof that is was her, and didn't say anything? Was this before or after the lab burnt to the ground? He remembered Pheonix's face when she came to the doorstep. Like she switched from annoyed to innocent in a heartbeat when he asked about the Lab. Was that also feigned? Was she in front of his face this whole time?
"Well, we weren't sure, and didn't want you going and murdering someone innocent." Blacklight said nervously, wringing her wrists absentmindedly. She didn't want to make him angry again. "Well she WAS, damnit." He retorted, walking to the door. "We could've ended this sooner, now we have who knows how many more psychos on our tails." He growled as he opened it. Echo stayed out of the conversation, to nervous to contribute.
"Yeah, but what if she wasn't? You would have killed her for no reason. Also where are you going? To attack them? If they were able to take you once, they will be able to take you again!" Firetail shouted after him. Azreal paused, a dark look crossing his face. He spun around, his teeth baring as his eyes flashed white. He summoned Trivia, and his form changed to the one of the skeletal wolf. A wave of pure terror washed over them. "Do not underestimate me... You seem forget that I am death." He glanced back and spread his wings, taking off before they protested further.
Firetail went silent, choosing to take the plates into the kitchen, washing the syrup off. The mood had just darkened, and no one wanted to break the heavy silence. "Stuff's going to shit..." he muttered under his breath. They always tried to hide their problems under happy interactions, but of course there were bound to be cracks in that. You couldn't keep it up forever, for there is only so much one can stand alone. He sat on the couch, thinking as he stared blankly at the TV.
Echo tilted his head, walking over to the couch. "You okay?" He asked quietly. "I'm fine." Firetail replied quickly. "Something's bugging you though." He prodded. Blacklight stretched, heading towards the stairs as to stay out of their conversation. Firetail started to get annoyed. "It's complicated--" As he was speaking, Blacklight let out a small scream of surprise. Gluzze started to growl, and Firetail instantly jumped up and ran over.

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