Chapter 23:

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Echo woke up around an hour after Firetail had left him there. He stood, grabbing the notebooks and pen and walking downstairs. He saw Cassiel on the couch and tilted his head, approaching the coyote. "...Hello?" Cassiel said after a minute. "Hello!" Echo said cheerfully in his voice. He liked how quiet and calm Cassiel seemed.
Damien and Gluzze walked into the living room, and Gluzze diverted for the kitchen. "Hey Echo, Trippze and Echo are on their way back with the ingredients for the reflector spell." He told the dragon. "Trippze." Echo repeated, giving a thumbs down and sticking out his tongue.
"Yeah, Trippze sucks." Damien chuckled. "Okay, so my name is Damien, and the fox that was with me is Firetail. That is Cassiel, and this is Gluzze. Star is a coyote, she's probably up in her room. She'll probably know what's going on though, she can read thoughts." He told Echo, pointing them out respectfully. Echo in turn gave a slightly confused thumbs up.
Gluzze sat down at the counter, and Echo tilted his head and sat at the chair next to her as Damien turned on the TV. "Who are you?" Gluzze asked. Echo paused, taking out the notebook as flipping to a new page. 'Echo.' He wrote, showing her.
Gluzze looked at it then back at him. "Can you not talk or something?" She asked. "Or something." Echo repeated in her voice with a chuckle. As he said it, there was a knock on the door. "We're back!" Azreal shouted before entering.
Trippze walked in after the wolf and looked at Echo. "Hey, Food." He said with a smile as he sat down, sipping his milkshake. "Trippze, don't you even dare." Gluzze growled. "Food, don't." Echo repeated to the best of his ability, ears flicking back.
Trippze chuckled. "Don't worry, I won't.... Yet." He smirked. Gluzze growled at him. "Won't! Wont!" Echo said, putting his hands up. Trippze laughed. "Just kidding." He said. "Kidding," Echo grumbled, crossing his arms.
Trippze sighed. "So, are we gonna do this reflector thing?" He asked. Firetail was walking down the stairs. "We got what's needed?" He asked. Azreal stood. "Yep. Damien, do you have the chant? I think that it was Latin, I can read it without summoning a demon or something." He said, pulling the quartz out of his pocket.
Damien nodded, handing over a piece of paper he had wrote it down on. Azreal read it over, muttering the translation under his breath before putting it on the counter and going to grab a bowl of water. "This witch stuff if less about recourses and more about belief. That's why this is going to be a breeze." Azreal said as he filled the bowl.
As he put it on the counter, he told Echo to sit opposite of him. He put the quartz in the water before taking Echo's hands and starting to read the chant. „Blogis, kuris pas mane atėjo, grįžk nuo savo kelio, aš atspindėsiu tavo energiją ir sugrįšiu tave atgal ties savo šaltiniu." He muttered, his eyes closed in concentration.
The quartz within the water started to leak a black substance, but it dissolved into the water after Azreal was done talking. He grabbed it and handed it to Echo. "Now, speak." He said. Echo tilted their head. "Soo, is the cur- oh my gods are you serious?" His voice was very raspy at the moment. He clutched the crystal tightly.
"Keep it on you at all times, or it won't work." Azreal said, standing. Trippze looked over. "So, Food got his ability to talk normally back." He commented. Echo looked up, ruining a hand through their feathers. "So you're saying all these years I've been living in a literal cave, and this is all I had to do to get rid of this curse?" He asked a bit crazily.
Azreal shook his head. "Nope, you would've had to find a fellow god of relative power to Hera." He said. "That's the only reason why it worked. If anyone else tried it, they would've probably had it backfire on them, then have Hera's attention on them, and that is never good." He explained.
"Okay then... I suppose I will get out of your hair now. Thanks you for your help, really." Echo said, standing. "Hey, it's no problem." Damien said. "I will eat you one day." Trippze said. Echo was out the door quickly.
Gluzze stood, following quickly as to catch them. "Hey- wait!" She called before he could take off. Echo turned to her. "Why did you help me?" She asked him. Echo thought. "Helping someone in need isn't something I really need to think think about. And fighting off abyss is my specialty, so it's no problem, really." He replied.
Gluzze looked down. "I wish I could repay you somehow. You really helped." She said. Echo flashed a smile. "It's fine, really." He said, looking up at the sky. "I just have to find out how to re-enter this society... it's been a while since I've lived with people." He said.
Gluzze's eyes lit up. "Hey, do you have any wager to go?" She asked. Echo hummed. "No... I have the cave, but that's the extent for the moment." He said. "Though I was thinking of going back to the Ether..."
"Well, would you like to stay here for a while? We have an open room, and most of us have to re-enter society too." Gluzze offered. "... I'm not sure if I can do that, I wouldn't want to get in anyone's way." Echo replied.
"Trust me, it will be fine. It'll at least give you a place to stay until you find somewhere on your own." Gluzze reassured them. "Thank you," Echo said, relived as he pulled her into a hug. "Really. I honestly have no idea what I'm going to do."
He admitted with a chuckle.
He let her go, looking into the sky. "I don't trust Trippze though. I don't feel like dying anytime soon." They said. "Yeah, no one does." Gluzze said grumpily. "Azreal has to restrain me from murdering him sometimes. If he finds something that will make you mad, he will abuse it constantly. Oh and fair warning, we are all messed up in some way." She ranted.
"That is fine. I'm sure I won't be staying too long, anyways." He replied. "Yeah, but you might want to keep that quartz hidden from Trippze, though." Gluzze advised. "I would've be surprised if he tried stealing it. Echo nodded, slipping it into his front pocket. "Me either. I'm not letting it slip through my fingers." He said.
"Come on, let's go inside." Gluzze said with a nod towards the door. "Right," Echo replied, following her as she led the way up to Galaxy's room. Echo glanced around the room. The bed looked like it had been slept in, but there were no possessions in the room.
"I know it's not much, but we haven't been in this house barely a week." Gluzze said apologetically. Echo nodded. "It's better than intruding... again, thank you." He replied, walking over the bed to straighten the sheets out. "No problem, you too." Gluzze replied.
He smiled, picking up the pillow to shove the blankets under it. But as they lifted it up, he saw a necklace under the pillow. He picked it up. It had two feathers on the string, one obviously Gluzze's, the other a dark green.
Gluzze seemed to recognize the necklace and tears formed in her eyes. "I'm so sorry- can I have that?" She asked. Echo nodded, handing it over as Gkuzze rises out of the room. Echo was concerned, but didn't go after her.

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